18. The Blizzard

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(Eve's POV)

"Morning!" I sang at Elsword. "Come on in." I gestured him to come in. He rushed inside without another word, I wouldn't blame him. It feels and looks like an ice age out there!

"I can't believe we still have to go to school in this weather." Elsword rubs his hands together. "I came extra early, because I wanted to chill here for a bit."

"Well take off your stuff, and come on in the kitchen. I'll be more than happy to serve you some hot chocolate." He nodded and took his boots off. I returned back into the kitchen, and began to pour in some cocoa powder in a red cup.

"Oh good morning Elsword." My mom happily greets. "Do you want something to eat?"

"Morning and no thank you." He takes a seat across from mines. I poured in some hot water, put a spoon in the cup, and handed him his drink.

"It's quite cold out eh?" My mom comments while looking out the small kitchen window. "Eve remember to dress warmly, and Elsword are you sure you have enough clothes on?"

"Yes mom." I reply bluntly. I stab at my freshly made waffles and began to munch it all down.

"I'm good it takes a lot to get me sick." Elsword explains. He took a large sip out of his drink.

"Do you kids want a ride to school?" Hm that does sound like a good offer.

"Sure, thanks dad!" Elsword gives me a doubtful look.

"Are you sure? Wouldn't we be bothering you dad?" So this kid would rather walk in the freezing cold snow, and possibly die from hypothermia than to ride in my dad's warm van? That sounds legit.

"Don't worry I'd rather drive you two to school than to let you freeze to death outside." My dad takes one last sip from his coffee. "I'd suggest you finish that hot chocolate quick Elsword, Eve will be done eating in no time."

"Oh yeah, I forgot I was dealing with Kirby." I narrowed my eyes at him. He chuckles and ruffles my hair, my face started to warm up. The butterflies began to dance around as usual.

"Wh-what ever. Just please be quiet and let me eat in peace." I stuff some more waffles in my mouth. Elsword began to quickly gulp down the hot chocolate, while I finished the last of my food.

"Thanks for the hot chocolate." He brings the cup to the sink.

"Alright you kids get ready; I'm going to be waiting in the car." My dad gets up, and leaves for the garage.

"Honey, wear a jacket at least." My mom scolds. Dad gives her a reassuring look.

"I'm only going to be in the car no worries." My mom crosses her arms at his statement. "I'll make dinner tonight." My mom shook her head in approval. I hope we're having those hotdogs tonight! I haven't had dad's hot dogs in like forever!

"If your dad makes hotdogs call me." Elsword whispers in my ear.

"Yeah, yeah, but remember to bring your mom along too." It wouldn't be fair for Camilla to eat at home alone. Plus she's in love with my dad's hotdogs. I filled a cup up with water, and took my usual pills out. A strange, soft vibrating noise suddenly caught my ear's attention; I turn around to see Elsword pulling out his phone.

"It's Chung complaining to me about how cold it is." He explains while replying to the text. "I told him to bring some gloves." I think I should do that too. I quickly gulped down my pills and headed upstairs to look for gloves.

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