From Discos To Diapers

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It's been exactly five days and three hours since we brought Gabriella back from the hospital. Things have been okay so far, the usual sleepless nights up and down for feeds etc. I have to say she is a great baby though. Most of the sleeplessness is because we just sit there staring at her, watching her breathe and dream. It's ridiculous. We should be getting an hour or two when we can and yet we can stop looking for at her. I'm sore down below and it's making me cranky. I'm still full of hormones and keep trying to tempt Jay to bed with me, but he's being  "Mr go by the book, Mr listen to the doctors" wanting me to heal properly so I'm really cranky. "oh jaaaaaaaaaay" I say as loudly as I can without waking gabi. "can you come here a minute please..... I need you". He shouts up to see where I am and what's up. I grab the baby monitor leaving gabi snoring peacefully and I move quickly to the ensuite, perching up on the vanity unit.  He rushes up thinking somethings wrong and literally stops in his tracks when he sees me. I've got on one of his cut out t shirts with the sides out and my black lacy boy shorts. I'm perched on the unit my back to the mirror and he's stuck in the doorway getting more flustered by the minute. "holy shit shortcake.... What are you trying to do to me. You know what the docs said. I don't wanna hurt you baby. But fuck when you look like that." I beckon him forward slowly and he complies.
"how can you look so good baby when you only gave birth five days ago. It's ridiculous" he says as he strokes his long fingers gently up the open sides of his top that I'm barely wearing. I shiver at his touch. "you know you want to really Jay hmm" I purr into his ear as I kiss down his neck and throat, nipping at his adams apple as I do so.
"fuck of course I do. But baby I can't hurt you..... I won't hurt you...... But goddamnnnn baby please....." I cut him off by wrapping my legs around his slim hips pulling him in close. Just feeling him hard against me has me on the edge already. I feel my back cold against the glass as I'm forced back with the strength of our kiss. The   intensity takes us both by surprise till we are gasping for breath, heads pressed against each other. "I don't wanna get hurt either baby but we both need this. You deserve this..." I say as I drop off the counter onto my knees before him. He's silent as I look up at him through my lashes, submissive to a point, yet direct and forceful as I pull his tracksuit bottoms down and grasp his length as best I can. He shudders, eyes closed as I lick slowly from the base to the tip, letting him slide deep into my throat. "holy fuck baby..... I'm not gonna last long if you keep this up" he whispers as his hands trail through my hair. He's lost in the moment as I bring him to the edge only to tip him right over as I let him cum hot and sweet down my throat. He's silent, gasping and pulls me up face in his hands, his blue orbs staring deep into my soul. "you astound me, you utterly amaze me and I dont know what I did to deserve you baby girl.
I smile, kiss him on the nose quickly and scoot out the bathroom. He's still coming off his high and not with it so it takes a minute before he realises I've disappeared totally.
"come out come out wherever you are  " he starts in the joker voice knowing full well what that does to me. I'm hiding in the walk in closet and see him checking around the bedroom. The anticipation is building and I swear he can probably hear my heartbeat from here. Next thing I know he's at the cupboard. Just standing, staring at the doors. His frame, his physique, how did I get this lucky. The doors are flung open and instead of just going at me he stands hands out gesturing me to come to him. He guides me out and lifts me with ease onto the master bed smoothing my hair from my face, love and emotion taking over from lust and energy. "Jay....." but he shooshes me......
He starts at the top of my head to the tips of my toes. Caressing, kissing, licking, sucking, biting. Basically worshipping me from head to toe. "I won't hurt you baby but I will love you. I will make you feel the way you do me and as soon as you are healed it's game on" he sniggers at the end knowing full well that I won't stand a chance and it will be hard and fast. But for now it's gentle and sensual and just fingers and lips and tongues and it's perfect. It's all I need to just reconnect with him. To make me feel like his and not just gabi's momma. The rest of the world disappears for a while and its bliss.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2018 ⏰

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