Chapter 32

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Brendon pov

"Ry, I saw the car and I thought you was hurt." I rush in kissing Ryan.

"I'm fine Bren. We just have a situation. The couple in the living room are saying they are Ashayla's aunt and uncle. They want to take her back." Ryan mutters out.

"Wh-what?" Ash mutters out

"They want to fight for custody." Ryan says blankly

I can see Ash start to struggle to breath, she slides down the wall and starts to visibly shake. She is having a panic attack. Ryan and I try to calm her down before she passes out but we are too late.  Quickly I carry her over to the couch ignoring the two people staring at me. This would have never happened if they would have just stayed out of her life. I lay her down gently and prop her head up on my lap, gently I stroke her hair.  I signal for Ryan to start the conversation thankfully he does.

"So what makes you think she wants to go with you?" Ryan asks

"Well first off we are her blood, you two are not. Secondly, she should not be raised by you two fags." The woman says

"Woah! You need to refrain from that language in my household. We have done a perfectly fine job raising Ashayla, she has turned out to be a very successful young lady. She has just recently been signed to Fueled by Ramen. She has been happier ever since we adopted her." I spit out

"Does she even go to school? Does she have any friends her age?" The man asks fiercely 

"Yes she does have schooling. She just finished her senior year early through an online school. She has many friends that she has met on tour with my band. In fact she has a boyfriend." Ryan explains getting frustrated

"Tour? A girl her age-" I cut her off before she can say anymore.

"A girl her age? She is 16 she can go on tour with us. She is old enough to take care of herself.  She chooses to tour with my band. She just chose to go on another tour with me starting tomorrow. Pretty soon she will be able to tour on her own."I exclaim

"No. She is not going on tour. She is coming home with us." The man yells

"Get out of my house before I call the police." I say in a warning tone.

"Come one James. This will not be the last you hear from us." The woman says walking from the living area.

They are out of my house in a matter of seconds. I don't know what to do, what if they gain full custody over her? What will I do then? I can see the worry in Ryan's face as if he's thinking the same thing as I am. I motion for him to sit next to me and when he does he snuggles his head into the crook of my neck. He let's out a sob and for the first time he breaks down. His body shakes uncontrollably. I try to comfort him as much as possible while still holding Ash. I don't know what we are going to do about this.

"What are we going to do Bren?" Ryan asks me

"I don't know Ry. I don't know." I say rubbing his head.

"We can't loose her. She makes us so happy, she is happy here." He cries

"I know babe, I know."

"What if their right though? What if she shouldn't be raised by fags like us?" He asks

"Ry, babe look at me." I say lifting his chin" We are the best parent's she could have. Look at her she is happy with us. She says it everyday that she loves being here with us. We are her family blood or not. Family isn't blood it's who sticks beside you during the rough times. The way I see it is we have been right by her side through it all. She belongs with us no matter what they say." I say reassuringly 

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