Chapter 19-Mazephobia: Fear of Mazes

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  It wasn't until we went down the steps, and stopped on the bottom that I realized it wasn't just some weird cave or what-not, it was a maze. A maze for a group of naturally unstable people and me, having a horrible sense of direction. I clenched and unclenched my fists, pursing my lips and sighed. I had a feeling we couldn't just turn around and go back up the steps. I glanced at three choices, go left, straight, or right.

Birdy? I asked hopefully, any ideas?

Hmmmm... I'm left-handed, she stated. Nothing else, and originally, nothing that was exactly, helpful.

And that means...? I thought, glancing at the dark corridors that seemed to speak and breath.

Right. I nodded, and then paused. She told me to touch Myla, and look where that got us. But, then again, maybe I need to be here? I sighed, and turned right, and waltzed forward. With every step a loud clank ran through the corridor. I could hear the small pitter-patter of the other's footsteps, as they followed me without question.

  "Saturn, um... can you even see anything?" Somebody, Zi, I think, said.

"Of course I c-ow." My nose smacked straight into the cold stone wall. I groaned, and rubbed it.

"Sure you can," she snorted. I felt the brush of fabric and a small whoosh as she stepped past me. A light started radiating off from her, and I raised my forearm, guarding my eyes as the blinding yellow light struck out. I peeked one eye open, and the light had died down, but now she looked... different. It was the same as in the Castle, black hair, gray face, purple flowers surrounding her eyes, black sewn line for a mouth, and one grey eye and one green. As we all stared at her with wide eyes, she smirked and placed her hands on her hips.

"Well, losers, are we gonna go or not?" She snorted.

"I'm not a loser," Mercury and Skye piped up. She rolled her eyes, and turned around, leading the way down the corridor.

  I glanced back at the group, and motioned them forward, and ran after Zi. My pounding feet slammed hard against the unyielding ground. Dang, how in all the world did Zi move so fast?! I tried to push forward, but I was never a lover of running nor good at it. I stopped, gasping for breath, and placing my hands on my knees as I keeled over, trying to suck in enough breath in one turn. A chuckle resounded off the walls from behind me, and I growled angrily.

"Who would've known the 'it' could barely run fifty feet," he snorted. I looked up and glared into his dull grey eyes.

"Go annoy somebody else, Mister Spectacles," I huffed, gasping once again for air. I stood up straight, and crossed my eyes, glaring at him. He grinned at me, and then started walking again. I fell in step with him, and kept scowling at him.

"Are you going to just-just," I trailed off, having nothing to actually say. I continued on in my silent pouting and watched the brownish-gray walls as we passed by. His annoying silence droned on, so I had to listen to the drip-drop of water and the tapping of feet.

"What was your mom like?" He suddenly asked, out of the blue. I blinked, and looked at him, slowing down for a second.

"She... she was nice, from what I remember. Over-protective," I chuckled, remembering the one time she threw paint on some kids that had been bullying me, "she was... weird, most definitely. She couldn't cook."

  He snorted, "similar to my mom."

I looked at him, "what about your family?"

"My parents, and my twin brother died when I was twelve. Then I moved in with my Aunt and Uncle. I lived with my two cousins, Calista and Demour and my younger siblings Evangelina and Corin. After I moved out I got married to Ara, and now we have two kids Jameson and Rowena," he said, walking briskly faster. A slow grin spread over my face, thinking of ways to tease him, before it vanished.

"What about them?" I asked, twiddling my fingers. His brisk pace slowed as he glanced over his shoulder at me, confusion lacing his face.

"What do you mean?" Queried he, I blinked up at him, and then realized that my question didn't make any sense. I awkwardly scratched the top of my head as I thought about a better way to word the question.

"How is your wife and children? I mean... why did you leave them to go guard?" I finally settled with that. A grave darkness squirmed through his dull eyes, darkening them to a near black. He pursed his lips, looking away and running a hand through his hair. I regretted the question, but I had no choice but to keep with it. Naturally, I barely knew the majority of the people in this group. May as well start with the guy I called an imbecile, right?

"I had no choice," he said simply and then marched away, leaving me behind in the cold and dark stone line. I frowned at his retreating back, before rushing forward in attempts to keep up with the fast-paced group. I caught up when they all stopped at a fork, left or straight. I glanced down the left one, and then straight-ahead.

"Left," Zi said the same time Myla said, "Straight."

  Zi shot Myla a glare, and then repeated the same answer as before. Myla quietly shook her head and stepped forward. Her light brown eyes were full of insistence, and Zi's full of fiery passion. Neither female would back down. I stepped forward to intervene, but Skye grabbed me by the back of my collar.

"Let them solve this," he hissed in my ear. I frowned at him.

"It's merely a small problem," I protested.

"Zi almost murdered Myla once you were knocked out. She doesn't trust her and Myla will naturally argue with her," Seb interrupted, as he watched the two stare each other down.  Both refused to back down, fists clenched and jaws set. They both obviously wanted to murder one another any second now.

"Left is full of traps," Myla stated, "going that way wouldn't be smart."

"How in the world would you know?" Zi snarled, stepping forward, some sort of purple electricity crackling between her poised fingers.

"Don't you hear the clinking?" Myla huffed, crossing her arms and glaring Zi down.

   There was a pause as Zi tipped her head and listened carefully. As we all silenced, you could indeed, hear a small clinking, like a rotating gear. Either way, the opposing female still wouldn't believe her.

"I have practically a sixth sense, and left is the better way," Zi snapped, yet again, stepping forward.

"And how is that?" The other said, waving a wild arm around.

"Now see he-" Zi started, but was cut off as Skye stepped forward.

"What I think Zi is trying to say, is that straight ahead is a dead end," he sighed, "I can test that."

  He picked up his hands, and closed his eyes in concentration. A wind whistled down the tunnels, slamming against my back and rushing around me in a desperate swirl to get where it was demanded of. His right hand that was pointing down the straight tunnel twitched, and then pulled into a fist and launched backwards. He shook his head, and with a silent motion, pointed down the left tunnel.

  Zi smirked in triumph, and walked towards it, leading the way with the purple glow of light following her.

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