Chapter 13-Pyrophobia: Crazy High Fear of Fire

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"That's not weird at all," Prince Seb said very slowly, making me narrow my eyes and very badly want to pull my hair out.

"I don't get it," Zi mused, "how would Skye know who you were?"

"I dunno," I mumbled, scratching the back of my neck and glancing at my mud soaked stilettos.

    All three of them frowned at me, good lord why do they expect me to know every damn thing?! I glared at them and crossed my arms over my chest.

"Magic maybe?" Mercury suggested.

   The rest of us nodded, and then we were swallowed into a deep silence. I scratched my chin and looked up at the twinkling stars.

Birdy, any thoughts? I asked.

  Hmmm... Skye, I swear I know that name... her voice muttered and faded away as she continued on mumbling jumbles of random thoughts. I tuned her out and went back to my own and super shallow thoughts. Maybe... he knew me from the town, or from somewhere else. But, when he said "I know who you are" it seems to have a deeper meaning. Maybe he was one of the townspeople from Magikos? Or... he knew Birdy? Dang, if he did then he must be around two thousand years old.

  I am most definitely not that old! Birdy protested, her voice becoming more scratchy and rising, her thunderous tone making my ears ring.

   Gosh, can't you be quieter when you're mad? I queried, rubbing my temple and annoyedly glancing at the tree standing to my left. I tapped my fingers on my forearm and glanced around, studying the people who I had acquainted myself with.

   Seb's sandy hair was matted down and swooshed to the side, his blue eyes dilated with exhaustion, the scruff on his chin pressed against his skin from all the sweat. Mercury's dark dreadlocks were piled on top of his head, his chiseled chin jutting out and his muscled form twitching in thought. I thought it was so funny how he was all muscular, and young looking, and then you came to his fingers which were all stubby and fat. I chuckled and glanced at Zi. Her hair had been French-fishtailed and was curled into a rose shape on the side of her head. Her freshly violet eyes sparkling from the moonlight shining in her eyes. I smirked, the little band of misfits. Though I guess all of them looked ten times better than me, with my pale and emaciated anatomy. My flat and straight brown hair, with its non-pigmented strips, probably making people think I was ancient or something. My strange eyes scared a lot of people, I had seen several of the boys' reaction when they came had come to ask for a dance. They had to take a double-take and glanced at my eyes seven times.

  I turned around and stared into the garden, watching the orange outline from the freshly rising sun. Trees seemed to be lit on fire, and the blackness coming from them made it all more realistic...

"HOLY CRAP!" I shouted, raising a shaking arm towards the burning garden.

"What?" The others all asked in unison. I kept pointing, and their eyes followed my bony finger to the now blazing trees. I was shaking visibly, fires were bad, as in very bad. My eyes rolled into the back of my head, and I fell straight back, thankfully, though, before I hit the ground, someone caught me. Who? I don't know.


"Saturn run!" My mom sobbed, her porcelain face tear-stained, her cheeks shining from the raging fire behind her.

"But mommy," I whined, "I don't wanna leave without you."

"Saturn," her voice was stern, demanding, "go. Now."


"If you don't leave- I'l-- I'll force you to," she choked out, her voice grave. My mouth dropped open, and my eyes becoming baby versions of me. I knew better than to argue with her... but I knew that deep down inside of my eight-year-old soul that leaving her wasn't a good idea. With a small sigh, I glanced down to the floor and turned around walking away very slowly. My feet dragged in the mud, tears starting to flow from my eyes. I probably looked like a cartoon character, with the blue streams of water rushing down my cheeks.


I woke up, I was lying in a meadow, dried mud and grass sticking to the side of my face. My hair strangely flattened on that side, the rest a tangled and wet mass. I sat up.


Mommy's gone.


"SATURN!" Zi's voice shouted, making me flinch awake, "Seven Stars, do you do this a lot?"
"Frequently," I mumbled, rubbing my arm and watching the guards and people attempt to douse the fire.

There's no putting that one out, Birdy voice my thoughts.


"Why are you crying?" Zi queried, "I mean... yeah, it's a fire and all, but who cares about this garden? I guess it's sort of yours since you and Seb and siblings and all... but-"

"My mom was taken by a fire," I muttered.

Saturn: Sedatephobia (Completed)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن