Chapter 14-Uranophobia: Fear of the Sky(e)

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   Prince Seb walked in, covering his face and groaning. His ears were red, and ash was dusting his light hair.

"It's no use, that side of the garden is gone," he mumbled. He took his sooted hands away from his face, and frowned at me and Zi, just sitting there, both of us boredly glancing at our nails.

"Aren't either of you worried?!" He demanded.

"No," a double bored reply answered him.

The silence came back, and I frowned at my yellowish nails.

I think Skye did it, Birdy grumbled.

   You've been saying that for the whole two hours now, and I still don't believe you! I was incredulous, I mean- he didn't seem harmful when I danced with him. Seriously? He said he knew who you were! My conscience argued, making me grumble, and twist in my seat. I went back to studying my nails and flicking my fingers occasionally to get the imaginary dirt off of them. I stopped repeatedly flicking my fingers when Prince Seb cleared his throat. I didn't look up, I just started twirling circles into my jeans, my mouth gaped open in boredom, and my cheekbone resting on the palm of my other hand. I was so glad Birdy had allowed me to change out of the muddied dress, but she refused to let me attempt to throw it out. So now, I was stuck carrying around a knapsack with my lovely dress in there.

I glanced up when Seb cleared his throat again, and I glared at him. I crossed my arms, and somehow managed to lean back farther in the chair than I already was.

"This fire was intentional."

SKYE! Birdy squawked.

"Aaaand... it's most likely a man," Seb finished, glancing around the room, running his fingers through his hair.

"How do you know that?" Zi asked, skepticism evident on her face, as she narrowed her eyes and pouted her lips.

"Shoe size, and most definitely not heels, unless I'm dumb," he stated.

"You're dumb," both me and Zi said.

   He rolled his eyes, and walked out. I smirked, and turned to Zi. But she was standing up and walking out as well. I frowned, and tensed my arms on the armrests, preparing to stand up.

"You don't need to come," she whispered.

  I watched her go, annoyance rippling through me. I leaned back, crossing my legs and placing my hands behind my head. I uncrossed my legs, and brought my knees up to my chin, resting my cheekbone on my knee, and gazing out the window.

"Saturn Zero Detaze, you are under arrest for being a suspect of the fire."


    I glared bitterly at the familiar floor of the throne room. Even though the king had demanded several times for me to raise my eyes, I refused and kept them glued to the silver embroidery in the floor. My fists were clenching and unclenching repeatedly, and my feet that were folded underneath my bum were twitching relentlessly.

"SATURN!" King Jento boomed, his voice thundering, making me flinch away. I raised my eyes slowly, staring him down. My eyes glanced towards the fifteen women that were lined up beside Seb, Zi was among them, her violet eyes looking anywhere but me.

   Traitor! Both me and Birdy screamed. A few minutes after she had left, the guards came, and she had told me to stay. I led my eyes back to the King, struggling not to launch myself at Zi and rip her apart.

"You started the fire," he stated it like it was a fact.

"Opinion," I snarled dryly.

 He chuckled darkly and humorlessly, "you're in no position to try to talk like this. You have been accused of several things, making you seem more guilty than you think you are."

   I didn't answer, I just turned my chin away and glared defiantly at the wall. I unclenched my fists, and dragged my knuckles across the smooth floor. I could hear the sound of swords being drawn, the loud shiiink tiding over the room.

"Saturn," Jento said coldly.

"Did you tell your wife that her son isn't the heir to the throne?" I snapped, deciding to turn the tables of guilt, "That I'm your daughter and the actual heir?"
"I made an agreement with your moth-"

"WHAT?!" The Queen screeched, standing up and turning on him. I grinned proudly, and raised an eyebrow at him, daring him to try to deny it. He bared his teeth at me, and then put on a sickly sweet smile, and turned to his wife. I giggled when she slapped him across the face, and marched out. Okay, who cares if I got executed today, I was feeling very proud of myself right now. I tilted my head at him, grinning as he turned to me, his face the color of puce and fuming. I swear I saw actual smoke coming out of his nostrils and ears. I grinned at him, and winked, then I broke the chains, the idiot seemed to forget our last encounter.

I stood up, balling my fists.

Is there a way to give you half control? I questioned.

Of course, I could imagine her smirking. I felt claws pull through my fingertips, wings spreading from my foundation and curved black horns curling up into the sky. I flapped my wings, and lifted myself daintily two feet into the air. I saw Zi's eyes widened, before a strange green mist twirled around her. Her blonde hair changed to black, her face paling and graying, colorful flowers spiraling out around her eyes, with small little colorful circles spreading across her face. Her mouth turned into a black sewn line, her eyes changing drastically to a flashing green and gray.

She nodded at me, and launched herself at the nearest bracket of guards. I blinked... so she wasn't a traitor?

You should probably attack the King...

Thank you Captain Obvious, I snorted.

It didn't seem too obvious in your mind, she mumbled.

   I ignored her, and launched myself at the king. He lifted a sword up, out of literally nowhere, and swung it wildly, lacerating my shoulder. I winced, and flew away. I snatched a sword from one of the guards, hitting him upside the head with the butt of the sword. Then, I spun around and rushed back towards the King. I leaped into the air, my sword clashing vociferously with his. He pressured against my sword, making me bend backwards, to avoid losing my head. I yanked my sword back, and ducked at the last second. I probably lost a hair or two. I ran back, and he rushed towards me. I parried his attack, and the two of us whirled around. I kicked my sneakered foot into his stomach, and stabbed my sword into his wrist.

You should've killed him, Birdy grumbled.

    And leave myself vulnerable to attack? I'm good. I flew up and flapped around in the rafters. I gander at the chandelier, and smirk devilishly. I cut my sword across the chain, sending the crystallized lamp ramming towards the ground. The King dodged, but several of his guards weren't as lucky as the large object crushed them and several glass pieces flying into guards. I dropped to the floor, unfortunately landing on my knees, and wobbling back to my feet.

   We should have had fencing training, Birdy mused. I snorted, and arced my sword, going for the King's nose, only for him to riposte me. My back slammed into the ground, and as an instinct I swung my leg around, making him land on his back. I rolled onto my stomach, and pushed myself to my aching feet, and raised my sword above my head.

"Antio!" I cheered, and brought my sword down, hard. Goodbye!

   His sword didn't shatter like I expected it to, it just rang, and instead my sword shattered into a thousand pieces. I stood there shocked, completely ignorant to the iron pieces stuck in my wrist and hand.

Darn it, the Unbreakable Sword.

End of Part II

wHOOO! yayyyy that's it


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