Chapter 12-Melophobia: Fear of Music

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Back to Saturn...

I shrunk as thunder boomed above, and flinched at the sound of footsteps from behind me. I attempted to ignore them, but there was no chance as bony fingers wrapped around my forearm, and I immediately knew it was Zi from the feeling of rings digging into my arm. I stopped walking, and gander back at her, frowning as the rain started to pour down. First small droplets of cold ice, and then it became huge splashes of water as if a giant was crying.

A giant probably is crying, most likely from Grafikos since that world is above us, Birdy said.

I snorted and then sent another sideways glance towards Zi. What did she want? I turned fully around as her silence drew on. But even though I was standing in front of her, and creasing at her, she didn't respond. Her green eyes had glazed over, and she was gazing far ahead and into the trees, it was almost as if she had been pulled from the Earth itself. For all I knew she could've been in Diavolaki right now. Suddenly her eyes lit up very unnaturally, and I took a precautionary step back as her hands balled into fists and every muscle in her body seemed to tense. Several veins popped out on her neck, jaw, forehead, and arms. Then her mouth opened and I swore a dark abyss stretched up from it. A scream of fury and pain escaped, encasing the thundering skies in a screeching noise. I covered my ears as she continuously screamed, and shouted all sorts of profanities.

"NO!" She shrieked, covering her ears and falling onto her knees in the dirt. Then, without admonition, silence came again, besides the thunder and the slight pattering noise from the rain.

"Zi?" I asked.

"What did you do?" Seb demanded as him and his guard arrived.

I opened my mouth to reply, but Zi herself beat me to it.

"Darkness swirls at the end of the storm,

Fire rages at the peak of the ocean.

Cities will fall,

Royalty will bow.

A shadow shall rule,

Hidden in the pits of humanity.

And then, as the lightning of Zeus breaks loose...

All hell will come forth."

I watched as she slumped onto the ground, her blazing green eyes dilating and slowly closing, her mouth closing so only a fraction of an inch was open. Her cheek slid down into the newly wet grass and dirt. She shook repeatedly, and small sobs escaped her blue lips. Seeing her blue lips reminded me of the frigid air that surrounded us, and I started shivering involuntarily.

"W-was that a-a um... a prophecy?" Mercury chattered, his gray eyes widening in shock. I nodded, as Birdy seemed to roll deep inside of me.

Who would've known... she hissed.

You sound mad, why? I queried as I watched Prince Seb kneel down beside Zi and cradle her into his chest. An undisclosed feeling stabbed my heart as I watched her sink into him with a small smile.

Birdy snorted in my head, and muttered something that sounded like the heathen, there hasn't been a seer from Diavolaki for years, and in all of the worlds in general. Plus, they always ruin the fun of surprises.

I knew there was something else behind it, but I decided not to question it. I just watched in an aggrieved silence as Prince Seb mumbled to Zi. Her eyes slowly opened, revealing a new and striking violet color. I took a step back my eyes widening and almost backed up into Mercury. I glanced back at him, and narrowed my eyes, scoffing.

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