Chapter 6-Acrophobia: Fear of Heights

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Aww, back to our lovely Saturn...


Birdy: Saturn is not lovely!
Me: Birdy, nobody cares, so shoosh!
Me: In twenty chapters woman, gosh be patient, I might just have to kill you.

Birdy: *silence*

I was flying- wait hold up, how am I flying? Then I started falling.

Good going Saturn, you jinxed us, Birdy snorted, making me roll my eyes, and somehow momentarily forget about the perilous situation I was in.

I'm surprised you're not screaming... she sighed, almost as if she was disappointed that I wasn't screaming my lungs out. My body flipped over, so my front was facing downward, and then I started to bellow. My body did a flip without my registering it, and then I twirled towards the ground, that most definitely did not look soft. When the ground was super close, I closed my eyes, and let out a very high pitched screech.

What I expected did not happen. I felt like I had just been shoved into a pool of jello or something stickier and thicker than water, and slowly sunk through it, until I hit a slightly softer and grassy ground. The grass prickled my bare legs, and it seemed to make me realize what had just happened. I looked up, and it looked... normal, yet I knew it wasn't.

"Bu-wha- ju-n- Birdy?" I squeaked out, looking up with my mouth wide open and my eyes blinking rapidly.

Maybe you should reach up and see, she said mysteriously. I lifted my finger and let it freeze one foot up, and balked, wondering if I really wanted to know what just happened. I shook my head, and then lifted my finger up, and it poked into some thick substance, and with another girly shriek, I yanked my arm back down to my side, staring in wonder at the "sky."

Birdy? I thought nervously, what just- no, what is that?

We magics like to call it... a, hm, a Defenist. But you humans would probably like to call it clear-jello or... very, very thick water, Birdy explained, and I could just imagine her biting her lip as she tried to explain that.

"Thank you," I mumbled.

As if I had a choice....

I rolled my eyes, and decided to not snap back at the abraded voice. I stood up, and brushed the bits of grass and dirt that had found their way onto my jean skirt and pale legs. I glanced around, doing what my mother always taught me: assess new surroundings, try to learn it as best as you can. I took a tentative step forward, another, and several more until I was walking a conventional pace. I pushed my way through some foliage protruding from silver and black trees.

As I pushed aside another patch of leaves, I saw a sparkling blue lake. Just looking at the water reminded me of my need to pee right now, and that I was parched since the prison guards only gave me probably a half a cup of water. I rushed forward, and knelt down on the side of it, and scooped my hands into it, bring the water to my lips. It was a shocking cool, but I still drank it up, though it gave me a horrifying brain freeze. I shook my head, making a face as if I had eaten something sour.

You know... you should look down at the lake, Birdy said.

I glanced down at the lake, and my eyes widened and mouth dropped open when I saw houses in it, with miniature people walking around in it. I reached down, and my shoulder submerged into the water. I pulled my arm out, frowning. Then reached down again, but I went too fast, and tumbled in. I expected to tumble in and hit a dirt bottom, but I never did. I found myself going down a waterslide, repeatedly shrieking as I flew down it. I kept trying to grab some sort of ledge to stop myself, but it was a completely smooth surface, and I had no chance of slowing down- stopping for that matter. Then I slammed into hard ground, face first and getting a mouthful of flawed cement. I slowly pushed my forearms up, dragging the rest of my body upwards in the process, and looked up. Several people were staring at me, and they were no longer the miniature people I saw in the lake. They were normal size, all staring at me, blinking or scratching their heads, confusion written clearly across their faces.

"Who are you?" A middle-aged man demanded, stepping in front of all the people, his green eyes meeting my blue ones in narrowed slits. An awkward smile slowly cracked over my face, as if I was hoping my awkward charm would help me with this.

Answer the question!

"Saturn Zero Detaze," I mumbled, scratching the back of my head. I looked out the ground, and picked up a piece of cement, and pretended to be most utterly intrigued me it.

"Hmmm..." The man muttered, "How'd you get into the Magikos world?"

"Uh... here?" I asked.

"Yes, here," He snorted, rolling his blue eyes.

Say you went through the border, Birdy whispered.

"I went through the border, what else?" I retorted, crossing my skinny arms.

The man narrowed his eyes, and leaned forward, "You're not magical, how could you know about the border and our hidden village?"
"It's not very hidden," I stated, "It is in clear sight under a large lake!"

Say 'Matia edo Goiteia, ego kano den echo chronos gia afto.'

"Matia edo Goiteia, ego kano den echo chronos gia afto!" I echoed. Look here Goiteia, I do not have time for this!

The man stumbled back, shock lighting up in dull blue eyes, "D-"

"In case you didn't hear," I stated, "I don't have time for this."

I then stood up, and pushed past the man, not completely sure where I was going, I just wanted the last word in that and to have an imposing exit. I followed the cracked path, and started running until I was a good distance away, and then I ducked behind a random home, and crouched down.

Birdy, what do I do? I asked in my head, peeking around the corner and saw the man named Goiteia looked around as he walked on the path.

You shouldn't have run, that's what you should've done... but right now we need to see Sailor, she answered.

Who is Sailor? I questioned, completely oblivious to who she was about to say.

Really? You don't know your own mother's name? Her snorting voice boomed, making me clutch my head.

But she's su-

pposed to be dead?

Oooo! How do you think she's alive? Comment down below!

Now to Titan!

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