Chapter 7-Achondroplasiaphobia: Fear of Little People

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Birdy: How can you be scared of little people? What's the worst they can do, bite your leg?

Me: Birdy we don't have time for this.

Birdy: But ho-

Me: *Uses magical author powers and stops Birdy from talking*

"Um... sir, do you know any women named Sailor?" I asked awkwardly, as I walked back up to Goiteia. Goiteia turned around, and frowned at me, as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh, you're back," He muttered sarcastically.

"Yup," I said cheerfully, "Now, care to tell me if you know any women named Sailor?"

"Yeah, she lives right there," He huffed, pointing. I turned around and followed his finger to a light blue hut. My pride refused to let me mumble a thank you, so I just started walking away, my arms refusing to move and legs stumbling over everything in my path. I gulped as I made it to the door, and nervously knocked, squinching my eyes shut, and turning away. I heard the door open, but I didn't react, I just stood there, as static as ever.

"Sa-Saturn?" My mother's voice whispered softly.

I turned my head her direction, and opened my eyes, "Mama..."

"Oh my," My mom cried, as she flung her arms around my neck, "gosh."

I stood there, tense, staring into her small home, which was painted green and blue with white clouds. Mom mumbled stuff along the lines of 'my baby' and 'agapitos archontas.' Oh dear lord. Slowly, and hesitantly, my arms and shoulders loosened, and my noodle arms found their way around her waist, and then my head dropped onto hers, and I let out a muffled sob into her hair. Several more choked sobs escaped my chapped lips, and tears slid down and dotted her hair. I heard another sob come from her, and I smiled, as we stood there embracing each other.

I'm pretty sure a good two hours passed before either one of us let go.


I screamed and ran back downstairs, my arms in the air as my scream kept falling out of my mouth like a scared waterfall. I looked over my shoulder, saw the thing, shrieked again, and fell down the remaining stairs.

"My ear!"

And landed on the soft plush carpet, and imagined judges sitting there and holding up the perfect ten. Then I remembered the weird creature that was chasing me, and stood up, and careened into the kitchen where my mom was. She looked up from the tomatoes she was chopping with a startled expression and blinked at me.

"What's wrong Saturn?" She asked mildly.

"Cre-"I gasped, bending over, completely out of breath, "-ture, thing--whatever- chasing me."

An amused smile spread across her face, and I frowned, "You met Karpy?"

"What?" I asked, blinking at her, and scratching my forearm. That vile creature had a name? Who names an evil monster that just tried to kill me?

"Karpy come here!" My mother sang-song.

"AWW!" I screeched, pouncing on my mom and covering her mouth, my wide eyes glancing around rapidly, "Don't summon it!"

My mom rolled her eyes and glared pointedly at me. I kept shaking my head frantically at her, hoping she'd get my point. Unfortunately, she didn't, and managed to whistle through my hand, and the vile creature rushed in, looking around. It saw me, and narrowed its creepy violet eyes, and looked like it was about to pounce on me. When the creature didn't move, and just sagged down to the floor, I carefully removed my hand from my mother's mouth and got off of her.

"Saturn, meet Karpy. Karpy, meet Saturn," My mom sighed, annoyance flaring through her purple eyes. Wait-purple?!
"Since when were your eyes purple?" I demanded, crossing my arms and tapping my left foot repeatedly on the tile beneath me.

 Wait-purple?!"Since when were your eyes purple?" I demanded, crossing my arms and tapping my left foot repeatedly on the tile beneath me

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"Since I let Ginero inhabit my soul," She mumbled softly, bending down and petting Karpy's head. I opened my mouth to ask who 'Ginero' was, but before I could there was a loud knocking at the door, and ravished snarl. I watched as my mom visibly stiffened, her purple eyes glowing and her back straightened. She bit her lip, and then looked at me while bringing her index finger to her lips, signaling for me to be silent. Then she pulled on my leg, making me crouch down, and be eye to eye with Karpy, whose eyes were wide open, and his mouth was in a silent snarl.

I watched as mom got up and slowly crept around the kitchen door, her back to the wall as she slowly crept towards the door. I glanced back at Karpy, who was staring at me with a tilted head, his violet eyes twinkling wild and orange scales changing repeatedly between orange, purple and red. A growl escaped him as the squeaky noise of the door opening sounded through the small house. Before I could grab him, he had scampered forward and out of my reach, making me curse silently under my breath. As I got up to chase him, a chilling feeling ran through me.

Saturn, run. Now! Birdy's voice screamed in my head. And as I looked around the corner and saw our "visitors" I understood why.

"Sorry mom," I mumbled under my breath, and then whirled around and raced away, my heart beating rapidly.

Ooo who do you think the "visitors" are? And how did Sailor know that it was someone bad before she even looked away from Saturn? Ooo the mystery! Ooo the expense! So, do you guys think this story is moving too fast? Or what? Also I hope you all caught the hint for Birdy!

Anyways, you know the drill! So, now we're going home!

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