Chapter 5- Agoraphobia: Fear of Losing Control

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Sighting of "Birdy"

It had been a long time since I had been free. Well, some might say seven months is very diminutive, but this was true freedom, I actually had control for once. When Saturn released me from that forsaken journal, I got a small taste of freedom for about three seconds... and then my soul ended up replacing half of her lost soul and sewing up her flawed heart. It was all so galling, that if I had control over Saturn's structure I would've repeatedly kicked a wall. But alas, I didn't. I stood up and watched Saturn's apparent family through narrowed eyes, and slowly backed up.

"Don't you dare run!" King Jento snarled, standing up and pointing at me. A grin spread across my face (or her face?) and I laughed, stepping back again. Letting out a snort as the King screamed guards, and about ten of them slammed into the throne room, each one glaring at me full force, making me roll my eyes.

Once they were in striking distance, I let my true form come, and spread out my large black wings, and horns spiral out of my head and point up towards the sky. The blue and orange eyes switched to green and black claws stretched from my fingers. The guards stopped, and stumbled back, trying to shove anyone in their way to get out of there, but most of them ended up failing and fell on their butts. I smirked, and took a teasing, yet threatening, towards them, making them butt-scootch backwards, trying to get as far away as possible. I rolled my eyes, and stretched my wings out to their farthest, turned around, rushed towards the large windows, slammed through it, and took off.

My wings flapped for a few seconds, trying to catch the wind, and then they stilled, making me soar over the royal gardens. Every now and then I flapped my wings and continued on with my lazy glide, chuckling every time someone looked up at me and their eyes widened. One lady who was picking citruses off a tree, startled so much, that the fruits in her basket flew everywhere, so the small animals and birds surrounding her were able to snatch some and rush off.

 One lady who was picking citruses off a tree, startled so much, that the fruits in her basket flew everywhere, so the small animals and birds surrounding her were able to snatch some and rush off

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I took a sharp bank left, heading for the border between the Kanonikos world and Magikos World. I dodged tall towers and spires, struggling against the random wind that picked up. I flew lower to the ground until my feet met with the hard stone and started running, pulling my wings back. My legs were moving so fast some would probably say I was still flying, but since you could hear the loud stamping every time the bottom of my foot collided with the stone path, you wouldn't believe it.

I rushed off the path and into the grass, running through the five-foot span, before rushing into the forest, and twisting and turning around the closely set trees. The forest kept getting denser and harder to move through the farther I got, the denser it got, proving I was getting close to the border. I sighed, and gave up on running, knowing that the body I was in wasn't suited for this kind of movement. I came to a small stop and glanced around. There was barely any room between the trees, and where there were there were large bushes and thousands of other plants surrounding it. The magical beings purposefully made it this dense so no one unmagical would find it. I squished through the last line of trees, and looked at the large clear, almost invisible, border. I could only see it because I was actually magical, humans wouldn't have been able to see it, so if they did make it this far, they would walk into a travel tunnel unknowingly. I closed my eyes, well, here goes nothing.

And stepped in.

Yes, yes, I know its short. But that doesn't matter. This is just a filler chapter and all of "Birdy's" P.O.V's will be short. So don't get annoyed, plus this book is already fully out, its not like you have to wait or something. Anyways, I'm still looking for feedback, so message me or comment folks!

And you know the routine.

 I've decided to go back to Mars!

 --Luna *~*

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