Chapter 10-Phobophobia: Fear of fear

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My heart sounded like thousands of drums beating. My breathing was coming in quick, shallow gasps.

"Saturn, calm down!" Zi said for the quadrillionth time.

"N-nn-oo," I muttered, "Birdy, please."

I didn't know why I was so scared. Just, not having Birdy around scared me to death for some reason. I hated the feeling of emptiness that seemed to hang in the pit of my stomach.

"Oh Seven Stars help me," Zi groaned, rubbing her temples as she gazed down at the hyperventilating me. Birdy, please, just please! My sub-conscious voice cried, despair flaring through my body. There was once again only a silent hum, reminding me of a dark crater, loneliness and cold filling the eternal fall. Another sob escaped my dry lips, signalling for a new fest of tears.

Then I shook my head, no, I would not cry over this. So I sat up, finding it arduous, and with much help from Zi, I found myself sitting perfectly straight.

"Do you have water?" I mumbled weakly.

"No," replied she.

With a sigh, I rubbed my sore head and looked at the elegant trees surrounding me.

"Why do you keep saying 'Seven Stars'?" I asked, suddenly aware of the prayer-like saying Zi had used twice now.

She bit her bottom lip, and then pursed them, looking into the wind, making her hair fly more wildly in the air, looking like a churning sea of blonde.

"It's a saying from where I am from."

"Where are you from?" Questioned the ever-persistent I.

"I come from Diavolaki."

I blinked, then squinched my eyes shut. I opened them, revealing the paralyzing blue and orange flared eyes. Then looked at her.

"You come from one of the worlds that lost it's magic?" I said.

She looked at me, prostration flaming across not only her facial features, but her body features too. Her shoulders tensed, her jaw clenched, a vein in her neck pulsed, her green eyes flashed rapidly as if saying; WARNING! WARNING! I tilted my head and studied her some more. I didn't know what Diavolaki meant, but I'm guessing that it was based off its people and world. I widened my eyes at the Diovalkian in front of me,and gave her a small, but assuring, toothy-grin.

"Don't worry," I murmured silkily, "I know of all the worlds, and magic behind them."

Maybe even more than you do.


Mr. Spectacles, or Mercury, came back, his wide shoulders swaying from side to side in that arrogant manly walk. And joy to all the heavens, the all lovely Prince Seb followed behind him. A frown slid onto my face, my eyelids dropping down so my eyes were narrowed, and my eyebrows scrunching together in an annoyed expression.

"Ugh," I groaned, "You're back, and you brought it,"

"I think you're the it!" Prince Seb snapped immediately, "You became a huge bulking shadow with wings and horns!"

Zi swiftly turned her head my way, her green eyes blazing with some form of anger which highly confused me because I did nothing.

Well, you did let me take over and attack the palace guards in order to escape.... Birdy's raspy sing-song came, and not caring about the fact that I was surrounded by people, I squealed out loud.

Birdy was back.

Short! Filler chapter, fun stuff, whatevs.

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