Fresh Air And Fooling Around.

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So it's been about five, nearly six weeks since his accident and he's like a caged animal. Other than xrays and check ups he's pretty much been in doors recovering and doing physio.
Today is a beautiful day, the sun is shining but there is a nip in the air. Perfect hiking weather. Since we started reducing his pain relief he is back to getting up before the birds so today we will take advantage of this. Get out early and get the best of the weather, walking wise. I pack a picnic in my rucksack but don't let on. He thinks it's all physio and strengthening we are doing today. We've been spending a lot of time together as usual but nothing has happened since that day we were interrupted by the guys. I think we are both too scared to take that leap of faith. Both glad we know how we feel but both too chicken to do anything. Today will just be me and him and the vast outdoors. Im actually excited, which is ridiculous. I feel like a school girl with a crush. But being out in the wild we won't have to hide anything from anyone else or each other and I plan to use that to my advantage.
We head off in the car. Hes almost healed but a month or two from climbing again. He's demented stuck inside and when we turn the corner to laurel canyon he's bursting at the seams.  It's too cute to watch him.
"fuck jaz this is just what I need. Fuck fuck fuck. Fresh air, nature, privacy" he squeals and takes my hand as I put the brake on. Forty odd years old and as excited as a six year old on Xmas day. It's too cute.
We get out the car and get our stuff together. "no racing ahead Jay. And no climbing. You don't want to set yourself back again. Take it easy and enjoy it okay."
I stop and look around me and it's gorgeous. Reminds me of my childhood in Scotland.  Holidays in the Highlands. Fresh air, greenery and trees and mountains all around. Makes me quite nostalgic.
Jared senses a shift in my mood and he's beside me in a flash. "u OK boss" he asks and lifts my face to look at him. His shades are on and so are mine which I'm glad of as he can't see the tears forming. "I'm cool" I lie as we head off on a steady pace through to the first clearing. He doesn't push me on it but I know it won't be the last he checks on me.  We walk silently for an hour or two, chatting briefly about nature or wildlife when appropriate and taking pictures. Eventually we reach the first clearing which is high, high up overlooking a mountain range. "good place for a picnic this would be" he announces standing with his back to me taking photos. By the time he turns around I've laid out the blanket and the assortment of snacks I had brought us. "couldn't agree more Mr leto" I reply giggling. He stands flabbergasted looking at me seriously. "wow, how did you manage, like when, where......." he mutters.
"lost for words Mr movie star, huh.  Sit your arse down and tuck in." I say as I pat the dirt beside me.
He's gutting himself laughing, like totally creasing up. "what!!!" I shout and dig him in the leg. "you have no idea how Scottish you sounded there babe, sit your arse down hahaha. So cute".  "about that, why the tears earlier, you homesick?" he asks genuinely concerned.
I blush unintentionally at the babe comment and the cute comment from him and I know he picked up on it but he doesn't push me. 
"I've not been home for so long I kinda think of the states as home now but this place is so like the Highlands it just kinda suckerpunched me a bit. I'm OK though...... Thank you. "
We sit side by side enjoying the veggies and fruit and dips I brought and the water to wash it all down. He packs some of the stuff in his backpack for the journey home clearing a space between us. His long arm reaches around me and the next thing I know I'm on his lap, my back to his chest and he's wrapped his arms around me, his chin resting on my head. We watch the world go by and it's bliss. My heart is going like the clappers and I'm sure in this peace he can hear it.  Next thing I know his head is tucked into the crook of my neck. He sniffs in deep and I chuckle. "I'm going to get you some of that bloody shampoo for when I leave". He sighs into my neck. "jaz, I don't want you to leave. I mean I know you have to, as my nurse and all but I can't let you leave me. I've grown too fond of you. Your like my missing link and I've not been sleeping these past few nights worrying about when you need to go."
I knew he had been restless but I never imagined I was the cause.
"since we kissed that one night before my entire list of friends descended on us and interrupted I can't get you out of my head. I need to know if you feel the same and if you want to take it further. We have never gotten to that stage again and I'm worried I got the wrong idea about us. "  I pull his arms tighter around me and bring his long slender fingers up to kiss them. I turn around so I'm facing him, wrapping my legs around him. Nothings said, we just sit eye to eye, nose to nose, both of us visibly breathing faster than before. Fuck it I think and I kiss him. Leaning forward while his eyes are shut I gently kiss him, pressing harder, letting my tongue flick across his bottom lip, seeking access. His hands are at my face in a flash, i feel him moan through the kiss which just sets me off. We are full on making out now. The passion is incredible and our hands are everywhere.  There's no one around for miles and miles and the freedom leads to no inhibition between us. "jasmine, he breaths huskily. We need to stop now or I am not responsible for my actions. I mean it".
"take me home then jay" is my reply. We fly back down the hills to the car and the sexual tension the whole journey home is palpable. En route his phone goes. It's Emma. He ignores it, then Shannon calls him. He ignores him too. So what does Shannon do, he calls me. "I gotta answer him Jay. They are gonna panic if we are both Mia after a hiking trip.
He huffs but agrees. Without saying too mush Shannon gets the hint and tells me he will deal with Emma and make sure no one comes by the house for the afternoon too. I must remember to thank him later.  The last corner is turned and we are heading up to the house. The atmosphere is electric......... Everything is in so motion as we pull up the drive and head up to the door, bags abandoned in the car...... A new chapter in our relationship....... Exciting, scary and horny as hell....... Tbc

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