Too Close For Comfort

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I'm up and showered early in an effort to be ready for when Jared wakens. Despite him being known for having little sleep the painkillers are doing their job and making him rest. I can't help but smile when I put my stuff away in the bathroom and see the strawberry shampoo he made such a fuss over. I get lost in the memory of him whispering at my neck and only snap out of it when I hear a thud from down the corridor.
"motherfucker" he screams as he connects with the floor. I burst through the room to find him lying at the side of the bed in agony. "Jared seriously are you trying to kill yourself. What on earth happened."
His eyes are dark and stormy as he connects right with mine. "I woke up confused with all this goddaam medication and the pillow that was supporting me slid of the bed and I forgot about the broken bones, tried to stretch to catch it and this was the result".
I sigh gently as I get on the floor next to him. I try and gently bring his bad arm and ribs in close to him and brace him somewhat for what I know is going to sting like a bitch. "Jared I need you to grit your teeth and just stand with me okay. It's not gonna be pleasant but it's the only way. Ready"
"aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh fuuuuuck" he screams gripping into you tighter than he meant to. He senses you whimpering slightly and let's go just as he's up and on his feet. "I'm so sorry are you OK I never meant to hurt you. Fuck I'm the worst patient ever."
You reassure him and guide him through to the master bath. "I need to soak your wounds in the bath as you have a lot of gravel rash which needs softened and dressed to prevent infection.  I know you can't get in and down on your own. I'm gonna have to help you so I don't know how you want to do this. Do you wanna keep your underwear on or I mean I don't wanna add to your discomfort but I can't risk you slipping and injuring yourself further. " your blushing by this point and you can see a slight smirk through his grimace.
Bastards enjoying this you think to yourself as you gather the stuff for the bath and start the water.
" it's cool don't worry. I have been naked in front of hundreds on movie sets so it's gotta be done. Can you handle it though. Ha ha. I know I'm your fave band member. You can tell me you know I won't tell the guys. "
" stop winding me up Jay. I've always had a thing for drummers it's the arms........ " I see his little face fall and have to snigger a bit. He does not need to know I've imagined this moment a million times, just obviously not as nurse/patient. Well maybe just a few times, anyway he doesn't need to know that. Not before I strip him anyway.  He's perched on the sink  uncomfortable and a bit stressed.  "Jasmine I don't mean to be rude but can u get out for just a minute. I've not made it for a pee yet since getting up and that bath running is driving me fuckin crazy"
I go crimson red, shut the taps off and shoot out the room before I can even check he can manage himself. I silently curse as I pace up the room next door. God get a grip I do this to patients every day, even the hot ones I just need to be professional.
"jaz u can come in and thank you. "he yells through the door. I skulk back in and avoid eye contact. Checking the water and adding some of the soothing salts I brought with me.
" right Mr" I say and finally turn to him " and I can't continue as I realise somehow he's managed to get his top off and shimmy his pj trousers down dangerously on those sharp hips.
He catches my eyes and this time he's the one that blushes.
" listen shortcake in a minute your gonna be hands on, and I'm gonna be junk out so just get them off and get it over with. Have a look don't have a look but your gonna see it every day for quite some while so you might as well get on. " and he exhales dramatically. We both look at each other and burst out laughing.
"Thank God u said that. At least it's out the way." I sigh and we both keep laughing as I slide his boxer's down and pull him close So I dont let My eyes stray. I dont need to look as I feel his hard body against me making me moist in places I shouldn't be.  There's a sudden  shift in the atmosphere in the bathroom and there's no hiding it. I am guarded and breathless and Jay is well.......... Absolutely stunning. He is muscular and firm and I feel him holding his breath concentrating on nothing rising to the occasion. I keep my eyes and hands up top and help him into the water. You can see him visibly relax as soon as he's safely concealed in the water. "just soak for a while and I will get the gauze and stuff to clean your wounds." I return and sit at the side of the tub and we chat about nothing and everything getting to know each other better, although I have distinct advantage having followed the band for decades.
"so superhero how did you guys have the accident anyway" I ask him to distract him as I start attending to his wounds. He explains about them resting on some canopy way up near the summit of some rockfall and one of the ropes fraying and snapping  causing it to tip. Thankfully they had their safety lines well secured so they are battered and bruised and not dead.
I've cleaned the wound as best I can an set about him with the shower gels. He sighs and relaxes as I massage it into his skin making bubbles as I go. I lather it up and sitting behind him rub from his shoulders down his chest. It's a routine part of the job for me but getting this hands on with someone like Jared is getting me a bit giddy. I keep composed and concentrate on the job in hand. He leans his head back against me sighing gently and appears to be enjoying it. Possibly too much as he quickly brings his knees up and gets all flustered. I try and work out what's wrong and it clicks. Naked, bath, hands on massage. Holy shit I've just gave him a fuckin hard on. Part of me is kinda proud, kinda turned on but also I feel like shit for getting him in a state. He's scarlet red and can't look at me. "I'm so so sorry Jasmine I should never have let that happen. I just don't...... Fuck"
"hey dude it's cool. It's a natural response. Nothing to be ashamed of. At least you know he's not broken from your fall" I say trying to lighten his mood. He quickly glances at me like Wtf and we both laugh. "do you need me to leave for however long it takes or do you think you can get your Shit together and let me nurse you huh" I joke with him . "
" No I'm OK the embarrassment has killed the mood thanks. Carry on. If I'm in here too long the water will have the opposite effect and I have a reputation to uphold you know. But please don't say to anyone about this...... U know the guys..... I mean.." I butt in and look right at him. "I'm a professional nurse Jared. This is a job for me remember. I too have a reputation and I follow a code of ethics. Patient confidentiality is a must. I hope you trust me."
"you wouldn't be here if I didn't shortcake" he sighs and we get back to washing off the soap suds. Theres more of a palava getting him out of the bath although the water has relaxed him so he can move a bit more freely. I dry him off as best I can and give him privacy to finish off before I help him into fresh pj's.  "c'mon stud lets get u back through to bed till I get this ointment on you. You need fed, watered and pain relief so we can do your physio in a while." I say as I help him hobble through. It's a lot easier now we are more at ease with each other being in such close proximity etc. I get him on top of the bed and he winces as I apply the antibiotic cream to all his grazes. "back in a tic I shout" as I scoot out the room. I come back with some fruit and some water along with his pills. He seems really grateful for all of it and I give him his is phone and laptop and tell him I will come back at 11 to start physio.

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