New Dawn, New Day

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I waken up to a warmth I wasn't expecting and a tightness round my upper body and I panic until my eyes adjust and I remember I fell asleep watching the movie in Jared room. The warmth and tightness is the one and only Mr leto wrapped around me from behind his arm and leg locking me in close to him. He is stirring and I kind of panic till I realise that I'm still fully clothed and so is he.
"Mmmm, I smell strawberrys" a husky whisper from behind me says. I physically stiffen and he chuckles.
"I know..... I'm sorry..... We must've fell asleep watching the film...... I've only just woken up myself. "I whisper back. He unlocks himself from me and lies on his back.  There's a sudden chill now he's gone and I shiver." hey sorry come here "and he lifts his good arm up." scoot back in. I just didn't want you to think I was trying it on with Jared junior down there. Thought it best to move before his morning salute poked you in the back. " he bursts out laughing and I do too. I scoot in beside him and we are just quiet, happy enough to be peaceful a and silent in each other's company.
" Jay.... I mean Jared.... this isn't part of the normal healing process. I don't climb into bed and snuggle with all my patients. I just want you to know that. I mean....  I am a good nurse and I have a reputation to keep and I know I'm echelon also but I just don't want...... "
" woah woah woah Jasmine. First off, Jay is fine. I like it with that sexy accent. Two... I know ur a good nurse. I wouldn't have let you near my house if you were a psycho fan only trying to jump into bed with me. Three... I love that ur echelon. It means you understand me and care about me and the guys and will do your best to help me. So enough okay. I have you here to help me with whatever needs helping and now right now I need a hug from a friend, a hot, sexy Scottish friend but a friend and that's all OK. I hug my friends. I am not a tactile person I like my space so if Iet you in, it means something okay. I don't let many in so it means I trust you. I like you and hope once I'm healed you would keep in touch. "
" wow that's quite a speech there Mr. I've not even had a pee let alone a coffee. " I burst out laughing." but thanks it means a lot and I would love to keep in touch. Thanks for letting  me in. " I snuggle closer and sigh." you smell so clean. Like all the frickin time. What do you do. Eat soap or something. Haha"
"you can talk miss strawberry shortcake. I could smell your hair for ever."
I give him a quick squeeze and jump up. I need to get washed and changed before anyone appears at the house. "I will be back in half an hour with you meds and I will tend to your wounds. I need you to have a shower though rather than a bath as I need one of the dressings to stay in place for a few days more.
" uuuch" he moans and shoves his head under the pillow. I know he is struggling being stuck at the mercy of me and his family. He's so independent and so active its chewing him up. I feel sorry for him and vow to get him healthy as quick as I can.
I freshen up and return half an hour later as predicted and the beds bare. I swear to God this man will be the death of me. "Jared, jaaaaaaaaay, where the hell are you".  I look in his en suite but nothing. He can't have got far.
"in the closet jaz" I hear a muffled shout. I check any doors I can see and sure enough a massive walk in closet, bigger than my bedroom at home, is before me. I find him propped up on one crutch looking for something in a drawer. "first off Mr, you aren't fit enough to be up let alone using that crutch safely. Second what is so important it couldn't wait. And third I have to make a comment about you shouting 'in the closet' sorry.  MANY folk HAVE wondered over the years if u were in there. " he glares at me and then smiles." I choose not to answer that your honour " he giggles and continues through the drawer." ah got it " he shouts and pulls out a photo album.
" while we are here could you grab me some clean clothes jaz. I feel disgusting"
I feign shock and clutch my heart "you sleep with me once and I make you feel disgusting, charming. And that was us fully clothed and barely touching." I pretend to swoon.  Something In the closet changes. The atmosphere is electric. He looks at me,  like right at me and his eyes seem darker, bigger as he says in a low voice at my ear, "oh I know exactly how you would make me feel little miss if we did sleep together and I don't think I would have any complaints to make." as he hobbles on by out the door leaving me red faced and gobsmacked holding his clean clothes. I can hear him chuckling when I still haven't come out. "oh Jasmine. Did I ruffle your feathers there. I'm sorry I couldn't resist." I emerge and throw his clothes at him as I go in to start his shower.  "I'm nearly ready in here if you could stop this joker/harley routine and get back to why I'm here. I need to help you shower to avoid certain dressings getting too wet so Suck it up and get undressed. Your just another patient, I'm just another film extra. Both seen naked people for work so gotta get on with it."
"god OK I'm coming. Give me a minute. I'm not exactly speedy with this goddaam thing. " I feel a pang of guilt over being so harsh when I see the pain he's in." Jay I can't give you ur meds yet. I can't risk them on an empty stomach while in the shower. It's an accident waiting to happen. I promise to be gentle OK. Trust me"
He grumbles and groans about nothing in general and I get him stripped down to his underwear. Moment of truth I guess. I tell him to turn round and face the cubicle wall. But he so frickin defiant he uses the crutch to just pull his briefs all the way down and I drop the shower gel while trying to scurry round the other way. (can't look can't look be professional) I keep muttering to myself all the whole he's giggling like a teenager, knowing he's noising me up.
I get a different bottle of shower gel and work my way round his wounds gently washing all the grazes. I get to his bad side and carefully cover the dressings that need kept dry while I wash him. I don't even notice how tense he has gotten and he's almost up again the wall now as my hands glide over his back.

A small moan escapes his lips and he tenses up

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A small moan escapes his lips and he tenses up. I'm up like a shot. "are you OK, did i hurt you"
He can't look at me but mutters" you didn't hurt me, wrong type of moaning Jasmine. Fuck man I'm sorry" his face is scarlet but I don't get it. "what's wrong then cos you definately moaned. I can rub your shoulders if you are tense." I have a background in therapeutic sports massage which will probably be good here. I put my hands on his back with some more gel I've warmed in my hands first and rub deep into his back muscles. I'm concentrating on the job in hand and he puts his head on the cold tiles and moans this time a teeny bit louder.  I snap back realising the type of moan and now I'm red-faced. "Jasmine it's been a long time since I've been with anyone and I'm naked and your touching me and I'm.... Fuck I'm sorry....." he drops his head in shame. I turn the water off and dry the floor, So he doesn't slip and give him a towel. All silently.  I make sure he's safe and I run out the bathroom and down to my room. Holy fuck I just turned Jared fuckin leto on in the shower by barely touching him.... And in a professional way too. I mean Jared.... Fuckin.... Leto. This doesn't happen to idiots like me. I know it's a chemical thing and not an attraction thing. I'm sure if it were reversed I'd be the one soaking my underwear....jesus. I have a job to do I can't just leave him, hut how do I face him...... Fuck. Fuck. Fuck........ Tbc

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