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"You'd kill me," I hissed.

"Of course I wouldn't," Jemeir cooed, bringing a scarred hand toward my face, most likely to wipe away the tears. I stepped away, my now brown eyes flinching, and heart rate picking up. Where was everybody? Seb was just by my side a minute ago. My gaze looked around the dusty and dark room, in search for any sign of the rustic light brown leather cover. I grit my teeth, it had to be here somewhere.

"Saturn, remember how I protected you from your bullies? I can still protect you , and from the jerk of a prince," he snarled, possessiveness taking over in his voice. I yanked my arm out of his grip, as his cold hands gently gripped my wrists.

"You don't know me anymore, you don't know Seb," I growled lowly, my voice not sounding like my own, "I can take care of myself, Jemeir. I'm a grown woman; I've been one for a while now."

His eyes widened a fraction of an inch, before narrowing into teensy-tiny slits. Anger radiated off of him in black, drowning waves. I could just imagine it, the black and white frothing wave pulling up in front of me, and then crashing down on me in an angry slam.

"You'll always be scared of your past. I can keep thay aw-." I waved my hand in the air, cutting him of as a bitter taste rose in my throat.

"You are my past, a past that I will never fear."

And with that, I closed my door to my old house and walked away. I could hear the sound of his large booted-feet quickly scurrying after me. His hand grasped my wrist, yanking me back with an iron grip. Scowling, I turned around and my brown eyes met his icy gray glare.

"Grown woman or not, you could never protect yourself," he snapped.

I frowned before yanking back my free arm and reeling it forward, slamming it into his nose. He shouted as he tumbled to the dirt ground, and with a pretty loud oomph. I sneered at him and crossed my pale and skinny arms as blood gushed from his now broken nose. I could feel a manic laugh rising in my throat, and my thoughts begging me to stomp my foot straight into his face, just to add more pain. But I was too nice for that, okay maybe not, but still.

"What was that again?"

Saturn: Sedatephobia (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now