34. Under A Thousand Stars

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(Eve's POV)

Tests, tests, and more tests. Now I'm not talking about the tests they make you do at school, honestly I'd rather do those! I'm getting quite irritated with needles, they get pretty annoying after the 3rd injection.

It's been a little over a week since the Ara confession, and since then we've been contacting each other through the power of visits every second day! The tension that was once between us seems to be lifted, and honestly that's a huge relief on both parties. She told me there was some tension between her and the others, but after a whole lot of support from Rena they each slowly began to forgive her. At least I can rest in the hospital knowing that Ara is fine now.

My dad comes to visit me after work each day, and my mom comes to visit every morning before heading off to work. Seeing them visit everyday is such a touching thing, it makes me happy that I'm blessed with such amazing parents like them.

Rena and the others come for surprise visits, and now that our Spring break is over Aisha decided to come over each day after school to tutor me. She would often ramble on about all the latest things that happened in school, but she's a good teacher in the end.

The only person who didn't come is Elsword - well not after hearing that confession from Ara. Aisha told me he's been really distant and quiet lately, and we both have an idea of why that is. I guess I can't really blame him, after all he overheard a very shocking confession and then I rudely kicked him out. I just hope he's going to be okay.

"Okay, Eve, you seem to be healthy as ever!" Ariel happily announces as she scribbles something down on her clipboard. "Today we're going to work on getting you back on to your feet!"

I nearly squeal in excitement at Ariel's statement," that's great! I've been dying to get out of this bed!" I sing happily. Ariel smiles at my childish behaviour, while I on the other hand continue my little happy dance.

"Let me get your a wheel chair, we're going to start your first walking session at the main lobby." Ariel adds on with enthusiasm. It's been so long since I've seen her with this much energy again. "I'll be right back, so sit tight."

I give Ariel a childish grin," it's not like I can go anywhere." I point out matter of factly.

Ariel lets out a small giggle as she heads out the door. I can't help but smile gleefully to myself while humming a small tune. If I can walk properly again I can go home! It's been forever since I've slept in my fluffy bed, and surprisingly enough I'm looking forward to going back to that prison called school!

Staying in a hospital for this long can do strange things to you...

"Hey there princess, look who's here!" Aisha announces loudly. "Today we got lot's of math homework, and our teachers all wish you a fast recovery!" Aisha explains while dragging a chair by my bed side.

"Aisha also forgot to tell you she brought us," Rena shakes her head in disappointment as she walks into view. Chung and Raven follow in shortly after her. "Shame, such shame. How can you forget we came with you as well?"

"I was excited to see my best friend again," she defends with a confident smile. "She gets better and better each time I come, so of course I'm super excited to be here!"

"Hey, Eve, you look like a person again!" Chung greets, ignoring the little debate that's taking place between Rena and Aisha. "How are you feeling today?"

"Great! Besides my weak heart I'm good as new!" I proudly announce. "In fact Ariel is wanting me to begin walking again today!"

"Wow our little baby Eve is growing up," Ara chimes in. "She's finally learning how to walk!"

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