28. Hurt Anger and everything bitter

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Another big thank you for the people who just recently followed or fav this story. And once again if any chapters are missing on the wattpad app version, go into the web version and those missing chapters should be there. :)

(Eve's POV)

Elsword brought me to his place, and sat me down on a couch. Breathing has become remarkably easier for me, but I still feel like throwing up all the contents in my stomach. Elsword went into the kitchen to fetch me a glass of water, leaving me sitting awkwardly alone in the living room.

I look around the room--since I had nothing better to occupy myself with-- the living room was trashed with tissue paper, old wrappers, dirty socks; it looks like a tornado hit here. I'm quite suprise Camilla hasn't forced Elsword to clean this place up.

"Oh Eve," I look up to see Camilla looking straight at me. "Nice to see you here, sorry about the mess honey."

"Oh er no problem." I reply sheepishly.

Camilla looks horrible--no offence. Her hair was a total disaster, large bags sat under her bloodshot eyes, she had on a dirty stained T-shirt, and jeans. I've known Camilla for quite sometime now, and she is the type of person who rarely ever looks like a mess.

"Well I'm going to go out for a bit." She says while slipping on her jacket. "Thanks for visiting Eve."

"Where are you going?" Elsword suddenly pops out of no where. He looks at his mother with bitter eyes, his hand clutching the glass cup tightly.

"No where in particular." She shrugs. "I might be back late, but I left some dinner for you in the fridge so you won't have to starve."

"Mom please don't break your promise." Elsword says quietly. "Think about me, think about sis! How would Elesis react if she was here with us right now."

Elsword's word's caught me off guard, immediatly my heart dropped to my stomach and my mind jumped to a terrifying conclusion.

Elesis is dead.

My jaw slightly fell at the thought of it. I glance between Camilla and Elsword, scared about what's going to happen next. Camilla simply shook her head with tears trickling down her cheeks. Elsword looks at his mother pitifully as she grabbed her purse and walked out the front door.

"Els?" I whimper. "Is Elesis--"

He quickly walks over to me and hands me the glass of water," shh, I'll tell ou everything soon." He says warmly. "I first need to make sure you're okay."

Nodding I slowly gulp down the water. I asked Elsword several times to tell me what's wrong but he refused and continued to tell me I needed to be well first. Knowing I'll get the same answer each time I stopped asking. As much as I want to know I won't force him to tell me. He doesn't have to if he doesn't want to.

"She's still here." Elsword suddenly said. "My sister, she's not dead if that's what you're thinking."

"She isn't?" I ask with shock.

"Well I guess all of this has to do with sis in some way." His voice sounded cold now. "He found out about my sister's injury, and decided to pay her a visit. He called my mom and wanted to see us again."

"He as in--"

"My poor excuse for a father." Elsword said through clenched teeth. "That man wanted to have dinner with us. He wanted to talk things over with us, and worst of all that man has another wife and children."

"That explains everything." I thought outloud.

"He wants to bury the hatchet with us." Elsword continued. "When he told mom about his current life mom lost it, I can't bame her. That man ditched her for other women and now is married to another one. He abandoned his family and kids, and yet he expects us to go out to dinner with him being all happy." Elsword laughs bitterly. "I bet he wants me to meet my step sublings."

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