Chapter 11-Erythrophobia: The fear of the Color Red

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Sighting of Zi

     I looked at Saturn, scrunching my eyebrows together as a squeal poured out of her and she shook her fists in small fast rhythms. Her personable eyes lit up and her cheeks turned a healthy rosy color, replacing the grave green-paleness that had soaked her cheeks only seconds before. I smiled, glad that she was fine after whatever had happened. It had made no sense, finding Saturn lying on her side on the edge of the Sparkling Lake, practically appearing out of nowhere, and I had seen many things that made no sense. But it all made sense once she said that I came from one of the worlds that lost its magic. Now, I didn't feel any magic coming from Saturn, but quite obviously she was either magic or had had somebody magical teach her about the worlds and things that lived in these worlds.

    I felt a despise-worthy blush creepy up my cheeks once she caught me staring, and quickly averted my gaze elsewhere. Which sadly happened to be Mercury. I glared at him, bile rising in my throat as bitterness buzzed like bees through my body. Mercury had gone off and told my secret, my secret that ruined any chance of me winning the Prince's heart. I thought I could trust Mercury, but apparently not, he was just some scumbag who had made me fall into a spiraling whirlpool of apparent trust and made me spill my biggest secret.

    My glare increased as Mercury narrowed his eyes right back at me, scrunching up his nose in the process, his grey eyes a cloudy storm. From the corner of my eye I could see Prince Seb frowning at me in turn.

"Okay... so I don't exactly know why everyone is super salty right now, but does nobody care if I'm okay or not?" Saturn questioned with a silly grin as I looked towards her.

"Well, why were you sick or upset in the first place?" I shot right back at her, trying to fight down that stupid blush again.

    Immediately, her head fell down, her chin stuck to her chest, eyes gazing at the grass beneath her as if it was the best thing created. I immediately knew it had something to do with magic, I wasn't sure how, but it was a feeling settling deep in my gut.

"We all know about the worlds and magic, Saturn, there is no reason to hide it," I said with an aggrieved snort.

    She pursed her lips as she looked back up, her eyes flickering with distaste over Seb and Mercury. I couldn't help but grin at that, at least I wasn't the only who disliked them so much. She looked back at me, and sighed, continuing to trace small stars in the dirt below her.

"Birdy left me," She mumbled, her head falling down again, making her hair tumble down and cover up her face. I frowned at her, and brought my finger up to my cheek in thought.

"Who is Birdy?" I asked, watching her blue eyes flick back and forth.

"I don't even... know," She sighed, looking up into the graying sky, "she's half of my soul, and is in my bloodstream... she's a voice in my head, she's my shadowy transformation."

     I glanced back at Seb and Mercury, blinking at them as I narrowed my eyes. They both shrugged in sync right back at me. I looked back at Saturn as she carefully stood up, her emaciated legs visibly shaking. Some of the dried mud that covered her body fell off, and fluttered down to the ground, revealing pale gray spots of skin.

"A storm is coming," she breathed, "we should go inside."

    I watched as she walked away, attempting to strut with a dignity, but it failed because of her shaken state. Once she was out of earshot I turned back to Seb and Mercury, and raised a questioning eyebrow.

"I have a feeling I know who this 'shadowy transformation' is."

Sooo what do you think is Zi's big secret? Hmmmm? And was it a shocker that Zi was magical? And that everyone else knew? Comment down below on what you think! Aaand you know the drill!

Luna to Titan!

Saturn: Sedatephobia (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now