Chapter 34-Chromophobia: Fear of Time

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Sighting of Myla

I watched Skye drag Saturn to the safe canopy of leaves. I closed my eyes stiffly, a sigh escaping my lips. Every night my dreams of that journal and that demon haunted me. After Dakor told me the truth about my past I knew I had to find that journal, that I had to save the world. I wouldn't let that demon destroy these worlds that I had so fallen in love with. I had always tried so hard to remember who I was before I forgot it when I was twelve, but it was no use.

Before Skye could turn around and ask me if I was okay, I started running towards the wheat field. I yanked off my gloves, and electricity sparked across my skin. I didn't feel it, and a pulse of energy skinned my whole body. I rushed forward, and my wings formed, flickering out. The minute they were done, I leapt off the ground and unsteadily flapped in the air for a small amount of time. I spread my wings to their full extent, and glided over the buffets of wind.

My eyes studied the ground beneath me, and I swayed side to side in the wind. I felt dizzy from the feeling of sickness circling me. I grit my teeth and narrowed my eyes and continued to fly on. When the wind settled down, I closed my eyes and tried to see if I could find the journal. In my mind's eye I could see it, the white and light brown leather journal sitting there, tucked neatly into some dark place.

A silver ball formed in my hands, the sparks filling up.

"Take me there," I murmured, and then shot out the ball. I flew into it.

I tumbled through the vortex for the few short seconds, and landed on the ground. My eyes scoured the area around me, the dark sky making it hard to see. I was in a forest, a very scary forest.

"Intriguing,"I mumble.

I looked around, and waltzed through the forest. Trees loomed up around me, and I twirled around my eyes in search of that white journal. My eyes locked on a bramble bush, and behind the thick and large black branches, I could see the white. A grin flickered over my face and I rushed towards it. My hands grasped on the branches, and despite the prickles cutting through my delicate skin, I pulled on them. I ripped a hole in the bush, and snatched the journal, and cradled it to my chest.

A manic laughter boiled up from behind me. I whirled around me, and there stood Chalicsha, her black hair pulled up into a tight bun on her head. I snarled at her, still clutching the journal to my chest while I backed away. She smirked, her hands placed on her hips.

"I've been looking for that," she cooed.

"Yeah? Well guess what? I found it, and I'm keeping it!" I snapped, and my wings spread out behind me and I launched into the air.

I looked down at her, and anger lashed through her face. She glared at me as she transformed. Large raven wings battered the air, black horns spiraling in the air, and cat claws ripping from her fingertips.

I kissed the cover of the journal, forming another silver ball in my hands.

"Get this somewhere she can't!" I cried, shooting the ball, and throwing the journal into the swirling black spiral. Chalicsha flew into the air, and tried to reach the travel tunnel before it shut, but she was too slow.

"Now it's just you and me," I said, a smirk spreading across my face. Her head whipped towards me, anger melting over her face as she glared at me. She barreled towards me, her hands gripping my shoulders tightly. I brought my hand up and slammed it against her cheek. She flew back, shrieking as sparks danced across her skin, seering it. I formed a silver orb, and threw it at her. It knocked her shoulder, and she snarled, as black tendrils curled out from her, reaching towards me in a fit of anger.

I flew away, and every time my wings beat the sky, lightning flashed down, keeping the demon a good distance away. I stopped and turned around, my wings battering back and forth as I glared at her.

She sneered, "you can't fight me, darling!"

"Oh yeah?" I snapped, a large silver line forming around me.

"I'm the strongest demon known to man! They know me as Hel, doll, the goddess of the Underworld!" She laughed, her head whipping up to the sky.

"Has anyone ever told you that the reason I know all my magic was because I was taught by Aggie, the Star of storms, traveling, and prophecies? Oh, and Ken, the Star of war and dragons?" I shouted, the line of silver getting longer, covering nearly the whole sky.

Chalicsha's eyes widened, and she froze, the black tendrils backing away from me. The silver line continued to grow, swiftly moving towards the demon. I lashed my hand out, and the line of silver collapsed over the demon, consuming her.

She writhed in the new bonds, her eyes glowing angrily as she glared up at me. Fury rose in her face as she struggled against the binds that hugged her.

"You can't fi-" The line cut her off as it swirled over her mouth. I tilted my head at her, grinning.

"Everyone will be here to witness your downfall," I cooed, "doesn't that sound fun, darling?"

Whipping out the line, it twisted into a circle, and a blackness swirled inside it.

"I call forth the sight of all! I command the journal to come back, and for Skye and Saturn to join me!" I cried.

With that, I could feel everyone watching me. I gazed at the tunnel as Saturn and Skye tumbled out, landing on the line, shock rippling through both of them landing on the line of power and energy. The travel tunnel for the journal re-opened and fell into my hands. I smirked down at the demon.

"Today, I end your legacy that sets fear in everyone's hearts."

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