Chapter-17{This ain't getting solved}

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"You alright?" Manik asked cupping her face and she nodded with teary eyes.

"Did you find her?" She asked.

Manik answered swiftly with a quick nod and her teary eyes met twinkle of happiness.

Aashi smiled wholeheartedly and Aryan looked a bit unhappy. Manik spared a glance at him when he sighed in disappointment. His sore was growing and it was evident. Manik looked away as soon as Aryan looked at him.

"Where is she?" Aashi asked looking at door.

Manik's face saw the color of unease once again which he thought he had left behind. Thought of she being put off haunted him till Aashi made him forget about it for few moments.

"Is she alright?" Aashi asked all worried looking at an uneasy Manik.

"She is fine," he quickly answered, "She is nearby. It wouldn't be safe to bring her here."

"Exactly," Aashi agreed, "I was worried about same thing."

Aashi looked in direction where Aryan was just to discover he was gone. Manik followed her shocked gaze. His steps non-deliberately lead him to door.

"Where did he go?" He murmured looking in long lobby.
"Don't worry. He won't do anything to harm her," Aashi assured.

Manik gave her an unconvinced look and she added, "He won't do anything to invite trouble. Not for now."

Manik thought over it and then looked out, still a bit skeptical.


Sitting in shield of huge tree, she folded her legs near her stomach, almost hugging them. Feeling was almost suffocating. Feeling of being left at edge every time, feeling of being at hit list, feeling of being hated, feeling of being taken as an enemy, feeling of being unsafe, feeling of being at mercy of others, it all was suffocating her. She closed her eyes and tried to think over everything. Her life had changed and she didn't even have time to cry over it or even fret. She was one convict who had no fault of hers in anything. She had lost her parents. She didn't know even if they were fine or not. She was homeless, she was not needed. She was shut out of every freaking emotion when she herself was drowning in pool of them. She was not welcomed and she didn't know what she did to deserve such forbidden territories. She immediately opened her eyes to look at infinite nowhere.

She closed her eyes again after staring the blank to free a shackled tear. It all ached a bit more that day. Why? She didn't know. Why it felt like thousands of knives stabbed her heart when even he shut her out. Didn't she deserve to soothe anything? Didn't she deserve to make anything alright?

"Make right what we did wrong"

Her mother's words echoed in her ears and she opened her eyes.

Those angry refugees wouldn't even see her face. They would shoot her first and then let her open mouth to take last breath.

"Please, come back, Mamma," she murmured and tears didn't stop afterwards.

"Come back."

"I feel so alone and I don't know what to do."

"We both will make everything alright."

"Please comeback."

She was crying profusely and her sobs filled the silence.

"I am not that strong as you thought."

"I need you, Mamma."

Her breaths hitched as she mumbled the calls.

She held her chest tightly as every thought weighed her more rather than undoing anything. Looking back, she saw gate of building still closed and then at sky which showed glimpse of sunset. Night was knocking and she dreaded the company of her thoughts.

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