22. Party Food and Mistletoes!

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(Raven's POV)    

"I swear one day I'm going to pop that little head of hers!" Aisha screamed; I flinched away at her sudden outburst, unfortunately because we were stuck in a car together I can only finch away so far. This girl sounds like she's ready to kill a bear.

"What happened to that cheery mood you had at the dance?" I asked; I have a feeling I'm going to regret asking very soon.

"Eve and Elsword were inches away from kissing and as usual that witch interrupts it, and what makes it worse is that she stole a dance from them!"  She crossed her arms, cursed out loud, and began to mumble about how the 'fool proof' plan was foiled because of Ara. I stayed silent as I continued my way to her house, I know better than to bother a ticked off girl.

"Ugh and I can't believe I had to buy that girl a Christmas gift too." Aisha pouted. Come on its Christmas, lighten up; okay maybe not exactly Christmas yet but still.

"Um we're here." I gestured to her house; she snapped out of her thoughts and looked around her surroundings.

"Wow, time flies when you rant about something."

"Besides the whole Ara thing how did you enjoy the dance?" Her frown immediately changed into a warm smile.

"Besides the whole Ara thing tonight was perfect." That's good, I'm glad I was able to make our first dance together a perfect one. "Well I should get going; I'll see you at the Christmas party." I pouted as she began to leave.

"No good night kiss." She rolled her eyes and shook her head.

"You don't get a kiss until we're under the mistletoe."

"I'm going to die due to the lack of kissing." She giggled at my remark. With another wave she got out of the car and headed for her front entrance. That was my queue to back out of the drive way, I waited and watched as she went inside before I began my way home. All I hope now is that there will actually be a mistletoe at that party, if not that would suck.

(Eve's POV)

The weekend was boring and uneventful; I just stayed home and read books. My mom continued to plan for the big family reunion, which makes me wonder, why do they always hold it at my place? My house isn't the biggest and there isn't much games here for the kids to play. I'm also quite tired of cleaning up after everyone, would it kill them to not spill food every time they eat?

Another thing that sucks is the whole Ara event at the dance, I understand that she still has strong feelings for Els but seriously, this is getting ridiculous. Well no use in complaining about it, what's done is done.

Today is the day when the Christmas party is being held, I'm not that excited to go, I'm still not fond of this whole Christmas stuff. My mom insisted I bring some homemade cookies there, I'm sure there are going to be a lot of food there anyways, and the last thing we need to more sugar. I can just imagine the disasters that will come due to the amount of sugar there.

I stuffed all the presents in a bag and grabbed the cookie jar, I hope everyone enjoys their gifts, and I hope no one gets a sugar rush there. That'll just be bad, very bad . . .

"Mom I'm going now." I announced as I slipped on my jacket.

"Okay have fun, and remember to bring those cookies with you."

"Alright." I slipped on some boots and hurried out. Let's just say walking with a hand full of stuff in deep snow is quite irksome. People need to really shovel, it's stupid how they just leave the snow to build up, I was already out of breath and I wasn't even half way there yet. I managed to drag myself through and safely arrived at Elsword's house, I rang the doorbell and tapped my foot as I waited for someone to answer.

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