Chapter 19

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Ashayla POV (time skip to first show)

Today is the first show of the death of a bachelor tour, this is the first live concert I've ever been to and I'm performing in it! This is crazy, I never would have thought I'd be seeing my favorite bands perform live, let alone perform with them. Both Fall Out Boy and Twenty One Pilots asked me to sing a song or two with them. Plus a few days ago Josh texted me asking if I'd go pick out an engagement ring for Tyler today. Of course I said yes, Josh is coming to pick me up now. I slip into my black skinny jeans, and put on a MCRX shirt on. I wait for Josh to text me that he's here to put my converse on. I scroll through Twitter for a while until my phone buzzes.


Hey Ashayla please text me back I need to talk to you.
What do you want Ryan?
I just wanted to tell you that I'm sorry about what I did. I was just coming to tell your dad I'm sorry.
I forgive you. But what was your telling dad your sorry for?
For breaking his heart.
Wait so your saying Ryden was real?!?!
Yeah. Well just tell him I miss him ok.
Sure will Ryan!

I can't believe Ryden was real! I shipped it ever since I first listened to Panic. I lay on my bed astonished. What if I got them back together. By the end of this tour my dad will be even happier than he is now.

Hey I'm here lets go get that ring!
Ok I'm coming now are you excited?
Of course! I'm asking my best friend to marry me!
Im so happy for you man! Im coming down.

I put my converse on, grab a room key then run down to the lobby. I shoot Brendon a short text telling him where I'm going so he don't think I'm dead or something. It takes about a minute for the elevator to get to the lobby, and as soon as the elevator doors open I'm met with a joyous pink haired boy.

"Jishwa!" I exclaim
"Ash! Loving your hair girly!" He says as he engulfs me in a hug.
"Thanks I love yours too. Did you get it redyed?" I ask
"Yeah I did. How have you been?" He asks as we start walking to his car.
"Pretty good. The fact of it being a concert day is making it better." I say excitedly.
"Yeah you excited? It is your first concert and live performance." He states
"Yeah I'm just kinda nervous." I say sitting in the passenger seat.
"That's how I was when Tyler and I started playing." He says pulling out of the parking lot.
"Yeah. So how are you going to propose?" I ask
"I was thinking about asking him tonight on stage. You want to help me?" He asks
"Yes! It would be an honor."I say
"Yay! I'm getting engaged!" He sings.
"Josh what if you sang!" I say
"What?" He asks confused
"What if you sing 'can't help falling in love' to him."I suggest.
"My anxiety will get in the way." He says sadly
"What if I sing it with you?" I say
"I don't know ash. What if I mess up?" He says scared.
"You won't. Plus I'm going to be right there beside you." I say reassuringly
"Ok." He says more confident

The rest of the car ride was full of singing and dancing around. It takes us about an hour to get to the jewelry store with the New York traffic. Once we finally get there it leaves us with two hours before sound check. We rush out of the vehicle and into the store. As soon as we enter Josh approaches a jeweler.

"Hello sir how may I help you?" The worker asks.
"Um I'm looking for an engagement ring for my boyfriend."Josh says nervously.
"Ok do you have a certain style you'd like?" He asks
"Just like a black band. Would you be able to engrave it?" Josh asks.
"Most definitely I'll go get the bands and we can get started."the worker says as he walks off.
"What are you getting engraved into it?" I ask him
"The clique symbol. It's such a big part of our lives."he says smiling.

The worker finally comes back out with a tray of black wedding bands. Josh picks out a beautiful solid black band with navy blue accents, and explains to the worker what he wants engraved. The worker nods and gets to work immediately. Not even ten minutes later the worker is walking back with a little black box. He opens the box and just smiles.

Adopted by Brendon Urie! (Book One)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora