Tinsel Time

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Eight weeks becomes seven, down to five. Soon there's a month to go and it's all stations baby leto in the house from now. We have had a final scan and everything's cooking away nicely in there. He or she is perfect size and weight so far and as for me I am feeling amazing. Utterly exhausted but amazing. It is now mid December so literally a few weeks to go and I'm fretting about Xmas and jays birthday. Much to his annoyance I am heading out with nanna L today, A. K. A constance to get a few gifts etc in. Jay and tomo are heading to pick up the tree and we have everyone coming for dinner tonight to put the decorations up and I'm really looking forward to it. I'm so stuck for what to buy Jay and I'm hoping that Connie will give me a few hints as I can't really take walking about for too long. Not with peanut ready to make their appearance so soon, plus I need to be close to a loo as they are basically using my bladder as a trampoline at the moment lol. Jay's been up to something this past week and I'm not sure what's going on. He says all will be revealed tonight so I'm really looking forward to it.
We trail round the shops for what feels like forever, although I'm sure it's just a few hours. I manage to get Jay quite a few things I think he will love, plus a few obligatory daddy gifts from peanut. We head to lunch and chill for an hour or two until our car takes us to the local spa. Unbeknown to both of us Jay has booked us manicures and pedicures and I'm to have a prenatal approved massage to help relax me before the big day.
God that man.... He is just perfect. Even his own mom didn't expect this. We have an amazing Afternoon and to be fair it's perfect after trawling round the shops at 8 and a half months pregnant. It's getting dark by the time we are heading to get home and as we pull up to the house there's twinkle lights everywhere, like all over. But it seems so clean and crisp, like they are reflected off snow but that's ridiculous. We are in LA and it's still fuckin roasting even in December.... But.... No..... Wow, just wow.... We pull up and sure enough the mad fucker has turned it into a winter wonderland for me. He knows I miss my homeland of Scotland and how I keep going on about winters there in front of the log fire and building snowmen etc. I'm absolutely gobsmacked. This is what he's been planning. I knew he let me go out too easy. I look at Connie and she's smiling at me with tears in her eyes watching my reaction. "you like it sweetie" she whispers as she takes my hand. "I love it, it's amazing" I sob and I'm full on bubbling. "no one's ever done anything so special for me. I don't deserve him, I really don't. This is utterly spellbinding."
She takes my hand and turns me to her. "jasmine... You have come into his life and turned it around. I've never seen him this happy. It radiates off him every time he talks of you. You've captured my baby boys heart and it's the most precious thing to see. Now not only that but you have all of our hearts too and soon will have the added love and adoration of that beautiful bump too. You are a very special person and we all adore you. My boy idolises you so let him spoil you please as you totally deserve it. "
We are both blubbering away when the car stops and the doors nearly pulled off by a very excited Jared and tomo, apparently running from Shannon and jamie who are on a full on snowball assault.
He sees us crying and panics. For a tiny fraction of a second till he realises we are all fine and it's just a reaction to the surprise.
He quickly kisses me on the lips and before I know it has my flats off and has stuck my hiking boots on so I can walk properly. Jamie and babu and Shannon take the bags into the house so Jay doesn't get a hint about his gifts and I get taken on a tour of my magical wonderland. He's literally had some company come in and change the entire place into an Icelandic paradise. It's freezing, it's white and wet and soft and it's overwhelming. I feel a scarf get wrapped gently round me and his beanie pulled down over my ears. As I'm led through to the back door. There is a whole gang of people some neighbours, friends, old colleagues. It seems he's gave me a winter baby shower and there's gifts everywhere. I'm in full on hormone overload now and the tears are choking me. It's so beautiful and I can't get away with it. It's amazing. There's twinkle lights all through the trees, there's Christmas stuff everywhere. There's a massive decorated tree outside but we have the indoor one that we all have to dress still. It's a very laid back night with no pressures and the perfect way to see every one for a last time before we get some alone time with the baby when they come. There's music and party games, snowman building competitions and more and by ten I'm absolutely exhausted. "hey shortcake..... Wakey wakey my little snow princess." I stir and realise I'm under a big cosy blanket on the couch and must've nodded off a while ago. There's still a few folk about but the majority have left and the rest are getting their costs. "bedtime for you two" he whispers while helping me up and guiding me through into the bedroom. We have moved to one of the spare rooms for the last two weeks. Means I don't have to deal with the stairs plus Jay can work away in his office across the hall and be there if I need him. I sit on the edge of the bed and wait till he goes to get me some water before I let out the small moan I've kept in since getting up. That's another twinge. I've had a few lately but nothing to worry about.
The midwife says it's just your body getting ready but I don't want to freak Jay out. He will go into mother hen mode and I won't be allowed to move. I lie back and support me and peanut with my bump pillow and before Jay gets back I'm happily in the land of nod. Before I know it it is the next morning and time to get up.

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