Chapter-24{I don't want to talk}

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"Are we done?" Nandini asked sighing in frustration as Aashi kept braiding her hair in some patterns. She could see her hair tied in half do with some pretty braids. 

"A Princess should get ready as one only," Aashi said giving her hair do final touch. 

"What's up with you? Stop calling me that," Nandini asked irked. Aashi chuckled and let go of her finally. Nandini looked at herself as she stood in front of mirror. Her lacy white frock and gorgeous half did hair, she was looking good. She smiled and then hugged Aashi. 

"Someone is happy out of sudden," Aashi quipped. 

As the ladies were busy giggling, Manik stormed into dorm and saw them. Nandini had got shifted to another room as elders had declared their decision this morning. They had allowed her to stay there till the time conditions were hostile for her outside, for she doesn't raise any threat for people. She still could feel bitter of Chief's tone which had suspicion all over it. But she had seen brighter side how she could live near her people and gain their trust back. 

"What?" Aashi asked him as he gazed them as if there's something urgent. His gaze left Nandini and he glared Aashi. 

"Nothing," He said and then left the room. Aashi shrugged her shoulders not getting what that was. 

"What's going on?" Aashi said as she saw Nandini biting her lower lip. 

"What's going on?" Nandini asked trying to decipher Aashi. 

"Never mind," Aashi sighed and then started to collect her hair kit. 

"I shall leave I think," She said being dramatic and then left the room winking at Nandini. 

As expected she saw Manik walking across the corridor. He was eager to be precise, she pursed her lips to control herself from mocking him. 

"Princess is ready, your highness," She said and bowed down. He looked at her as if he had seen a lunatic. Aashi laughed aloud seeing his perplexed face. 

"You are turning crazier day by day," He remarked as he sighed reading her humor. 

"I have plenty of reasons to go crazy about," She passed another remark and he gritted his teeth. 

"My brother is seeing a princess," She commented and he tried not to hit her. They weren't kids anymore. 

"There's nothing like that," He cleared fumbling. She laughed aloud seeing his terrified face. 

"Look at you," She said in between his uncontrollable laugh. he walked past her stomping his feet. 

"Room is this way," She said aloud and he turned around to give her scariest of glare. 


As Nandini walked in kitchen garden looking at plants, she smiled back to those ladies who were working there. They all had warmth on their faces. She could see how they all adored her as she walked between them. A smile played on her lips. Happiness was not that upset with her after all. As she talked to them, two pairs of eyes watched her keenly through window pane. 

"Do you think it's right decision to let her stay with people?" Man asked. 

"It is," Other one replied. 

"We have to take small risks to reach big goals," He added. 

First one just nodded as they both withdrew themselves from window. 

Nandini saw Manik walking around ground doing some work. He was carrying some heavy weights and putting them aside. She walked to the end of garden and saw him closely. They were cement bags which he was carrying. The way he arranged them, seemed like a new bunker was in process of making. 

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