Chapter 0.15-Neophobia: Fear of New Things

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I shrieked and covered my head, but immediately found it hard to run forward in a forest while staring at the ground. A hand, Zi's from the rings, wrapped around my upper-arm and dragged me away from the line of fire.

"Since when did the guards get guns?" I gasped, "I thought they were old style!"

"They're supposed to be," Seb huffed, pressing his back up against a tree.

"This doesn't matter! We have to get to Magikos... but I don't know where it is," Zi glanced at me expectantly, and I sighed. I didn't fully know where it was, but I knew it was through the forest. I glanced around the tree I was pressed up against, and saw the guards looking around, "Follow me."

I lead the way, carefully and quietly walking through the foliage, glancing around trying to gain back my surroundings.

Birdy? Some help would be good right about now, I thought as I looked around. All I saw were birch trees, birch, and more birch, dammit! I groaned, throwing my head back and wiping a hand down my face.

Go forward, duh! She screeched. I pinched the bridge of my nose, and looked forward again, and ran as best as I could. I twisted, and bended pretty unnaturally around the tree branches. I cursed as my ankle came in contact with a thorn bush.

"You all are doing it wrong, my Seven Stars!" A familiar masculine voice called, cockiness icing the voice. I froze, and did the slow turn around, glaring at the mundane dark haired and golden-eyed boy. I snorted, and crossed my arms, waiting to see what this newbie could do. He smirked, and walked in front of me, holding out his hands, a wind rippled across the forest, making my hair rise up into the air. Then... fwooshmp.

The whole entire forest before us had just... flattened. My eyes widened, and I glanced at him, possible awe running through my veins.

"Hurry up now, and stay in front of me! The minute I step over it will spring up again," Skye ordered. I whipped around and rushed forward, leading the way to Magikos. Over flattened trees and thickets we went. Zi was practically stepping on my ankles, and I almost purposely stopped so she could faceplant into my back, but I was too nice to do that. Hah, no I'm not. I stopped, smirking as her face slapped in between my shoulder blades.

"Here's the border," I stated, barely glimpsing the shimmery and watery wall splayed in front of me.

"Where?" Seb asked, and stepped right in. Mercury lunged forward to grab him, only to fall in too. Zi glanced at me, and then launched herself in. I turned around, looking at Skye as he stood there, watching me through narrowed eyes. My cheeks flushed, and I glanced down at my fingers, twirling them together.

"Are you coming?" I mumbled, looking up and meeting his golden-eyed gaze. He blinked, and nodded, before shoving me in and leaping after me. I shuddered at the jello feeling and then let out a small squeak as I tumbled through the sky. Cold and bitter wind nipped at my arms and legs. My hair was twirling around wildly, covering my face. I could hear Zi and Skye both screaming and shouting. Zi's screams cut off abruptly. I twirled around, so my face was up and my back was towards the ground. I smirked at Skye as his arms and legs flailed around, his dark hair flashing to the side, his screams rippling through the new night sky.

I slammed into the Defenist, and sank through, my back connected with the long grass. Seb, Mercury, and Zi were all glaring at me, all of their arms crossed and brows furrowed. I awkwardly smiled, and scratched the back of my neck, realizing I should've warned them about the freefall. I ignored them, and stood up, walking towards the lake. As I stared down into it, my thoughts raced, was my mom okay? I kind of just left her to fend for herself.

Your fault, Birdy cooed.

You told me to run! I protested.

Did your parents ever warn you about listening to birds? She snapped. I grumbled, and glanced back at the group. Skye had joined them, and now all four of them were glaring.

"You guys look constipated," I stated. Then turned back to the lake, and crouched down, trailing my hand across the top of the water. I leaned forward, and something, no, someone snatched onto my fingertips, and pulled me in. I shrieked a demented help, and tumbled in. I twisted and fought angrily, slamming my feet hard into the other person. I was met by flaming purple eyes, and again I slammed my feet forward, connecting with the stomach I'm guessing. The person let go, air bubbles coughing out. I tried to swim to the surface, but the person's hand clamped down on my ankle, yanking me down again. Then two hands landed on my left arm, and two on my right, and I felt torn apart.

The upper two won, yanking me up, and the person came with me. I collapsed onto the side of the lake gasping rapidly for air, but not for long. I glanced at the person glaring him down. Black hair twirled atop his head, gray eyes blinking rapidly as he looked at me. Then... his skin started to melt away. His black hair lightened to dark brown, then his gray eyes to purple eyes... and then there was my mother, sitting on her knees, looking hopeless.

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