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Brendon pov

It's only been a week since the court date and I have cried everyday. We had to put the tour on hiatus because none of us can handle tour right now. We told the fans what all had happened and that Ashayla would not be returning to tour with us. They were just as devastated as us. Pete hasn't left his house since that day, we are all worried he is going back to his old ways. Ryan has been holding up well considering, he only had one break down so far. 

It's a sick game we are playing counting how many times we break down in a day. The rest of the guys are doing considerably better. Me? I'm just an emotional mess. I haven't left my room since then. I just want to die, she is my sunshine. Without her my world is grey. She brought happiness into my life.  We all just want her back. 

The day of the trial she texted me something that made me worry even more. 

Dad, Sophia just made me delete all of my social media. Now she is taking my phone. I dont think she is going to give it back though. I love all of you guys. I dont know when I will ever be able to talk to you again. Please save me. 

She said "Please save me" I haven't heard from her since then and it makes me worry every single second. I have no clue if she is safe or not, I am letting my little girl down. I promised her she wouldn't be taken away but she did. What kind of father am I?


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