Chapter 33

911 32 9

Ashayla Pov

Tomorrow all of us are flying back for the court date. Dad and the guys have been great about making this week memorable though, they have let me perform with them every single night this week. It's almost like they think James and Sophia will get custody over me. 

"Dad do you think they will win?" I ask laying my head in his lap.

"No, don't think that way." He says running his fingers through my hair.

"It just seems like all of you think that way, you have made this the best week of my life and now I'm scared to go back tomorrow." I say

"I know you are and honestly I am terrified to go but we have to. Everything will work out how it's supposed to." He tells me seriously

"Yeah. I just don't want to leave you guys." 

" You won't have to, I promise. Let's just go have a good time performing tonight then we will fly back tomorrow and you can see Pete before court." Dad says solemnly

"Okay. How much longer till they start letting fans in the venue?" I ask

"Um a few minutes actually we should start the pre-show rituals." He giggles picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder.

I accept the fact that he is going to carry me all the way to the stage until he stops right before we get there. Sitting me down he starts the high five chain with the others. When he gets to me he stops and hugs me tight almost as if this is my last concert with him. I squeeze him tightly and allow a single tear to fall out. The other guys follow him and say their 'I love you's', making me feel worse about going tomorrow. If it doesn't work out I'll be taken away forever to god knows where, never to see any of them again.

"Okay enough with the sentimentality!  Lets get out there!" Dad yells motioning for the guys to get to their instruments.

Zack hands Dad and I our mics and we run out to start the set. About mid way through the set the guys all run off stage leaving me there awkwardly standing until they all return with acoustic guitars and stools for all of us. I stand there confused since nobody told me they was doing this. Once they get all of the instruments hooked up properly Dad starts talking in his mic.

"Hey everybody! I hope your having a great time tonight!" He says pausing for the crowd to yell back. "Well as you all may know we are going to be taking a short break from tour starting tour. Everything is fine we just needed time with each other to sort some things out. Anyways tonight I wanted to slow things down a little bit. I also wanted to dedicate this song to my daughter Ashayla over here. She is the best thing that has ever happened to me and I don't want a world without her. I hope she thinks the same about us, anyways I love you so much sweetie. Here's 'The End Of All Things'." He says. I start to tear up before they even start singing. 

Dallon and Kenny start to strum the beginning cords as Dad starts to sing.

Whether near or far
I am always yours
Any change in time
We are young again

Lay us down
We're in love
We're in love

In these coming years
Many things will change
But the way I feel
Will remain the same

Lay us down
We're in love
We're in love

He started to cry as he got into the second chorus making my emotions get the best of me. I sit there in front of thousands of people bawling my eyes out. Dad finishes the song and I run over to hug him, soaking his black t-shirt. The other guys come over a smother me into Dads chest. We stay like this for a while until the fans die down.

"I love you guys so much! You make everyday worth living." I sob.

I leave stage so I can stop crying and watch possibly the last concert by the guys ever. I don't ever want to leave them, but the worst is to come. The guys play three more songs ending with 'sins', once dad says goodnight to the fans they run off stage. Once Dallon comes within arms reach he throws me over his shoulder and runs me into the dressing room. I squeal the entire way there but I enjoy how much fun they are having. 

We spend the rest of the night playing music on the bus, driving to the airport. We decided to fly out tonight so I can stay with Pete tonight. As much as I dread going to court I really miss Ryan and Pete. It takes us half an hour before we get to the airport, when we do we all grab our bags and head to security. It shouldn't be a long since we are still on the east coast.


The flight was short and boring, when we arrived at the airport Ryan was there waiting for us along with Pete.

"Pete!" I squeal running up to him.

"Hey babe!" He yells

We hug for a few minutes and then I go over to Ryan and hug him for a long time not wanting to let go.

"How have you been?"I ask Ryan

"I've been better." He says hugging me tighter.

The whole reunion was emotional, everyone was hugging and I was crying knowing this could be one of the last times I could possibly see them. I say goodbye to everyone and say I'll see them tomorrow then interlock my hand with Pete's.

"You know everything is going to work out right babe?" He asks me seriously when we get to his car.

"I want to believe you babe I do, but we can't be for sure about that." I say

"It will." He says sounding like he's trying to convince himself more than me.

The car ride was filled with silence, not an uncomfortable one but it was still very palpable in the air. Once we reach his driveway he pulls in and tells me that he will get my bags for me. Everything feels like it's being pulled through tar, slow and dark. The world is in slow motion, delaying the inevitable to come.

I walk into his home and straight up to his room wanting to just fall asleep, hoping to forget about the events to come. I don't even change when I flop down on Pete's bed. Not long after Pete joins me in bed and pulls me in close to his chest.

"I love you so much Ashayla Rene." He whispers into my ear.

"I love you too Peter Kingston Lewis Wentz." I breath.

With that we fall into a deep sleep avoiding the worries tomorrow holds for us.

Thanks for reading this guys! This is kind of a filler but emotional chapter. Only two more chapters left until the end!


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