Chapter 22-Necrophobia: Fear of People Dying

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"Mylaaaaaaa!" Skye shouted as he jogged down a tunnel, I was going to be sick. I kept on bouncing constantly as he carried me in his arms, it was great not having to run and all, but oh, my empty stomach. I groaned, clutching my abdomen. Couldn't he run less-bouncier? I hissed as my foot whacking a pretty sharp corner.

"SKYE, IF YOU ARE GOING TO FRICKIN CARRY ME, AT LEAST LEARN HOW TO DO IT CORRECTLY!" I shrieked, my blue eyes ablaze as I glared up at him. He innocently raised his eyebrows at me, and shrugged, a small smirk playing across his features. His golden eyes sparkled, as a quiet set of laughter escaped his lips. I looked away, feeling an annoying blush creep up my neck and cheeks. Curse him and his good looks!

Well, we could very easily cur-

Shut it, Chalicsha. I don't want to hear it you demon,

    The relieving, but still unsettling silence, continued on once again. I sighed and let my head fall back, so I was hanging upside down, and gazing at the boring wall. My fingers twitched, and I felt myself itching to reach out and touch it. I frowned, why the heck did I want to do that? Either way, my hand reached out, and the tips of my fingers brushed along the pitted, dusty, and jagged wall. I gazed as my pale, and barely visible due to low light, fingers brushed up against the dark wall.

  As Skye continued to carry me, his steps echoing off the walls and surrounding us in a peaceful effervescence, my finger slid into a small crevice in the wall. My finger trailed along it for a while, before suddenly, a golden light started protruding from my finger. I pulled back in shock, gasping slightly as a fuzzy feeling filled me, and the light started to die away. As an instinct I reached out again, brushing my finger across it, with a small smile. I slowly raised my finger out of the crevice, dragging it along the wall. The light still followed, and my finger started twirling around, rising and falling. The light still followed, and like a child does with paint for the first time, I continued to twirl my hand around.

   Giggles erupted from me, echoing across the hall-like structure surrounding us. Skye looked down at me, confusion lacing his eyes. I smirked, and flicked my eyes towards the golden line. He followed me vision, and just narrowed his eyes all the wall.

I furrowed my eyebrows, "don't you see the light?"

"What light?" He asked, frowning as he watching the wall, still dull looking to him. I blinked at him, before glancing at the wall, it was still there. What? I shrugged, and casually laughed it off, mumbling a small "got you." How come only I saw the light? I mean... it's not like I was the greatest person in the world, wouldn't I still be stuck in the dark? My eyes widened in shock, where had this side come from? The theoretical and spiritual talker?

  There are some of us who are special, seeing the light and experiencing it hands on. But the rest of us, hide in the dark, scared of what the light could do to us. We don't welcome the fulfilling and happy feeling it gives us. We're afraid of the bad happenings in our past, and we can't confront them...

   The new voice echoed through my head, a light, melancholy and singing voice. The sadness dripping from it, sent chills down my structure. I gazed up into the ceiling,  slowly bringing my hand from the wall, and clutching it to my chest. That was the problem, I never confronted my past. Ever.

  Then what do you call repeating your mom's exact words on destiny, and businessmen? Throwing Chalicsha away, and facing the facts that you might not possibly be accepted by your friends. Knowing that you aren't the best person, admitting to the fact that you wished you could show your bullies. You did confront your past, and finally stepped away from the dark and into the light.

  The soft voice still had a melancholy tinge to it, twisting and twining with the honeyed voice. As I lay there in Skye's arms, staring at the ceiling in a dumbfound wonder, I thought about that. As my thoughts droned on, with a happy humming filling it, my thoughts were interrupted, by a scream.

Skye nearly dropped me as he jumped, and whirled around. Racing forward, and back the directions we had come from.

"Oh, my... SEVEN STARS! MERCURYYYY!" Zi's voice screamed, and I groaned. I knew it, I knew splitting up was a bad idea. Skye somehow managed to run faster, despite my weight dragging him down. His breath was coming in gasps by the time we rounded the last corner. My eyes nearly popped out of my sockets as I gazed at the sight before me. Zi was back in her transformation, a purple and green orb twisting in her hands. She pushed both her palms outward, and the orb flew towards a large... creature, dog thing and slammed into its neck. Seb was wielding a sword, arcing it outwards as the creature swung out at him.

  Skye gently placed me on the cold ground, pressing a sweaty palm to my forehead, before rushing forward to join Z. Over the shouts of Seb, screams of Zi, and roars of the dog, I could hear Skye ask where Mercury was. Zi shook her heads, sobs shuddering her shoulders, and covering her face.

"He-he's dead!" She shrieked, pointing a shaky hand at the brown monster. The world slowly froze and a white noise replaced the roars shaking the maze. As the still world hung around me, I could feel that humming fill up my body again. The only noise I could hear was my jagged breathing, which ever-so-slowly changed to trembling sobs. Tears poured down, faster than bullets, covering my cheeks with a shiny, melancholy, flourish. My hand raised up, quivering with consternation, I pressed it against my light-colored lips. Before my mouth opened, a dark abyss, emitting terror and loss. A scream ripped out from the depths of my broken soul.

   The sound returned with my scream, and along with the golden light. The humming was vibrating my whole anatomy, and I somehow found the strength to stand up. My thoughts were jiggered all over the place, but there was for sure, one thought ringing in my mind. I was going to flipping murder this mutt. Skye's shining eyes turned to me, seeing me stand there, my blue dress glowing brightly, the white cape somehow blowing, despite the lack of wind, and the golden glow surrounding me. The light hum was soothing, but as I stepped forward, Skye rushed towards me, placing his hands on my shoulders, and shaking his head rapidly.

"Let me take care of this," he murmured. He turned around, and the wind picked up, strong a ferocious, it's bitter-cold biting at the tips of my cheekbones and ears. My already-messy hair flew into the air, flapping around and twirling in a swirl of brown and white. A large white and light purple staff-no scythe- appeared in his hands, and he swung it, danger practically written on it. A purple light was surrounding him as the wind kept blowing ferociously, knocking the creature back. As he swung the scythe again, a slash appeared on the creature's cheek. He repeatedly swung it, and multiple slashes appeared along the mutt's body, it yelped and growled, backing away.

  Skye keeled over, gasping wildly for air. I rushed forward, grasping his shoulders, and yanking him back to his feet as his scythe and purple light disappeared.

"We have to get out of here," Zi shouted, as she helped me drag Skye away.

"But what about Myla?" Seb protested.

"We can't leave her," for once, I agreed with my sibling.

Zi grit her teeth, "she's a complete idiot for leaving us like that. She'll find her own way out!"

"We don't even know the way out!" I cried, throwing my hands up, forgetting about the exhausted man I had been supporting. He lurched forward, and I quickly grabbed him again.

"Yes I do," she argued, and then started walking. Though I was reluctant, I knew we had no choice but to leave. Who knew how many more monsters we would run into? None of us had eaten for the past two days we'd been in here. Who knew how we were able to keep going.

  And so, without argument, me and Seb, both now supporting Skye, followed Zi out.

End of part III

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