Chapter 30-Aquaphobia: Fear of Water

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   We tumbled through the vortex, and landed in a fluffy pile of snow. I pushed my face out of the cold, and looked around me. Grafikos was just a cold and desolate land, with large pine trees, snow, and a gray sky. Nothing else. I sat on my knees, and slammed my balled hand into the snow, sending snow flying in the air.

"ARGHHH!" I screamed, smashing my fist into the snow. Anger flowed off of me, filling the air surrounding me in a suffocating strangle. I needed that journal, but it wasn't in my house! I brought my hand to my chin in thought, where else could it be? I grit my teeth, and then frowned at Myla, who was sitting there all peacefully, watching me calmly.

"Why'd you take us here?" I screeched, "this place is no use to us."

"Quiet Saturn," Seb ordered. I frowned and crossed my arms over my chest, and turned away from them. How could this place help us? My eyes closed, and a slow sigh poured out from me. I opened my eyes again, unclenching my fists and carefully calming down. My body shivered as the cold surrounding us washed over me. My eyes glazed over as I stared into the trees. All I saw in my vision was a blur of green, brown, and white.

"I GOT IT!" Seb shouted suddenly, making me jump to my feet, my eyes widened. I turned towards him, my body relaxing and hands resting on hips.

"Dakor, the seer! I remember learning about him in my Magics of the World! He lives here in Grafikos," he cried, eyeing us, pride flashing across his tan face. I gave him my deadpanning look.

"And how do we find some dude in the midst of all this snow?" I snorted, my palm faced up toward the sky while I moved it in a semi-circle around me. He opened his mouth, and closed it, his index finger covering his mouth in thought.

"We follow the smoke," Myla said, and I glanced at her, to see her pointing to the sky. There, a thin trail of smoke rose up in the deep blue cover.

"Of course," I mumbled sarcastically, rolling my eyes, "just follow the barely visible trail of smoke in the sky, while it's probably twenty degrees outside."



   I groaned, snow had seeped into my shoes, and I couldn't feel my feet. I looked up, and all I saw were trees and snow. When would we get there?! I grumbled under my breath as I watched Myla and Seb press on in front of me. How did they even have this much stamina?

"We're here!" Myla cried, her hands going into the air.

"We're here?!" I gasped, and with new-found energy, rushed forward and shoved the two love-birds out of my way. I saw a small dark brown hut, with moss growing over the windows and doorway.

"YES!" I shrieked, pumping my fist and running to the house, and slammed open the door. Warmth spilled out and wrapped around my body like a blanket. I sighed, and looked around the dark place. In the corner there was a small fireplace, with a tiny firelit.

"Who's there?" A deep male voice asked, and in the shadowy corner, a tall figure stood up. A man walked out, and my eyes widened as I watched the man walk towards me, towering over me, and making me gulp. Black hair sat atop his head, and a deep beard curled down. I weakly smiled, and mumbled a hi.

"Um, my name is Saturn, and I'm here with my brother and friend, we kind of need to... talk with you," I said, scratched the back of my neck as I stared up at him.

"What do you want? Want me to tell you your future?" He snarled, leaning forward, his breath brushing across my pale face.

"Uh... I don't think so," I muttered, "you see here... my friend teleported us here, and my brother said Dakor the seer dude lives here..."

   I trailed off, not sure if I should keep talking or just shut up.

"What are your full names?" He asked, glancing down at me.

"Erm... Saturn Zero Detaze, Seb Theodis Camere, and Myla something something," I mumbled, frowning in thought.

"Myla Thea Tonay," he muttered, "daughter of The Stars."

"Sorry, what?" I asked, as the sound of the door opened again rang through the small room. His dark eyes looked up, and stared at who I guessed was Myla.

"Myla Thea Tonay, a gift from the Seven Stars."

Saturn: Sedatephobia (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now