Chapter 29-Ergophobia: Fear of Work

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  Darkness swirled around my mind as I first descended into a restless sleep. It became even more restless as a beacon of light shot into the air, filling my whole vision. Then, it completely changed. A background of blue, gray, and green was painted across, and several figures started to form before my eyes. First, there was Mercury. Second, my mother and some man I didn't recognize, and then... Zi.

  My mouth dropped open as I watched them completely figure.

"Hello Saturn," the man, whom I didn't recognize still, murmured, stepping forward. It was then that I noticed they were standing on water, and weren't sinking through. Okay, that was cool.

"Um, is it rude to ask who you are?" I asked, looking up at him. Gosh, why was everyone so tall compared to me?

He chuckled, and shook his head, the dark mop of hair swinging slightly.

"I am Ginero, your-"

"Wait, hold up!" I cried, throwing my hands in the air to stop him, "Chalicsha said something about a Ginero... aren't you supposed to be evil or whatever? I mean... wait, why the heck are you my mother's half soul thing demon!?"

  His gray eyes stared me down flatly, and suddenly I had a feeling that interrupted dead magical spirits like this was breaking a rule. He pinched the bridge of his nose, all the while continuing to stare at me.

He sighed, "not all of us, meaning everyone but Chalicsha, are evil. She wants vengeance for our mother, while the rest of us could care less, seeing that it's our mother's fault we even ended up where we were."

I nodded, "okay that's great."

  His deadpanning gaze shot straight to me, almost as if to say: 'you don't get it, do you?' Truthfully, no, no I did not, but pretending I got it worked out perfectly fine. Mercury stepped forward, shoving Ginero aside as he cleared his throat, and as per-usual, annoyance dancing across his face.

"I'm going to get straight to the point: That demonous bird has to be stopped," he stated, "and you need that journal of your's."

  I froze, and sputtered awkwardly while I stared up at him, "that journal of mine? That I happen to not have on me?"

   All eight eyes glared into me, gray, purple, and green. Zi facepalmed and groaned, muttering profanities under her breath.

"Oh lord, you are a complete idiot, aren't you?" She huffed, frowning at me. Now that she was dead, Zi seemed... colder, "why the heck did you get rid of the journal?! Did I seriously die for nothing?"

   I felt small as I sheepishly gazed at all of them, "I left it at my house."

"Then go get it!" My mother cried, shooing me away.

"But what do I do with it once I've gotten it?" I asked, frowning at her.

"You shall know, now leave us child!" She cried. Her hand flew in front of my face, white sparkles surrounded her. They disappeared, and the land turned black again. And so, listening to my mom, I woke up.


   For some reason, it wasn't much of a shocker when I woke up in a familiar field, from Kanonikos. Seb and Myla were there as well, blinking as they looked around. Suddenly Seb froze, recognizing our slightly changed home-world.

"Why the Seven Stars are we back here?" He hissed lowly, watching the red sky with a bitter scowl.

"We need to get the journal," I explained, and stood up, my feet slamming onto the ground as I rushed across the field. I kept on running as I twisted onto the main-street of my town, and skidded to a stop in front of my rusty home. I looked up at it, for a few moments, while banging the door open and rushing in. My eyes slowly adjusted to the sore light, and I looked around my dusty home. My eyes sought out the white and brown leather journal. But it was nowhere in sight. Oh crap, where was it?!

  I rushed to the second room, and tore through my lack of belongings. Nope, nothing. I looked under my bed, under my mattress, in between the couch and still nothing! I cried, and fell onto my butt, where could it possibly be?!

"SATURN!" Seb's screaming voice made it to my ears, "we might want to get out of here!"

  What? I thought, as I rushed out, why? I ran back through the town, and out to the field. My stomach roiled at the sight I saw. Chalicsha was there again, a crazy grin covering her face as she watched them. Myla's gloves were off and she faced the demon with a determined look. Oh Seven Stars! I thought as I ran towards them, I couldn't let Myla die as well.

  A yellow orb formed in my hands, and with all the my might, I threw it at the demon. It slammed into her abdomen, and she staggered back, surprise rippling through her eyes. She looked up and glared at me, her dark eyes watching me with foreboding swirls.

"Oh, Saturn, you're back," she snarled at me. I was slightly shocked that she had been slightly afraid of me when I hit her with that magic orb, but I knew better than to stand there like a dumb mannequin.

  More yellow light swirled in my hands, and with a small cry of fury, I hurled it towards her. She tried to bat it away, but it smashed into her shoulder with a wild burst anyways. She grit her teeth, and batted the smoking garments off her. A pale shoulder was seen through the hole, and she glowered at me.

"This was my favorite dress," she snapped.

"Glad it was," I sneered, once more forming another orb. I was now a little bit behind Seb and Myla, who were both in defensive stances as they watched the two of us fight.

"It's no use," Myla hissed, "we can't fight her."

"So we run?" I growled at her, anger roiling inside of me.

"Yes," she mumbled, "I can get us to Grafikos."

  And before anyone could say another word, a silver ball formed in her hands and she threw it into the ground, grabbing my sleeve shirt and tugging me into the swirling vortex.

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