Chapter 28-Pantophobia: Fear of the Unknown

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   My back slammed into a hard ground, making me groan as my head also fell onto the ground. Seb fell beside me with a loud thump. He gasped in pain while I slowly sat up, and looked around. Where was Skye? Worry wormed its way through my veins, zapping every inch of my body. I smacked my hand into Seb's shoulder as he just lay there, muttering profanities under his breath.

"Do you know where Skye went?" I queried, glancing down at my half-sibling. He rubbed his eyes and looked around at our new surroundings for a second, before glancing back at me. He simply shrugged. I stood up and looked around, he had to be here somewhere... right? Suddenly, my eyes seemed to pick up on the beauty of a place that surrounded us. A small gasp left my lips.

The sky was a beautiful emerald green, shining and twinkling down at us. A mixture of purple, white, and light blue clouds littered the sky. Large water bubbles floated throughout the air, and large fish of sorts swimming around. My mouth dropped open as one fish soared through the air, and into another bubble, splashing water everywhere. Golden, silver, and yellow tree trunk spiraled into the air, with pink and dark blue leaves bursting off of them with a showy flourish. The grass was a brilliant mixture of gold, orange, yellow, and light brown. The amazing thing about it was that it kept growing, and then like it was getting chopped, shorted again.

"Seb," I gasped, twirling around with my airs in the air, a blissful smile lighting up my facial features, "do you see this?"

"Yeah," he mumbled, "unless I'm hallucinating."

I grinned, and trotted forward, my hand brushing across the smooth surface of a silver tree-trunk. My worries of Skye missing completely forgotten. Small water bubbles floated around the lush landscape, sparkling and bobbing in the small breeze. This was hands down a-maze-ing. Why couldn't my world look like this? I blinked, wondering where the heck we were.

"Dude, do you have any idea where we are?" I asked, looking over my shoulder at Seb, who had now managed to stand up, and lean against a tree for support.

"Nope, but if that sign is right, I think we're in Diavolaki," he stated. I snorted, and looked to where he was pointing. In the sky a large brown sign stood, with colorful words bursting across its boring background, spelling Welcome to Diavolaki!

"We're in Zi's home..." I mumbled, tears building up in my eyes again. Seven Stars, I was just an emotional wreck, now wasn't I?

"Come on," Seb said, suddenly beside me, his arm lazily draped over my shoulders, "let's try to find some civilization."

I sniffed a laugh, and elbowed him slightly, "city boy."

"Well of course, I am the Prince. Didn't you notice how much I hated Magikos and the Nightmaric Chambers?" He snorted, frowning down at me. I raised an eyebrow at him, and crossed my arms, steadily walking beside him.

"Um... no, I was asleep in the majority of Magikos, knocked out and sleepy in the Nightmaric Chambers," I protested, elbowing him again, but harder. He grunted at the impact, before throwing me away from him by shoving the side of my head. I grunted, but didn't retaliate. I knew it was no use.

I followed Seb as he maneuvered his way through the thickets, several times his hands trying to uselessly swat huge leaves away from his path. Eventually getting annoyed with his helplessness, I grabbed the back of his shirt and yanked him back. I snatched the leaf, and tore it off the branch before proceeding. After a few more turns and snatches, we finally made it out of the brush, and into a clearing. There was a path before us, and a little ways up, a village.

Seb, being the complete weirdo he was, started laughing and ran straight towards the village. I watched for a second, debating whether turning around and walking back through the forest was an option. He turned around and waved me over, his large hand wildly flopping around. I walked towards him, and the two of us entered the village.

My eyes trailed nervously over the town, but it was just like any other one. Tents and markets surrounded the street, with houses littered behind them, and larger buildings spiraling up to the sky.

"We should find something to eat," I mumbled, and on cue, my stomach rumbled to prove my point.

"Do you think Earth magic can buy stuff here on Diavolaki?" He queried, glancing at me, before looking around at the stalls.

"It's worth a shot, right?" I shot right back at him. He didn't respond as he started walking forward, his eyes warily sweeping over the area in search of food. I suddenly wondered if Kanonikos people... could actually eat this food. He stopped, and horror and surprise raked across his face. Before I could even open my mouth to ask 'what', he was already pointing at a stall. There, a very familiar girl's back was turned to us.

Seb snatched my forearm and rushed forward, forcing my short legs to scurry and trip over the bumpy stone road as we hurried towards our new destination. When we were two feet away, Seb stopped to get some breath as he trained his blue eyes on the girl before him.

"Myla?" He queried. The girl froze, and whirled around, a large, and very pretty fruit was clutched in between her hands. Most definitely Myla. Her big brown eyes watched us with uncertainty, and her long light brown curls circling her waist. She calmed down once she realized it was us, her eyes flickering back and forth between us. A sudden wave of anger crashed over me, the sickening blackness covering me.

"Is this where you disappeared to?" I snarled lowly, leaning forward, my eyes calculating hers'. She stared back, not exactly looking scared, but obviously feeling the unwelcomeness swimming off of me.

"I had no choice!" She squealed.

"NO CHOICE!?" I roared, louder, and catching several people's attention, "everybody has a choice."

"The stars called me here before I could even say goodbye," she cried, begging for me to understand. My anger was swirling around me so fast, that nothing could even break through the barrier. Where was she when Mercury got killed, her... no-touch whatever could've saved them! And maybe even Zi would still be alive!

Tears swam in my vision as I glared her down, "Mercury died because he went searching for you!"

Her mouth fell open as she watched me. Her large brown eyes widened beyond belief, and a gloved hand covered her mouth as a small gasp escaped it. I calmed down a bit, seeing her feel the hurt I did.

"Zi died too," I rasped, the fight completely distinguished at the reminder of my beloved Guardian.

"I am so sorry," she gasped, reaching out to touch me, but I flinched away.

"No you're not," I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest and turning away.

"I wish I could've been there to help," she sighed, and then silenced. I did too, any sign of a fight completely gone as I replayed her words in my head. In the end, nobody would've been able to save them. We could've tried, maybe a bit harder, but they would've died anyway. We still would've ran into the dog thing most likely, and Chalicsha would've escaped. Not even Myla's powers or curse, could've stopped that.

I groaned, a headache swirling in my pits. I seriously needed to sleep.

And sleep is what I did as I fell into Seb.

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