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as you could see from the chapter name, this isn't a chapter

No no no

Its a Character Profile book.

So, all the characters (except Saturn because for some strange reason I didn't do her) are here and about them, with stuff you may have not known! To those of you who read the full thing, ditto to you, because that means you are actually committed to this book! I might even quiz you people on it. Here we go:

Name: Zi Grace Jepe

Age: 23
Birthplace: Cherte, Toika

Gender: Female

Nationality: Rerailian (American)

Hair Color: Cream blond

Hair state: Straight

Eye Color: Green/ Purple (depends)

Height: 5'5"

Weight: 126

Tattoo(s): Abdomen: Black rose. Elbow: Anchor

Piercing(s): Four on each ear

Scar(s): Long one across back

Glasses/Contacts: None

Face Shape: Rosy round

Skin Color: Snow

Race: White

How they dress: Bangles, tattered shawl, T-shirt, and jeans.

Best Trait(s): Straight to the point, Caring

Worst: Impulsive, lies

Mannerisms: Sweet, spacey, a bit of an airhead.

Secrets: Now if I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise when the time came, now would it?

Hobbies: Ring collecting, journaling, and reading

Hate: She has a fiery dislike for dogs, turkeys, and popcorn

Like: She loves jewelry

Religion/ Beliefs: Impioan. Seven Stars, she believes in the six planets and Deadly five, and gods and goddesses/magic

Parents/Guardians: Apariana, (Mother) dead, Jenel (Step-Mother), and Cyrus (Father)

Siblings: Ebony, sister, 13.

Significant Other: Nobody

Children: Nobody

Pets: Pet mouse (disappeared) Ace


Powers: Seer, and transformation

Demigod/Inhabited/Just there: Inhabited

Other half: Tennie

Godly Parent: None

Name: Mercury Yuok Starf

Age: 26
Birthplace: Werda, Faes

Gender: Male

Nationality: Rerailian

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Hair State: Curly

Eye Color: gray

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 158

Tattoo(s): None

Piercing(s): 1 ear

Scar(s): across stomach, and five on back

Glasses/Contacts: Contacts

Face Shape: Almond

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