Chapter 16-Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia: Fear of Long Words

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"Mom?" I squeaked, blinking my eyes repeatedly, to make sure I wasn't hallucinating. I should've been hallucinating, because most normal people's skin doesn't just randomly melt. She rasped, bending over, I rushed forward kneeling down beside her, "Mom?"

"S-saturn?" She gasped, her eyes slowly lifting and looking up at me. Her face was an unnatural pale, and it scared me. Holy crap!

"Are you okay?" I whispered.

"My story is ending," she mumbled, "the writer is about to put 'The End'."

It was at times like these when my mom said crazy stuff that made no sense, I wondered if my mom was really crazy. I brushed a hand through her hair, feeling tears spring into my eyes, and a small strangled sob came from the depths of my soul and poured out. Tears started rolling, and I cradled my mom's head in my hands as she shook in my arms. I sobbed again, lowering my face to her hair as she mumbled random sentences that I didn't understand. A cold hand brushed my face and I looked down to see her smiling up at me.

"Don't be afraid dearest," she murmured, "you were fine without me for eleven years."

I nodded, sucking in a deep breath, and started crying all over again. Arms wrapped around me, bony and pale arms. My tears splashed into the ground, and as the time passed, made mud and rivets. My nose was running, and my face hurt.

"It's okay Saturn," Zi mumbled as she rubbed my back. I let go of my mom's head, and threw my arms around her waist, sobbing helplessly.

"Goodbye Saturn," my mother said. I froze, and glanced at her.

"NO!" I screeched, but I was thrown back as a colorful explosion erupted from my mom's heart. A blue beacon shot up to the sky, twirling with white and silver. I watched in shock as my mother's body burst into a thousand flower petals, littering the ground. I sat there, my knees folded underneath me, with tear stained cheeks, and Zi's arms wrapped around me. My mouth dropped open and I just watched as the beacon slowly faded into nothingness, and the world was back to normal, with lush green trees surrounding us and a pale shimmering lake set beside me.

"But- but I was just only reunited with her after eleven years," I cried, glancing into Zi's green eyes. She gazed back at my, and I hated the sympathy that swam in their depths. I tried to pull away, but she only held me tighter, clutching my head with one hand, and resting her bony cheek on the top of my head.

"Sssshh, it's going to be alright, my dear," she murmured, running a hand through my hair. I nodded into her shoulder, and a small smile lit up my features. I may have lost one family, but I still had a new family. And Seb of course... a real family. Almost as if on cue, Seb's arms wrapped around both me and Zi, engulfing us all together. I opened my eyes and glanced at Skye and Mercury both awkwardly standing there, shifting from foot to foot and looking as if they rather be anywhere else but here. I raised my eyebrows at Mercury when his gray eyes met my blue ones. He rolled his eyes.

"Oh fine!" He cried, and walked towards us, kneeling down and joining the group hug.

"Family hug," I mumbled, smiling.

"Family hug," Zi and Seb repeated, we all glanced at Mercury expectantly as he blinked at is. He tried to get away with not saying anything by looking up slowly and whistling.

"Not gonna work," I deadpanned.

"Family hug," he muttered. I laughed slightly as we all kind of fell into each other when I shifted my body. I moved again, and then we all fell over, rolling Seb into the lake. He popped his head up, and glared at us, crossing his arms.

"Seriously? We couldn't have tossed Saturn into the lake? She's already wet!" He cried.

"Making us wet," Zi snorted, motioning to her wet light green shirt, and then to Mercury's pants that were slightly wet at the knees, "though I'm pretty sure Mercury peed his pants."

He gasped, "I did not! I am a guard for Pete's sake!"
"Who is this Pete?" Zi questioned, eyebrows scrunching together and mouth twisting.

Saturn: Sedatephobia (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now