New Surroundings

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The amount of organising it took to get Jared out the hospital without a mass hysteria was ridiculous. His poor staff have their work cut out there. They did it though and managed to get him home safely. We chose to use one of the minivans the hospital have rather than an ambulance or one of their own cars.  I followed in my own car as I wanted to have some means of getting out and about if I needed or wanted to. The thought of being stuck here isolated kinda freaked me out. I mean I'm secretly psyched about a new kinda role outwith the hospital and fuck I mean it's my favourite band/actor etc so what's not to love about that but I'm shitting myself to be here aline with him. What if I go all fingers or he thinks I'm a shit nurse. I'm still giving it all the what ifs to myself in the car when I realise we are here.
Holy shit his house is amazing.  It's up a sweeping drive, really secluded away from anything with beautiful woodland around it. I follow them up to the front of the house and park up behind the minivan.
I jump out to help them leaving my stuff in the trunk for now. Jared had some pretty hefty painkillers before we left so he's kinda zonked right now. The orderlies from the unit help him out and into a wheelchair and his assistant runs in to unlock the house. I grab all the meds and dressings and follow them in. There's no one here as his brother has been on holiday for a few weeks and Tomo is in michigan with his wife. Constance has been in and out at the hospital but wants to let him rest after the journey home. So it's just us for now. I stop at the door to this vast mansion and stand with my mouth hanging. I've never even been in a swanky hotel as nice as this.  Seriously. Anyway the guys leave and his assistant has his appointments etc to reschedule and cancel so I wheel Mr morphine up to a bedroom. Don't know who's it is. There's 5 so far and can't tell if it's his or not as they are all so tidy and made up.  I push the chair in which isn't easy. For a skinny guy he's like a dead weight when he's zonked on painkillers. I dump the meds on the dresser and stand in front of him.
This ain't gonna be easy. Think, think, think how am i gonna do this without hurting him. I can't leave him here all night. I try to stir him..... "Jared........ Jared...... Wake up, your home...... We need to get u more comfortable in bed....... Can you hear me. It's jaz"
He stirs and snorts a little and I try not to laugh. "Jared.... Can you hear me...."
Nothing, Nada, just snoring. Shit I'm gonna have to try and move him. I lift his arm on his good side and go under there supporting him on my shoulder and brace my arms around him and try to stand. God he smells good........ Stop it I need to get a grip. I try and stand taking him with me. We get up and he's basically wrapped around me. The wheelchair brakes are not on and it moves away so I'm stuck holding a half stoned Jared who's waking up slightly and before we know it we have fallen back onto the bed resulting in Jared now being on top Of me with his arms still around me.
The jolt wakens him fully and immediately the shock in those bright blue eyes is immense as he looks right at me and shouts "what the fuck happened. I can't move its too sore."
"I'm so sorry Jared..... (I start welling up and try not to look at him).... Everyone's gone. And I needed to get you settled. I tried to lift you but with the drugs you were out of it and... And... the chair moved and we fell and I'm sorry.... " I'm full on bubbling now and he looks at me like he's going to die laughing.
" I'm sorry I really am. I understand if you want another nurse. Not the best start is it. "
He looks right at me with a straight face and totally sincere look as he says" don't be stupid jasmine. I'm sorry to have put You in this position. Jeezo talk about problem patient. Your trying your best and I'm basically letching on you and I don't even get to enjoy it haha. I mean who wouldn't want to be in a position like this with a hot nurse. At least I'm awake now and can appreciate it. "
Holy fuck holy fuck how do I respond to that. My idol, one of the hottest fucks on earth is making these comments and I'm supposed to be professional and act responsible.
" Jared.... Behave....... We need to get up now..... This has gone from an innocent accident to something totally obscene"
"oh jasmine, jasmine jasmine...... You have no idea how obscene I can be"...... He whispers into my hair in that joker voice. I can feel his hot breath on me and it sets of an impulse from there to my fuckin clit. I swear to God if he keeps this up I will cum right now and lose this job before it starts. "Jared.. Jared... Jay!!!!! I shout at him and he finally backs off...... C'mon play fair. I'm here to try and work with you and this is not helping. " he looks up with puppy eyes and says he's sorry. I move my hands as much as I can round to try and help brace him as I sit up taking him with me till he on his feet. I'm completely flustered now, face flushed and I swear there will be a wet spot in this bed. I sit back just in case. "are you okay" i check as he looks pained.
"I was just fine where I was thanks nurse ratchett. It was soft and cosy and you smell of strawberry. Why do you smell of strawberry jasmine... "
" okay buster.... The nurse ratchett comment won't get you any extra favours other than a cold bed bath. I will forgive you as you are on a lot of drugs right now..... And it's my shampoo. It's strawberry shortcake. Now let's get you into one of these rooms and settled. Where's your room. "
" it's this one, actually" he laughs.  "Good choice shortcake Hahaha that's your new name.... Shortcake. Aaaaha aha hahaha"
I turn him around and sit him on the bed. God he's so out of it just hysterical. He's still giggling away. I can't be annoyed when he's so doped up. I try to move to get him laid down but he's still gripping onto me. "Jared you need to let go now" I laugh and prize his fingers from my waist. He moans but I manage to do it and lay him down. In an instant he's out again, snoring away. I set about taking off his shoes etc to get him more comfortable. I don't feel right undressing him even though I've done it to a million patients so I settle him as he needs some rest and I cover him up and set about sorting his meds and dressings and unpack his clothing and climbing bag. I sit on the edge of the bed and look at this sleeping wonder and I'm gobsmacked.

How the fuck did I end up here

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How the fuck did I end up here. Oh this is gonna be a job I remember for a long time I think........

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