Chapter 17-Chromophobia: Fear of Colors

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     Saturn! Wake up," Mercury whisper-shouted. My head popped up quickly, before slowly sinking down to the ground again. An annoyed sigh escaped my lips, and I closed my eyes again attempting to fall asleep. Sadly, someone shook my shoulders. Once again I tried to ignore the nuisance but to no prevail. I sat up, and glared at him, opening my mouth to give him a piece of my mind, only for him to bring a finger to his lips and point with his thumb over his shoulder. I sat up straighter and saw the small silhouette of somebody moving silently and slowly around our makeshift camp. I tipped my head to the side as the person moved gracefully over us, stepping carefully and watching us with intrigued eyes. The moon flashed upon the person, showing long hair and light red-brown eyes. My patience died, and I stood up with a frown.

"Hello?" I asked. The figure jumped, taking a cautious step back, before peering at me with rapidly blinking eyes.

"Hello," she echoed, gazing at the moon in thought, almost as if wondering what the word meant.

"What's your name?" I called, stepped forward slowly, watching her with narrowed eyes. Her dirtied white nightgown twirled in the cool night breeze, hair lifting up and down in calm waves, and arms swaying from side to side.

"Myla," the murmur came, like a soft wisp of snow on the breeze. I frowned, talking about snow, wasn't winter on its way? Goosebumps erupted up and down my arms, and I immediately pressed my hands tightly over them, rubbing quickly up and down, trying to ease away the frigid air piercing my arms. For a while, Myla and I just stood there, both silent and cold. I sized her up, and I was pretty sure if she tried to put up a fight I could take her. She was a measly five-foot-three or smaller, with skinny noodle arms and legs, and barely any muscle or fat on her.

I doubt she'd try to fight you anyways unless she had a god or goddess, or one of the deadly five is part of her, Birdy said.

I snorted, since when did gods and goddesses come into this?!

    Myla looked at me sharply, probably wondering why I was sounding like a pig, standing over in the corner. I smiled back casually, and let out a low whistle, turning my head away to study the trees around me.

'Later' was the only answer I got from Birdy, and by now I knew better than to try and argue with her. If she wanted to tell me later, she would tell me later and not now.

"What is your name?" Myla asked suddenly, her small voice squeaky, yet woman-like in a strange way.

"Saturn," I replied, eyeing her up and down as she swayed slowly, almost as if to a sad tune that nobody else could hear. Her lips were pulled down in a frown, her brown-red eyes gazing sullenly at the lake beside her. I felt a strong ache deep in my gut for this small child, and I smiled sadly, taking a nervous step towards her.

"Are you okay?" I asked. A nod was my only reply, and then a bursting smile lit up her face.

"Why would I not be okay?" She queried, "I've been alone for years, and finally, finally, I find someone! Or well... someones."

    I nodded, suddenly not feeling as sad for her as I had before. Something was off about her, nobody is just a pile of turmoil and slushy sadness one second and the next a big bursting balloon of glitter and sunshine and rainbows. I crossed my arms suspiciously, leaned back, and tapped my right toe. I didn't know if she could be trusted, and though I could ask Birdy and she might have the answer, I didn't. I wanted to find the truth on my own, so if I lost Birdy again I wouldn't be a useless pile of tears.

     There was a crunch of leaves behind me, and I turned around to see Mercury walking over, his gray eyes never leaving Myla. To be honest, he looked pissed beyond measure. Whether I didn't trust this new girl or not, I wasn't going to let Mercury kill her because she interrupted his sleep. I stepped into his path, and looked up at him, watching him with blazing eyes. He frowned down at me, and I frowned right back, raising a sassy eyebrow. He snorted and looked up at Myla.

"Who are you?" He snapped.

"Myla," she mumbled, shrinking away from him and shivering.

    He took another step forward, his booted foot squashing my bare feet. I yelped and shoved him off of me, stumbling away and mumbling profanities.

"Full name?" He barked.

"Myla Thea Tonay."

"And how old are you?"

"I'm seventeen."

    Mercury seemed satisfied, as he stepped back with his frown gone, but a straight line in its place. A smile would've been nice.

"Hey, Mercury?" I asked, smirking. He muttered a what, "Why didn't the newspaper cross the road?"

"Why?" He grumbled, frowning at me.

"Because the mail boy dropped him!" I shouted, very loudly and triumphantly, smirking proudly at him. He blinked at me several times, his mouth opening and closing, words unable to form on his lips. Then he shut his mouth with a stern twist.

"That sucked." And he turned away.


 I just got off Fall Break! I got to go to America and see Mt. Rushmore and other place! Soooo, I hope you guys liked the chapter and now I have some things to say:

To those of you who have participated in Saturn: Sedatephobia, by reading, commenting, or voting, thank you soooo much! I love you for sticking with me this far. 

Also shoutout to hauntingsunshine14 for being the first voter of this book.

Oh by the way, the book of the chapter iiiiis...


Prince Charming's Little brother by xThePineappleGirlx



Oh yeah...

Make sure you vote and meet me at Io again!

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