14. The beath trip part 1

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(Eve's POV)

"Yes finally done!" I cheer as I write down the answer to the last question. "I can relax now!"

"Hey stop bragging about it!" Aisha snaps. I stick my tongue at like a child. "Geez I came here to do homework with you, not sit here and be laughed at by you."

"I'm not laughing honey." She rolls her eyes before returning to her work. "I'm going to make a call, so I'll just be in the living room if you need me."

"Alright have fun."

                I flop onto couch and whip out my phone, clicking the call button on Elsword's phone I nervously wait for a reply. He told me that he and his mom will be staying at the hospital for the day. Camilla looked dead when we had to return back home, I hope that Elesis' condition is better now. My heart skipped a beat when I hear the ringing stop.

"Hello?" I hear an emotionless voice greet. Butterflies start to march around in my stomach, why is this happening?!

"H-hello." I reply dumbly.

"Oh hey Eves, what's up?" He continues to talk in his emotionless tone of voice.

"Um I was just wondering if y-you're okay, and if Elesis is any better." Why am I getting all nervous like this; I'm just talking to a friend! Maybe I'm starting to slowly lose it, oh balls I'm going crazy!

"Elesis is still the same." He sighs. "Mom ran out crying a few minutes ago, but I'm alright."

"W-well if you want, I-I can go over there to keep you company." I really hate to let him go through something like this alone.

"Nah it's alright, just hearing the sound of your voice keeps me company." I blush at his comment. "Thanks for worrying about me."

"No problem, I'm gonna go now; i-if you need anything call me alright?"

"Sure, bye Eves."

"Bye Els." With that I hung up. Part of me wanted to call him back while the other part wants me to just go over there to see him. I still don't know why I'm always thinking about him, but it's really starting to interfere with my everyday life. Heck I'm even thinking about him when I'm doing homework!

"Are you done drooling over the conversation with Elsword?" I snap out of my thoughts and glare at Aisha. I'm just glad my mom is out buying groceries, if she heard that she would never let me live it down.

"I-I'm n-not drooling over the c-conversation!"

"Then why are you stuttering?" She asks slyly.

"I-I'm having a talking disorder!" I blurt out. She rolls onto the floor, clutching her stomach as she laughs her brains out. "Shut up! This just isn't my day okay?!" She rolled around to my response.

"S-sorry, b-but you're just so funny when you're nervous!" I sit back and let her finish her laughing fit.

"I'm not nervous! I'm just kind of sleepy." I comment after I was sure she was done her laughing fit. This was true though, I didn't exactly have the best sleep last night.

"Then why were you blushing when you were talking to Elsword?"

"It's hot in here, and aren't you supposed to be doing homework?" I hiss.

"I can always finish it later tonight." She shrugs, and flops down beside me. "I can't believe you still don't have a gaming system." She's always bothered me with this subject ever since we were kids.

"Why didn't you just bring you Gameboy over or something?"

"Whatever, I was hoping we'd play something cool." She frowns. "So how's Elesis?"

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