Chapter-26{Sweet Tantrums}

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He was gone. 

Nandini searched across corridors just to see that one face which mattered. That one person who mattered like there was no life without him. She foraged through darkest corners just to see his one glimpse. She knew he was angry, maybe that was an understatement. She didn't mean to enrage him, she just wanted to help those who helped her, who helped them. It was last corridor which she was going to look, it was there where her dorm was. She knew it was futile, she knew it was waste of time. He couldn't be there. He had probably leaped into dark forest to seek some solace. She had no courage to go there alone so there she was. She walked across the corridor and reached the end of it. Holding the cold railing at end of lobby, she sighed aloud. Tears made way out as that was it. It was last place she could search and he wasn't there. Her chin wobbled as she looked at moonlight bathed hills, they all looked stupid. She felt like switching off the moon and make all of them disappear thinking how they were the ones holding him somewhere. They were dear to him more than her. He could be angry but he couldn't be gone. She sobbed a little as it became difficult to hold those storming tears. Wind almost immediately took away her tears drying them as if taunting her for not being able to retain what she thought belonged to her. She sobbed hard giving up and letting all loud thought taking over. She was angry at him, at her, at them. It couldn't work like this if he was going to disappear like this every time. She wiped her tears roughly making her cheeks turn red. 

Her ordeal got broken with some weird noises. She looked around to know the source. Her pores then were inflamed. She looked around and moved to corner as reflex. Again same faint noise marked its presence as if someone was shuffling something. She blinked twice to make out that it might be coming from her room. Her palms went cold sweated as she took a step towards her room. Door was a bit ajar and a faint light was coming out. She wondered how she come she didn't notice it when she walked past it. Her hands trembled as she raised her hand to push the door. She gulped and pushed it bit. Orange of room touched her face and she peeped in. Site in front of her eyes pumped the life back in her lungs when it took her breath away at same time. 

There he was.

Sitting in her bed, looking out of window, fiddling with her accessories; he looked buried in some grave thought as she tried to grasp the relief. She had found him. Her chin wobbled as she felt her chest exploding in relief but who had patience to wait. She stormed in closing the door behind her with thud and walked right in front of him. He almost jumped at his place. Was he not expecting her in her own room? She shook her head in disbelief as she tried to suppress the overwhelm and ignite the anger. He looked at her trying to grasp each of her expression as her brows furrowed as a result of trying to contain her sobs. He looked...he looked amazed. 

"You are pathetic, Manik," She murmured as she crossed her arms across her chest. He opened his mouth to gather all his scattered thoughts. His gaze as soft as feather, she felt like collapsing in his arms but no, she couldn't be doing that. She needed answers. He got up leaving the messy bed and looked down as if shifting into his desired demeanor. 

"You have nothing to say?" She asked almost shouting. 

"You have any idea how worried sick I was?" She asked shouting. 

He looked around and there she saw traces of indignation. 

"I have nothing to say," He murmured curtly and tried to walk past her. She couldn't believe it. Gathering his elbow, she jerked him back. He like a lazy weight rolled back to its position. He surely didn't intend to go. Sweet tantrum was what he was aiming to throw. 

Holding his collar tightly in her small fist, she jerked him closer where he looks into her eyes. He tried to screw her plan but then she being that close, he couldn't look anywhere but into her teary fierce eyes. 

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