Chapter 13

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Ashayla POV

Brendon wakes me up and tells me to get ready. Groggily I walk over to the bathroom to take a shower. I got a small glimpse of what Brendon was wearing, I'm going to twin with him today.
I run into my room and grab my black T-shirt, Fall out Boy jacket, black skinny jeans, and my Panic! Snap back. I straighten my hair then do my make up. It's just a little bit of foundation, eyeliner and all of that stuff. I quickly finish and run down stairs to see Brendon making princess waffles. I still can't believe he has a princess waffle maker.

"You really had to twin with me?" Brendon asks.

"Yeah we can't be father and daughter if we don't twin." I say grinning.

He hands me a plate full of princesses and bacon. I gladly accept the plate and take my seat at the kitchen island.

Once we finish eating our breakfast it's time to head out to the band meeting. We both walk simultaneously to the door and put our black high top converse on.

"Really Ashayla?" Brendon says like a 5yr old

"Yes we have to full on twin today." I say.

He just shakes his head and laughs. Then we are off to the meeting.

Once we finally get into the car I quickly grab the aux cord. As soon as Brendon turns the car on Patrick is blasting through he vehicle.

"God damn! Ash turn that down a little I'm old." Brendon yells over the music.

"Awe Brenny, your little old ears can't handle the beauty of 1/3 of the emo Trinity?" I chuckle.

"Ash I am 1/3 of that Trinity too." He says laughing.

We have listened to half of the folie à deux album, when I start to get a little tired. I rest my head on the window and doze off.


"Dallon! Kenny!" I yell running into the room. I tackle them both onto the floor. Once we are all done laughing and joking around I see brendon squinting closely to his phone.

"Did you forget your glasses again?" I say laughing at his face.

"No I'm scopin' I'm trying to read the comments." He said squinting. He turns his phone towards me and I drop to the floor.

"What's wrong Ash you camera shy?" He says mocking me.

"No I just look bad today." I say not moving from the floor.

"Your basicly saying that I look bad too then cause we are twinning hard today." Brendon says.

"Yeah you do. You look like SHIT!" I yell the last part laughing my ass off. I get up and run, knowing he's gonna chase me. I hear him say a quick goodbye to his phone and I speed up running back outside. I am just about to the door until big strong arms wrap around my waist. They throw me over their shoulder and take me outside.

"Brendon let go!" I say thrashing around. I realise that this person isn't wearing a fall out boy jacket. This is not Brendon.

"Brendon help!" I yell trying to get his attention. It's too late the mysterious man shoves me into the trunk of a car.  I frantically try to find my phone. I finally find it in my jacket pocket. I text Brendon since I don't want my kidnapper to know I have my phone.

(Ashayla).     (Brendon)

Brendon, dad I love you so much please help me.

Ashayla baby I love you too I'm going to find you okay. Everything is going to be just fine. Just stay calm.

Dad please hurry. I'm scared please, save me. Tears are streaming down my face by now.

I will baby I'm tracking your phone right now. The police are coming.

Dad I know who kidnapped me. It's him.

Baby who? Who is it?

The one who killed my family. He's going to finish the job I am sobbing now. I just wish Pete and dad were here.

The cops are right behind you. Pete and I are following them.

It's like he read my mind. I put my phone down and I start to hear sirens. The vehicle starts to accelerate, and I slide to the very back of the trunk. I can feel every little move the vehicle makes. Then suddenly I feel the vehicle pick up. No this can't be happening. What if I die? I don't want to die. My life was just now getting good. What about Brendon? We were fixing each other. I can't leave him. I have to fight. With that I feel a crash, then everything goes black.

(End dream)

Suddenly I jolt up, I am breathing heavily almost as if I had just ran a mile.

"Woah Ashayla you alright?" Brendon asks me.

"Yeah I guess I just fell asleep. Are we almost there?" I ask

"We are actually already there." He says while pulling into the parking lot.

Once the vehicle is completely stopped we both jump out and walk over to the back entrance. When I say walk I mean dad is walking and I am on his back. Right when we walk into the door of the conference room we are ambushed with candy. I protect my face by sliding lower on dads back and hiding. He gets the most of the candy right to the face.

"Really guys? Come on now. Let's get down to business." Dad says to everyone casually rolling his eyes.

Everyone takes a seat and the meeting begins.

Thanks for reading this y'all. Appreciate all of you so much. Stay alive, and stay street.|-/ ✌🏼️

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