Chapter 8

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There's a familiar figure standing in front of me, but there's someone in front of them holding a gun. He has a devilish smile on his face. Wait I know him, he's the one who killed my parents. I remember everything they didn't die in a car accident.
"No!"I scream but it's too late. The man holding the gun has already shot the familiar person. Then I realize who it was. "Brendon! No! Daddy please don't go! I just got you back. Please don't go!" I scream sobbing holding Brendon in my arms. When the man who shot him starts laughing walking up to me.
"I told you I would find you again, and ruin your life. You just didn't listen did you little girl." The man says evilly
"How could you!" I spit out, and with that he pulls the trigger again only this time it was on me.

I jolt up, breathing heavily.
"Ash are you alright? You was screaming and thrashing around." Brendon asks with tears streaming down his face. I just embrace him in a tight hug sobbing into his shirt. I haven't had a night terror like that one in years why and I having one again? I don't know but I'm scared every time I've had one something close to it happens. I have to tell Brendon everything.
"Br-Brendon I I can't breathe." I manage to mutter out
"Sh baby I know just calm down. Focus on me. Focus on my breathing." He says calmly placing my hand on his chest.
"He k-killed you and my p-parents. Daddy he killed me. He said he's going to come back and finish the job." I say sobbing into his chest
"Baby your parents died in a car accident that's what you told me." He said confused
"That's what I was told they died when I was 5, but I was in shock and didn't remember so everyone told me they was in a car accident." I say not looking up At him.
"Ash look at me." He says while lifting my chin so he can look into my eyes. "Nobody's going to hurt me or you. Okay, we are going to be perfectly fine. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you." He engulfs me into a tight hug. We stay like this till I drift back to sleep.
Brendon's pov
"Ashayla! Ashayla, please wake up!" I yell shaking her. She's been screaming and thrashing around for a good ten minutes.
"Ashayla!" I scream this time she jolts up, her cheeks tear stained.
"Ash are you alright? You was screaming and thrashing around." I say now noticing the tears that wasn't there a minute ago. She doesn't answer just engulfs me into a bone wrenching hug. What's going on with her she acted a little different since I've been back from the hospital. She starts to have a panic attack, this can't happen to her. I try to get her to focus on my breathing, by placing her hand on my chest.
"He k-killed you and my p-parents. Daddy he killed me. He said he's going to come back and finish the job." She stutters not looking at me. Wait her parents died in a car accident.
"Baby you told me your parents died in a car accident." I say confused
"That's what I was told they died when I was 5, but I was in shock and didn't remember so everyone told me they was in a car accident." She manages to whisper out.
"Ash look at me." I say while lifting her chin."Nobody's going to hurt me or you. Okay, we are going to be perfectly fine. I'm not going to let anyone hurt you." I say snuggling her into a hug. Before I know it she falls asleep in my arms.
What does she mean finish the job? Is she in danger? No Brendon it's just a dream. Ash is going to be just fine, I hope. I lay her down softly on the couch and get up to get coffee, it's about 8am now so I decided to text Pete.
Brendon- hey Pete get your ass over here!
Pete-bitch why are you texting me at 8am on a fucking Saturday?
Brendon- Ash had a night terror and I was calming her down she just went back to sleep.😴
Pete-oh is she alright? You want me to come over?
Brendon-I honestly don't know.yeah come over and I'll explain.
Pete-I'll be over in 15
I need Petes  help he'll know what to do. He used to have really bad depression, he still does just not as bad. I also know that he used to self harm, so hopefully he can help ash. I really want to help her. I get my coffee and decide to take a quick shower before Pete comes. I go upstairs and pick out my clothes for today, black skinny jeans, a read flannel and a black panic! Snap back. I run into the bathroom and take a 10 min shower. By the time I'm done I hear the door bell ring. I hurry and put at least pants on and run downstairs to open the door.
"Hey Pete! Be quite she's still asleep." I whisper to him
"Okay, so tell me what's going on." Pete says worried. I take him upstairs so I can finish
Getting ready, and tell him everything that happened from the first time I saw her wrists to last night.
"Wow Bren. I uh don't know what to say."Pete says his eyes threatening to spill tears.
"I just need your help I know you have experienced some of this, with your past and everything. If you don't wanna I understand." I say rubbing my neck.
"Bren of course I'll help that was my past. I haven't self harmed in over 3 years. I want to help." He says with sympathy in his eyes.
"Thanks Pete I don't know what I would've done with out you." I say hugging him.

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