Chapter 26-Anglophobia: Fear of British People

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Skye tightly wrapped the wet cloth around my burned finger tips. I winced and hissed as he tied the cloth tightly around my hand. He pursed his lips but continued to press down on the cloth everywhere, ensuring no air got in. I watched him with a bitter sorrow, would I lose him too? His eyes flicked towards me for a second before glancing up at the makeshift leaf roof we had made.

  He sighed, "look Saturn, I-"

"It's okay," I mumbled, rolling onto my side and still cradling my hand, "I understand."

"But you don't," he tried to reason, but I zoned him out as I gazed at the tree trunk while my vision got blurry with new tears. It felt like I was always crying now and that the world was against me. I cringed at my choice of words, okay, maybe I was a bit over-dramatic.

"Saturn," his voice broke through my barriers, "I'm not mad, nor am I disappointed. I'm talking about Zi, she... I don't know."

  I smirked, and rolled onto my back again and faced him with a bitter smile, "you can't even protect her, we all know she was in the wrong."

   His golden eyes watched me with a dismal tint, before he got up and just walked away. I watched as his back turned side to side in his wary swagger. I frowned, wasn't I right about Zi? I slowly sat up, and rubbed my eyes. Black splotches flickered in my vision, and even though I blinked and shook my head several times, they didn't go away.


  Tears fell to the ground, raising dust from the old and creaky floor. The salty tears tracked slowly across the floor, leaving small lines of visible brown. So much dust covered that creaky attic floor, where the little girl had been banished to. Sobs racked her small shoulders and her hands covered her eyes as tears leaked out from underneath them and fell off her chin.

"Mama!" She sobbed again, falling onto her knees, her hands now clutching her knees as she keeled over, her face nearly pressed to the floor. Laughter boiled around her as a mixture of black and white shapes rose up from the dust, and spun around her. Her porcelain face peeked up, and her mouth dropped open as horror stroked its brush across her face.

  Her light blue eyes changed to a bawling amber as she curled tighter into herself and watched the figures with a careful quietness. A few more tears fell down her face as she struggled to somehow get away from the strange creatures.

"Stay away from me!" She cried, "I'm not like my Mama."

   Silence answered her as the figures stopped spinning and watched her with creepy green mouths smiling widely. Black fangs descended from their mouths as they pressed closer to the small doll like girl.

"How are you so sure?" One asked, and after more laughter boiled from them all as they started to twirl again. The dust among the furniture and floor flew into the air and surrounded them all. Papers and small trinkets started to fly as well as the ghosts and demons started to fly faster.

"STOP!" Another female voice screamed as a searing red light appeared in the middle of the circle. The ghosts backed away, suddenly wary of the room. A girl, maybe about sixteen or seventeen, appeared with a large scythe in her hand. Her eyes were a blank white, with her hair a simple medium brown. Her shirt was checked black and red, with white gloves and black leather pants. She was panting as she stood over the little girl with protectiveness vibrating from her with a nasty snarl. White liquid dripped from her scythe, and burned the floor, one dropped on her booted foot but she didn't seem to care as she glared down the creatures.

"I suggest you stay away from this little girl, or you'll be hearing from Death for the rest of your pitiful dead lives," she snapped, swinging her weapon, forcing the ghosts to back away. She turned away, ready to disappear again.

"And who do you think you are to make us stop?" One growled, balling up its fists.

   She turned back around, her white eyes shining, she sneered at the ghost, and hooked her scythe over its neck, and leaned towards him.

"I'm Shay, Death's Assassin."


     "SATURN! SOMEBODY! HOLY S-" Seb screamed, jolting me out of... my day dream or whatever. I narrowed my eyes at him as he rushed in, and rapidly pointed outside. I stood up and marched over to him.

"Are Skye and Zi fighting?" I asked, it was the only thing that I could think of.

"Worse," he snarled, and then grabbed my wrist and dragged me outside. Immediately he pointed to the sky, which was... flipping red. My jaw dropped as I looked at the sky, and then slowly my gaze went back to the field. The shadow was still there, but was... more figured. It was Chalicsha.

   Her silver eyes stared  back into my now brown ones. She smiled at me, and I snarled bitterly as I marched towards her, ready to give her a piece of my mind.

"Oh, now you wouldn't want to do that, now would you, Saturn?" She laughed, casually flicking one hand as she clutched her abdomen in fake laughter with the other. Chalicsha sobered up, and sneered at me, her large sword forming in her hand. I growled, and imagined a scythe forming in my hand but nothing happened. I frowned down at it bitterly, darn it.

  As I lunged forward again, a hand clamped down around my shoulder, stopping me from getting myself killed. I glanced over my shoulder and there stood Skye, his golden eyes hard as he glared at the demon before us. Zi was behind me, frowning with her arms crossed. She looked to me, rolled her eyes, and looked back to Birdy.

"So, you've decided to attack Kananikos, huh?" She asked, stepped around me and Skye, and slowly transforming. I was transfixed as her hair swirled into a black, and the dainty white dress spiraled down to her ankles. There was a buzzing feeling behind me, and as I looked at Skye, I saw he was transforming too. His dark hair turned white, golden eyes amber, and his clothes changed to some elegant white, gold, and light blue suit. The same staff from the Nightmaric Chambers appeared in his hands, and he twirled it, picking up a small wind.

"What the heck is going on?" Someone asked. I turned around, and there saw a whole lot of townspeople. Oh crap. I poked Skye, but he shrugged me off, I kept on poking him, but he eventually just moved out of reach. I pursed my lips, looks like I was stuck with this one on my own.

  I walked towards them and waved awkwardly, smiling.

"Um, hi there!" I started, twiddling my fingers, "Er-"

"What's going on?" A little boy asked, marching forward and narrowing his eyes at me. Wow, okay quite the interrogator.  I pursed my lips in thought, before something came to mind. I closed my eyes, and held up my hands. As my focus slowly came to me, the yellow light buzzed in my hands. Oo's and ah's were heard, but I ignored them as I spread my hands out. I opened my eyes and stared at the crowd.

"You have seen nothing, there's merely a field, nothing more. There's a few butterflies here and there, a small breeze, and that is it," I sighed, and lowered  my hands, dissipating the yellow light and watching them. They simply went back to work, and ignored the strange sky and scene before them.

  Score for me.

Saturn: Sedatephobia (Completed)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant