Chapter 21-Thalassophobia: Fear of the Beach

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I woke up with a wild jolt, my eyes slowly adjusting to the light change. I squinted as I looked at my surroundings. Wasn't I just in a cave? I sat up, and noted the white sand I had been laying on. It went out for miles upon miles, and two yards in front of me, perfectly blue water lapped at its white edges. How did I get to the beach? I wondered, turning around and trying to somehow figure out my new surroundings.

"Wow, isn't this just nice," a new voice said. A male voice, unless I was deaf and couldn't hear the difference between a male and female voice.

"It is, isn't it? Very quiet, peaceful, and far away from other people," a woman's voice laughed. I took note on the emphasis on "far away."

"Well of course," the man said.

"Frank, do you want to know why I took you so far away from other people?" The woman's voice carried out a familiar screech to it, but it was so soaked with honey and sugar I could barely pick it up.

"Why, yes, yes I would, Chalicsha," the man, Frank, said.

"I took you here so nobody would hear your screams," the woman laughed, and then came into view on the rolling hill to my left. A man, very short with cropped black hair followed shortly after, his face creased and lips pursed. It was the perfect, 'uh, what?' face. Chalicsha, grinned maniacally, before turning to the man, tanned arms bent and hands placed on her hips. Her blonde hair started changing to a dismal silver. Frank, let out a shout, trying to scurry away. The woman wasn't having it. Her arm raced out, snatching his forearm, laughing crazily as he screamed murder and attempted to escape.

   Dark black wings spread out, thick and pointed horns racing to the sky. Her simple Tank-Top and jean shorts turned into a silvery dress, and a black cape wound its way under the wings, covering the back part of this dress. My jaw dropped into the sand, holy carpenter!

"Chalicsha..?" Frank asked, gazing at her with fear riding in his eyes. My mind started calculating. My first knocked-out dream, of Chalicsha and the other people. Woah, woah, woooooahhhhhh. My mind literally blew up.

"Birdy?" I yelped, watching the scene unfold. Chalicsha cackled bitterly, as a knife formed in her hand, darker and scarier than a blank night. She raised her now white hand, her cackle turning into a deep snarl. Pain and fear quaked in my gut as her fury crashed across the sandy plains.

"Goodbye, Frankie," she spat, before plunging the knife straight into his collar bone. I shrieked, covering  my eyes as blood oozed from his new wound. I could hear a thump as the man collapsed to the ground.

"SEVEN STARS!" I screamed, clutching my head. Oh, you guessed it, I got knocked out,  again.


  My eyes blinked slowly, my head felt like a thousand daggers had been driven through. I immediately took note of the darkness that surrounding me. I was back in the cave.

"Saturn?" Somebody squeaked, and I turned my head slightly, to see Zi kneeling down beside me, chewing on her finger nails.

"That's not a good habit to get yourself into," I mumbled. Her green eyes widened, and then looked down at me.

"You're alive!" She cried.

   I opened my mouth to say, yes, but it never came instead an 'ow' came out of my mouth as Zi's hand reached down and slapped my cheek.

"I'm glad you're alive, you idiot! So now I can kill you for repeatedly going unconscious. What is this? The third time I've found you unconscious?! You are such an idiot, ugh!" She cried, crossing her arms and glaring down at me. 

  I frowned, and tried to sit up, but there was so much pain rushing through my head, that I truly did not want to move.

"Oh shut it Zi, I wanna hear about her dream," Seb huffed, sitting down on the other side of my head.

"How'd you know I had a dream?" I asked, eyeing him.

"Whenever you get knocked out, you always have a dream," he snorted. I groaned, and rubbed my eyes. Then suddenly it hit me. With a small cry, I sat up my blue eyes wide open and mouth open slightly.

"Birdy, she-she's Chalicsha or something. She's a fricken... murderer, demon," I gasped, there was no shock like I expected though. Zi simply raised her eyebrow, Mercury snorted, Seb rolled his eyes, Skye frowned at me, and Myla... wait, where was Myla? I frowned, and sat up, completely ignoring the protestant ringing in my head.

"Where's Myla?" I queried, looking round at them.

"What-she was just he..." Seb trailed off, as he turned around and found her, well, gone. He blinked and stood up, "we'll have to find her."

   There was no question in it, though Zi crossed her arms and rolled her eyes, muttering something along the lines of "complete idiot." I attempted to stand up, but my body wasn't having it. I fell back onto my butt, sighing pitifully. Skye glanced over his shoulder at me, and then sighed. He walked towards me and scooped me into his arms. Zi brushed past him, sending him a glare. I frowned, watching her waltz away, her chin raised and back viscid. I sighed, and flopped back, deciding to rest.

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