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Chilly morning yet showing signs of sunshine at end of it, just enough to drizzle a little warmth. Nandini walked through the corridor watching people packing their stuff. They all looked absolutely fine with the idea of moving. Maybe they were used to it. She rubbed her arms to tackle the frost in weather. It was getting worst day by day. She could tell that it could snow any moment. 


Someone called and she turned around to see a smiling Harshit approaching her. She wasn't in mood to chit-chat if asked but still she put up a smile. 

"Hey," He greeted as he reached her. 

"Hey" She replied resuming her little walk. 

Quiet of few seconds before he asked, "Curious about the hustle bustle?"

"Not much," She answered briefly rubbing her hands together. 

"It's normal," He told, "Just telling."

"I got to know," She replied. 

"That's great," He murmured in disappointment. A fine chance of having a conversation was gone. 

"Have I met you before?" Nandini asked as a pending thought knocked her mind. 

"I mean When I first saw you, It felt like I have seen you somewhere," She elaborated.  

He chuckled a bit and then looked at her. Licking his lips, he looked thoughtful. Nandini didn't know if it was a good idea to ask him or not. 

"I had worked with your father," He revealed the piece of information. 

"Not for long but we worked together for a project of state," He added. 

Nandini smiled accepting the given piece of information. It felt great to listen about her father after so long. 

"I see," She uttered with a tinge of elation on her face. 

"Maybe you have seen me in his office or somewhere else," He added shrugging his shoulders. 

"Yeah, maybe," She replied kicking a pebble away. 

"He was a great man, Nandini," Harshit said snatching her entire content. 

His eyes spoke a lot but then there was something missing, a part which could make her believe him. He was sweet but then his eyes, they always held so much. She could sense there was something beyond what he chose to show. 

"I think I have to go," She said as next thing trying to cut the conversation. 

"I need to gather some stuff before we leave," She added biting her lip. 

He looked okay and bade her bye. Nandini resumed her walk only to collide with the beast. Beast, that's what his new name was because doctor won't stop calling Manik that and he won't stop giving him reasons. He had allowed himself to exert however he wanted neglecting every instruction of doctor and as expected he didn't even listen to her. Nandini's face hardened in no second and she changed her course avoiding the questioning gazes of Manik. 

He had certainly taken her for granted in so many ways. He was so sure she would come around no matter what storm she goes through inside. But little he knew, he was only fanning the fire when he thought he was calming it down. 

He limped after her huffing. She could hear him but there was no point showing the concern, it would just give him more liberty to go reckless. He worked that way. 

His fingers grabbed her forearm and she didn't even look surprised. 

"I told you I needed to go," He justified his impudence caressing her arm over woolen piece. 

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