19. Between Life And Death

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(Elsword's POV)

"That blizzard was unbelievable!" My mom rambles on. "I thought we'd be locked in here for the whole night."

The blizzard eventually ended, but we still stayed behind for dinner. I must say, Eve's dad is quite a good cook; I wonder what life would be like if my dad never cheated on my mom. I shook those depressing thoughts out of my head, and returned to eating my mashed potatoes.

"It was quite crazy." Daisy agrees. "Shoveling all that snow will be a pain."

I already know mom will make me shovel. I won't blame her; she's always dead tired when she gets home. Since I'm not much of a help with making money, the least I can do is help with the house work.

"Elsword, you're shoveling when we get back home." Why am I not surprised she said that? I simply nodded, and she began to talk about the weather and what not with Eve's parents. I find it strange how adults can talk about normal things, of course this won't last for long, because the upcoming generation of old people will be far from normal.

"That was yummy!" Eve leans back on her seat. My eyes slightly widen at her empty plate, heck there's not even a crumb left! Eve, you never fail to impress me.

"Thanks for dinner." She brings her plate over to the sink, and skipped back to the living room. Heck no, I don't want to sit here and listen to them ramble on about the weather! I quickly gobbled the rest of my food down. Thanking Daisy for the food, I placed my plate in the sink, and headed to the living room.

"So what're you up to?" I sit down beside Eve.

"Finishing the homework." She wrote down the answer to one of the questions. "Are you done yours?"

"Yeah." I took out my phone, and fired up a game. Unfortunately my game was interrupted from a text message.

Hey Elsword! What r u up to? J

No offence but doesn't Ara have anything better to do?

Nm just at eve's house

I tapped my finger on the phone, waiting for her to reply.

Why are you there?

Sorry, but it's not your business, you're technically not my girlfriend anymore so you don't have to know the reason why. It was tempting to write that, but being the 'nice' person I was I responded nicely to her.

Blizzard was 2 strong. I stayed with eve and had dinner at her place.

I see. U should hve dinner at my place one day :D

We'll see

I find it awkward to have dinner at my ex's house. Maybe that's just me, but it feels wrong. I felt a warm breath brush against my cheek; I turn around to see Eve staring at my phone. She noticed me and blushed. She bounced away from me, and looked around nervously.

"I-I um . . . sorry." Her cheeks were almost as red as my hair now. I chuckled at her and ruffled her hair.

"No problem, you can see my texts." That only deepened her blush. I couldn't help but smile at her reaction.

"Bu-but I didn't have your permission before, so i-it was wrong to look," she continued to ramble on. I sat back and smirked at her ramble. A few minutes or so passed by, and she still continued to talk. Heck the topic wasn't even on texts anymore; somehow she's turned the topic into rockets! If I don't stop her now, she'll just ramble on for the whole night.                                                                                                              

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