Chapter 27-Hodophobia: Fear of Traveling

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    Screams erupted from behind me, and I whirled around to see Zi fallen on her back, her spear uselessly swinging, trying to get Chalicsha away from her. Skye was exhausted, but he kept pushing up gusts of wind. They were no match for her, she was too strong. I rushed towards them and smashed straight into the demon without second thought. Surprisingly, she stumbled away and caught herself. I glared at her as I stood in front of Zi protectively, my fists clenched angrily at my sides.

"I'm supposed to protect you," Zi groaned, "not the other way around."

  I ignored her and stared Chalicsha down. She watched me as well, her gray eyes flickering up and down me, a nervous look glinting in them. She pursed her lips, and lifted her spear, and her game face came back as she scowled me down into the earth. I grit my teeth, I knew I wasn't ready for a fight like this, but it's always worth a try, right? In my mind I imagined the yellow light surrounding me again, it's sparkles floating around, signifying hope. The warm buzzing filled my anatomy as my opponent lifted her weapon, ready to strike with everything.

"You're too weak to fight me," she sneered, "why even try?"

I paused, and took a deep breath, thinking on that.

"Because even if I die, I at least know one thing; I delayed destruction, and I tried!" I snarled, and leapt at her. Darkness and light clashed right there, her dark tendrils swirling in the air, and my sparkles filling the air with a blinding light. Her spear caught my shoulder, and I stumbled, and fell onto my butt, but either way I kept fighting. I lifted my hand, and a yellow arrow shot out,  and slammed into her thigh.

  She shouted, and winced as yellow light spiraled out where it had hit her. I took the time to stand up, and prepare myself for another attack. As I held both hands up, it spiraled out and around, forming a large shield. It continued to spread out, until it protected me, Seb, Zi, and Skye.

"You've gotten stronger," she snorted, yanking the arrow out and crumbling it to dust. A pang resounded in my chest, making me whine like a dog. I spun my hand around, forming a  large line. I slammed my other hand forward, knocking the line straight towards the demon. She cut it in half with her spear, and laughed manically at me.

"Today, you fall, Saturn! Your mother was so wrong, thinking you could save the worlds! She must've been seriously delus-"

  Zi smashed her scythe right into her, cutting her off. The purple light snatched Chalicsha's spear, and tossed it away. Then it grasped her forearm and her waist, curling around her tightly, and yanking her around like a rag doll. She gasped, surprise flickering through her dark eyes. But as she struggled for a bit more, her darkness seeped over the purple, smashing it to bits, and flinging it away like it was paper.

"RUN!" Zi screeched, as a new spear formed in the demon's hand. She slammed it deep into Zi's knee, but either way my guardian stayed standing and continued to fight, despite the deep wound in her knee. I grit my teeth, and shook my head, marching forward and drawing another line in the air. I grasped the end, and whipped it. It licked the sky, and spun through the air, wrapped itself around Chalicsha's forearm. I yanked back, slamming the demon to the ground, and dragging her towards me, grueling as the robust supernatural struggled.

  Her magic tried to approach my whip, but it backed away, snarling bitterly at the light. I formed another whip, and grasped it with my other hand.  I whipped it outwards, and it arched in the air, before slammed down onto her thigh. I continued to drag her, my magic surrounding me with a loud and powerful humming.

  But somehow, just somehow, she flung her spear... and-

"AGHHHH!" Zi shouted, as she fell to the ground, the spear embedded deep into her stomach. I shrieked in horror and shock, my whips disappearing with a sizzle as I rushed towards her. I fell onto my knees beside, and just as I was about to grab the spear to take it out, it disappeared and there was a small whistling in the air. Zi shoved me weakly, for her anyways, which was strong enough to knock me onto my back. Another spear slammed into her shoulder, she screamed out and blood gurgled from both wounds, spilling out and pooling around her.

  Skye was at her side in an instance as the second spear disappeared, her pressed his hands against her shoulder, trying to stop the excessive amounts of blood. It was no use, and I screamed again, and turned towards Birdy. Rage filled magic formed in my hands, and I threw the orb at her. She dodged it as it flew past her ear. Her already dark eyes were darker with bloodlust curling like smoke in them.

"YOU'RE A MONSTER!" I sobbed, throwing another weak orb. She batted it aside like it was simply a leaf.

"No honey," she chuckled, "I'm a demon."

   You're right about that, I thought bitterly as I glared her down. I turned back to Zi, sobbing as I clutched onto her forearm. Another spear jabbed down into her uninjured knee. She looked at me, nearly all the light in her eyes dead as she gazed at me.

"Darkness swirls at the end of the storm,

Fire rages at the peak of the ocean.

Cities will fall,

Royalty will bow.

  A shadow shall rule,

  Hidden in the pits of humanity,.

And then, as the lightning of Zeus breaks loose...

All hell will come forth."

  I froze, remembering the prophecy she stated two weeks ago. She smiled weakly, before shutting her eyes, and opening them again, their color changed to a vibrant purple.

"Only one can save them all,

One whose mother is non-existent.

One who was created by the Seven Stars,

A gift to the worlds',

She'll save us all,

As long as she sees the truth soon enough."

  She groaned, her head rolling towards me, nearly all the light gone from her.

"I forgot the second part," she said weakly, "now save yourselves."


  But before I could finish my sentence, she weakly raised her hand and raised it, blood dripped off it, scaring me as I watched it slip down like rain. A light encircled me, and spread to Skye and Seb, I froze watching her, my eyes pleading with her, but it was no use. She was pretty much already gone.

  A blackness surrounded us, and I could faintly hear Chalicsha laughing and Zi mutter "goodbye."

Saturn: Sedatephobia (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora