Chapter 47 "Blackout."

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My grip on him only tighten as the room continued to be  lit up by lightning. My panic was gone, all that was left  was me being petrified unable to move.
He manage to get out of my grip and put his arms around me. I closed my eyes and surround myself in him trying to block the storm out. Everytime a round of thunder would go off he would hold me tighter.

After what seemed like hours the storm finally moved away, but the power didn't return. Blake pulled away from me amd brushed my hair away from my face. "Are you okay now?" He asked softly. I nod my head and went to go wipe away my tears he shooed my hands away  and did it himself. I blushed a bit embarrassed he had saw me panicking like that. "I never knew you were afraid of thunderstorms."

"I'm afraid of alot of things." I say softly. "But I've always been afraid of thunderstorms, it's just gotten worse over  the years..." I clear my throat and push away from him. "Thank you for staying with me though the storm."
He pulled me back into his arms and kissed my forehead, "I would do anything for you. This is nothing you have to thank me for." I nod my head and burry my face into his shoulder.
Why does he have to be such a sentimental idiot, and why do I have to be the useless fool in love with him. 

I sighed softly and moved to put my back to his chest and entwined our fingers. I glance at our hands before closing my eyes and leaning my head on his shoulder.
"When I was little and there was a thunderstorm I used to crawl into my sister's bed and she would sing to me until it was over or I fell asleep. She was such a talanted singer, her voice had such a smooth, soothing, pulling effect. She could sing you old Mcdonald and make you cry for more." I sigh again. "Maybe other siblings would be jealous of that talent and hate her, but not me I could never hate her. I looked up to her and just wanted to grow up to be like her. Everyone in my neighborhood used to call us twins." I smiled softly. "You would never see one without the other. We were the musical duo, we've entered so many contest on the piano, her singing we were unstoppable. Until..." I let out a shuttery breath and Blake gives my hand a comforting squeeze. "Until a couple  years ago. There was a huge thunderstorm, the news said it was a low level hurricane. But the storm was raging tearing down everything in its path, we were coming back from our competition happliy singing in the car because of our win...then we drove into the storm the rain pounded the car rendering the windwipers useless. I begged her to pull over, I was terrified and overwhelmed. Then she finally  listened to me and the storm started to let up so we started driving again. But then the storm came back harder than before lightening struck the road infront of us causing her to swerve she lost control and hydroplaned off the side of the road right into a tree. I blacked out and woke up to find her out cold and bleeding."
Blake squeezed my hand before letting go and rubing my shoulders to try to stop my shaking. I shook off the memory that threatened to take over and took a moment to regain my control.
"I blacked out again and woke up on the hospital, I only had minor injuries and a concussion... Kara wasn't so lucky they had to induce a coma beacuse she had brain swelling. Part of me knew she wouldn't make it, I still hoped and prayed. The doctors kept telling me that she was long gone but I-" I shake my head unable to go on.
"Ever since that night, thunderstorms have been my panic attack  trigger. But this had been the first time since her death that I hadn't had a full out attack." I let my story dissipate into the air and waited for a response.

"Is that why you became a mute?" He asked softly.

"'s a story for another day."

He noded. "I understand, its a hard topic to talk about. I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to tell me."

I let out a comfortable sigh and turn to let my cheek rest in the crook of his neck and wrapped my arms around his waist. "I love you Blake." I mutter.
I stiffen as the words filter back through my ears, I gave a half-hearted hope that it didnt make it to his ears but knew that it did. I pulled away and waited for his reaction. I saw a smug smirk on his face.
"Now I know this relationship isn't one sided, thank you."

I frown at him. "Is that your way of saying you love me too?"

"No, it was to break the tension amd change the mood. This is my way..."
Before I could let out a sarcastic reply he pulled my face to his and landed a mind numbing kiss on me. He pulled away for enough to look into my eyes, "I love you Binali Lewis." I gave a smile before pulling him back into the kiss.
I pulled back a little, "remember we're still in my parent's livingroom. Don't get any ideas."

"Okok back to the smoochy smoochy." He said, pulling me towards him again. I put my finger on his lips.

"I'm serious Blake."

"I know love, when have I ever crossed the boundaries you created without your permission."

I give a smile at my new nickname. "Is that my nickname now?"

"Yeah you like it? Until I actually get you to be my wifey, I'm laying that one to rest. Love suits you."

"Well I love it." I say with a bright smile, he gives me a goofy grin before kissing me again.

Author's Note
I know this chapter was extra long, but it was important as you can see.
I just want to thank you guys again for being so patient, loyal awesome readers.

Thanks again


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