Chapter 33-Somniphobia: Fear of Sleep

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Skye stood there, the forever cocky smirk slapped onto his face like duct-tape. His golden eyes seemed to nearly be laughing at my expression. Jaw dropped, eyes baby Saturns, and my already pale face drained of any possible color. I thought he was flipping dead!

"How... why weren't you in Diavolaki?" I asked, staring him down, my brown eyes still wide.

He looked away, a blush covering his cheeks as he scratched the back of his neck. A nervous and squeaky laugh escaped his lips, his eyes studying the brown grass.

"Funny that you mention that," he mumbled.

I raised my eyebrow, "hm?"

"I was banished from that planet when I may have accidentally blown up the City Hall," he rushed out, holding up his palms, and looking awkwardly innocent. I narrowed my eyes and leaned towards him, crossing my arms. My gaze strayed away from him, my eyes once again staring out into abyss of disaster. I stood up, and walked so I was right in front of Skye, but I simply ignored him as I looked at the red sky.

Time slowed and the sounds faded away with a quiet flourish. My eyes slowly closed, a small breath escaping my lips and I opened my eyes again. The black clouds in the sky dipped so low, it reminded me of those black waves of anger that would always consume me. I closed my eyes once again, imagining the clouds getting brushed away, the rain disappearing and a beautiful, bright, and yellow sun appearing through the gloom. I felt the humming, and a tugging in my hands.

The sound came back, and I could hear both Myla and Skye gasp. Then a joyful laughter bubbled around me. I opened my eyes, covering my eyes a bright light shone from the sky. The black clouds were gone, and it was no longer raining. A smile graced my face, and I laughed as Skye picked me up and swung me around.

"You did it!" He cried, his eyes shining down on me. I felt like a lovesick middle schooler as I looked up at him, a pink blush getting brushed across my cheeks and neck, and any genius I had disappearing. I smiled back, trying to not melt into a puddle of Saturn pudding on the floor.

"I did," I said. It wasn't a question, it was like a confused statement. My gaze drifted to the ranch house. A man and a woman rushed out, both crying out in joy. The woman laughed while tears fell down her cheeks, and the man smiled, hugging her close to him. A cry of pain came from the house, immediately ending the happiness floating from the couple.

"Ara!" The woman cried, rushing in. The man covered his forehead with his large and tanned hand. He looked so anxious, and it set a bitterness deep in my gut. How could that demon do this! Sicken small children who did absolutely nothing to her! Anger lashed its whip, smashing my fired heart. I started to march forward, but a hand clamped down on my shoulder. I turned my head, looking at Skye from the corner of my eyes. Angry tears leaked down my cheeks, making me sniffle. I rubbed my nose, He reached his hand up, and swiped the tears away with his thumb.

"It's okay," he murmured, bringing me into his chest. I started sobbing loudly, clinging to him.

"Why?" I cried, "why does she do this? These people did nothing to her! She's going to pay, she is so going to pay."

As I repeated that line several times, I shook my head again his chest, clenching my fists. I wished I could crush that monster into a pulp, give her a piece of my mind. His hand brushed my hair, as he murmured lines in Latin or something. I looked up at him, his golden eyes watching me sadly.

"You understand this right?" I whispered. He nodded, cupping my cheek and looking down at me. A throat cleared, and I froze, looking at Myla as she watched us with annoyance crossing in her eyes. I blushed, I had completely forgot about her.

Saturn: Sedatephobia (Completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz