Pills And Popcorn

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The first physio session went surprisingly well. Given he's a pretty healthy athletic guy he has a head start on where other patients may be. The broken ribs are really fuckin up his asthma though. He's finding the deep breathing exercises tough but he needs it to stop infection building up.  He's been napping for a bit since I gave him his pills so I wander round my new temporary residence taking in all the amazing pictures and artwork. It's funny how on vyrts u get little snapshots of their lives and houses etc but u just don't get the vastness of the place. It's massive. I actually think I might be a bit lost. I've been through where the hive are based and the main house and now I have no clue. I'm in the basement I think. The place is empty while Jared recuperating. He has them all up at the new compound. Doesn't like to be seen as anything other than their strong leader I guess.  I open what I think is the studio for a peep and nearly jump out my skin when Shannon pops round the corner. "hey you, it's Jasmine isn't it. It's cool to meet you properly I've heard so much about you. Is he sleeping." I just kinda zone out and he bursts out laughing. I hear a hysterical laugh from behind him. "hey bear, dude I think you broke her". It was tomo. I guess I was just staring cos they both waved their hands in front of me laughing.
"oh God I'm so sorry. I don't know if Jay, I mean Jared, said..... Ive always been into your music? "
" he did so chill out. "said Shannon." he also said u have a thing for drummers, something about their arms.... Hmmmmm"
I go crimson red and mutter as I turn and head back to the house. Well try to as I am still kinda lost. I find a door outside and thank God for the fresh air.  I lie out on a lounger and let it wash over me as I hear Shannon and Tomo come out. "hey I was just teasing. It really is great to meet you. You must be good at your job if you are managing to keep the workaholic asleep." Shannon says as he puts his arms out for a hug. I get up and hug him back. Then tomo too. "thanks it's amazing to meet you both too. As for Jared the pills are helping with the sleeping part. Also I kinda made the drummer dig up to him just to wind him up. He was getting cocky and needed put in his place." Shannon holds his chest as if wounded and pretends to swoon. "oh the shame" he says pretending. "here I thought I was the fave and its little brother all along. He really will be getting first class treatment. And I mean that cos your an awesome nurse. Nothing else implied. His gentle hazel eyes twinkle and I know he's sincere." Well Jasmine we have a function to go to so need to leave now, hopefully we will see you soon. " they left and I wandered back in through a door that led me to the kitchen. My stomach growled and I realised I hadn't bothered to eat. I found some fruit and a blender and made a smoothie that I took upstairs with me. I stuck my head in and Jared was still sleeping. The TV was already on in his room so I took the smoothie in there and sat on the couch for a break till he woke. I guess I must've nodded off for a while as I stir and open my eyes to a darkened room. I've also got a throw blanket over me which I never had before. I look up as my eyes adjust and see Jared on his laptop. " hey snoozy" he laughs and pats the bed beside him. I stretch my arms and get up and head over. I don't go to the bed and stand beside him instead. "Shannon said u met them this morning. Did u have a little fangirl moment there shortcake?"
I swat the covers "dont I'm mortified enough and now I have the cheek to nap in front of you."
"hey listen. You are pretty much on the go 24/7 for me if I should need you so please. If I nap u nap. I got shan to leave some food for us. U wanna grab the bags in the hall and come back in. I'm sore tired and hungry and I wanna watch a movie with you. Is that OK.?"
He gives me those big puppy dog eyes and I give in. I head out to get the bags which Shannon must've just left as the foods roasting hot. I take it back through and stand there not knowing where he wants it. "jump up kiddo and bring the food." he pats the bed again. I reluctantly do as he asks and join him. It's feels weird at first until we get chatting and eating and I relax in his company. The foods amazing. It's gorgeous Thai vegetables and noodles. I'm stuffed and put my leftovers in the tub. I sit back and swig my water. "God I miss Scottish water so much" I blurt out and he laughs. "u sounded soooooo Scottish then. Like I know u r and that but you kind of have a yanky twang but that there was awesome. I have to admit though the few times I've been there I have had it and it's so pure so I get what you mean." he steals my bottle that I've put down and finishes it. "Oi u, I was gonna drink that."
"sharing is caring nurse shortcake.... Be nice..... Anyway you wanna watch a movie. I've declared you are off the clock officially unless I desperately need your help and I wanna watch a film with you. It's more fun with company."
"em, Uh sure okay. What movie? "
" lets random it "he says. Pick a page number and a movie number". I play along and pick page six movie four. It's some thriller thing that will probably scare the bejeezus out of me but I don't give in and let him know. I just climb Up beside him and sit at the opposite side of the bed.
"Heeeeeey.......i don't bite..... Unless u ask me to. Come over here and scoot in. And bring the Popcorn. " I do as I am told and sit closer to him. He puts a blanket over us and starts the movie. As I say I'm not really into these films so I keep jumping and squealing. He chuckles and opens out his good arm for me to scoot in closer. I do so without hesitation and feel calmer immediately with his warmth and clean fresh scent. He wraps his arm around me and we both nodded off before the end of the film I think cos I waken up in the middle of the night with him stroking my hair softly. As he texts on his phone. He doesn't realise I'm awake so I watch him quietly. It's Shannon who's texting to tell him about the function and the networking they've done on his behalf. But then he asks him how it went tonight. With a cheeky wink emoji. Jared chuckles quietly and chooses to ignore him. The phone buzzes quietly again. Shannon digs deeper. Asking if I liked the movie choice. Weird but OK.. Jared answered something about good decision Bro to put on that one no matter what and thanked him for asking my friends if I got scared at thrillers or horrors. Cheeky bugger had planned it so I would need big brave Jared for comfort. Wait till I see him but then wait..... That meant he wanted me to snuggle in, but.... Oh God.... He's still stroking my hair and he sets his phone down and turns to look at me and catches me looking at him. "shit, busted" he whispers even though it's only us here. He pulls me a bit closer as he can't move. "is this OK. I don't want to complicate things or take any advantage but I really could do with a hug right now. You really calm me being here."
"of course its okay" I say shakily and wrap my arm over his waist trying to avoid his torso to keep off his ribs.  He settles immediately and I hear his steady breathing become quieter and shallower as he falls asleep.
This is do or die as he would sing so what the hell, life's too short. We will see what tomorrow brings.

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