Question Time

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The department is in an uproar since someone leaked who we have there at present. Between screaming girls and paparazzi it's affecting patient care. As lead nurse it's my job to sort this out. Security is called to set up a cordon outside the hospital which allows traffic in and out and extra guys are brought in to root out and remove anyone posing as a patient to get in to see Jared and his climbing team. Having sorted this and triaged some new patients I pop back in to check on our resident celeb. He's spark out snoring gently so at least his pain relief is working. I check his vitals again and get my stethoscope quietly to check his lungs seen as we are worried about cracked ribs. I lean in quietly and put the stethoscope on his chest and within a second I have a strong hand gripping my wrist as the cold steel shocks him awake in a fright. I stumble forward and have to catch myself from landing on him as he stares sleepily at me and realises where he is and who it is and then his head snaps to my wrist that's he's still gripping and he panics apologising over and over. Still gripping my wrist however until he realises and softens his hold and rubs his fingers gently back and forth to soothe the angry red mark he left there.
I flush from the neck of my scrubs up over my cheeks as he carries on stroking my inner wrist. "I'm so sorry, I really am I just got such a fright when the cold metal touched my chest"
"don't worry about it, I am sorry though for scaring you, that was never my intention. I'm just concerned if your ribs are broken that it may affect your breathing. If I help you could you sit up and forward for me so that I can listen properly please". He tries and yelps and falls back down exasperated. "hey hey Mr, I said if I help you. Don't go all macho on me cos u r just gonna hurt yourself more. I'm just gonna lean in and put my arm around your back so that my body braces the side that's hurt okay. Kinda like a splint" he lifts his arm slowly wincing as he does it and I move down to his level and gently slide my arm around his body hugging in close to him. I've been OK concentrating on the job in hand but being this close to him, smelling that soft clean smell I've always imagined sends tingles through my whole body. I swear if he was watching he would see me flush and my pupils dilate. My hand slips round further until, shit, I'm on his skin. The gown is untied and his bare back is hard and muscular beneath my hand. Professional, be professional. "OK Mr leto if you can just brace yourself against me and on the count of three we will sit forward. One... Two... Three and we move as one sitting him up and forward. His other hand shoots up as he grunts in pain and grabs onto my other side. To anyone walking in it looks like we are in some sort of embrace snuggled in together. To be honest for a moment there I forgot about work and enjoyed the sensation. I swear I felt him nuzzle in and smell my hair but I'm probably just imagining it. "OK sir if I can just scoot out and have you stay like that, I'm gonna put a pillow in front for you to hug on to. I'm just gonna examine your ribcage and back first and then listen to your lungs."
"Sure no problem..... But please less of the Mr and the Sir you are making me feel as ancient as I am. It's just Jared or Jay to my friends. I think given how close we have just been you can call me Jay."
"okay then Jay, from the looks of it you have fractured three ribs on one side and one on the other which. Is why you have the most pain on the left. There's not a lot we can do for them other than stabilise them with some strapping. It will be heavy pain meds and rest of afraid. Deep breathing exercises. Too especially with your history of asthma. "
" sure thing.... But how did u know about the asthma, my charts right here. I hadn't finished it when they moved me so I've not told anyone "
Again a warm flush creeps over my cheeks and I see him smirk again..." oh so your full on echelon then, not just a fan. I guess you know more about me than will ever be on that form huh" he teases and goes into a fit of laughter which in turn causes him to start coughing furiously when he can't catch his breath. I rush over still red from his teasing and grab the oxygen mask. Once it's over his mouth I hold it there and his hand goes over mine holding it in place. Those blue eyes look at me, filled with fear as he struggles with his breathing. I think back to something I remember and place my Hand on his upper back and start gently rubbing it round and round trying to soothe him. It seems to be working and he starts to calm down and in turn regulates his breathing "how did you know that is the only thing to help me....... I've never said that to anyone but my mom and shannon"
"I didn't know, honestly but I have asthma too. Pretty much controlled now, but as a child the only thing to get my breathing regulated was for someone to sit with me and rub my back till I calmed down. See we ain't that different Mr Rock star haha"
" I guess not supernurse" he giggles. "but seriously, how long do you think I will be here. It's just kinda awkward as you can tell by the commotion outside already. Is there anyway I can go home but hire a private nurse or doctor?"
"I guess with the right care package in place and a decent medical back up you should be OK as long as you promise to follow what they say"
I start packing up all the equipment and head to the door when I hear him say..... "so when can you start"

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