Chapter 31-Rhabdophobia: Fear of Magic

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Dakor's eyes glowed a crazy orange, I would've said healthy, but I wasn't sure if it was. He grinned psychopathically and motioned to a table near the fireplace. I nodded awkwardly, and casually pushed past him and walked by to the table. I plonked myself down, and stared up as Myla made her way over, and joined me. Her eyes were wide, and her whole entire body a fidgety mess. As Seb stepped towards us, Dakor put his arm up and glared at him.

"I don't allow non-magics in my house," he huffed, raising an eyebrow at the prince.

Seb grit his teeth, "I deserve to be here!
Dakor frowned, and crossed his large arms, "no you don't. I have no idea how a non-magic managed to cross through the barriers, but you won't last through more."

Before any of us could do anything or say anything in protest, the Seer waved his hand, watching Seb with hard eyes.

"I banish you." Was all he said, and with a rippling scream, Seb disappeared. I leapt to my feet, anger pulsating from me as I clenched my fists. Yeah, okay, I didn't exactly like Seb, he was annoying and what not, but banishing was a bit too far.

"He could die!" I cried, glaring Dakor down. He returned my scowl with a blank face.

Myla sobbed, "you said he wouldn't be able to last through another barrier! Why'd you send him through one?"

"Don't you want to know about your past?" He snarled, grabbing a bowl, some herbs, and other stuff that did not look inviting, I gulped, and carefully inched back into my chair, watching him nervously. He sat down with a huff, and placed the black bowl down carefully. He poured steaming water into it, and sprinkled in some red crinkly stuff. He threw in a couple leaves of basil, and then some whitish-yellow flower. I watched, mystified as a purpley-smoke curled into the air.

He mumbled an incantation, and swiped his hand, palm down, over the rim of the bowl. He grinned at us, and threw his hand into the air and the smoke rose up into the air. He closed his eyes and opened them, now glowing a wild pink.

"Now, are you ready?" He asked, gazing down the brown-haired teen. Her lip trembled as she nodded, her knees pulled up to her chest, watching him with a blank expression. I put a hand on her shoulder, and pulled away, suddenly remembering the last time I touched her. She gave me a weak grin, before turning back to Dakor who seemed to be enjoying every second of this.

"A good amount of time ago, specifically seventeen years ago, There was a large light blue beacon that shone through all the dimensions. From that beacon, grew a baby girl, and for nine months that beacon held the tiny life, nurturing her and teaching her the ways of her people. For eight years after that she was still raised by that beacon of light, until it died out. Over those years, several brave men tried to find the beacon, but they never made it past the last grove, nobody ever returned. In the tenth year, two years after the beacon of light died out, the Council of Season decided to have a meeting. I was one of the lucky Seers to be invited. After several discussions, and many Seers scrying through the starry sky; we decided that that light was from the seven gods, Giko, Volak, Kanon, Ken, Grafit, and Volos, and we can't forget Aggie. Now it took a while to find out what came from the beacon, but after three more years of scrying we found out it was a little girl. All of us thought: Oh! The nerves of those gods and goddesses sending us a little girl, and for what?"
I watched, still mesmerized by the colors and pictures floating through the air. There was a brown semi-circle table, with a mix of men and women sitting there, some with similar bowls to Dakor's sitting in front of them. They moved around, waving their arms around wildly, standing up and shouting at one another. Among them, I recognized a younger Dakor, who still looked the same, as he sat there with a pissed expression on his face. Another picture collected through the smoke, one of a young girl, that looked a whole lot like Myla. Light brown hair fell to the tops of her shoulders, a short and simple white dress hanging loosely on her skinny body, brown eyes wide as she raised her hands above her head, trying to protect herself from something.

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