Pitter Patter

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Everyone in the Mars gang knows now although we have managed to avoid it leaking to the press and echelon so far. I'm passed the sicky stage now and embracing pregnancy full on. It feels utterly amazing. I get why folk say you are glowing. I just feel fantastic. I'm firing ahead with work, tours going great and Jared and I are basically inseparable. Hes become like a mother hen since I told him. Panicking constantly about me, am I OK, is baby OK, etc.... I've been for routine checks in each place we have stopped so far and everything is as it should be. We head back home on Sunday and I have an obgyn app and we will see the baby and hear the heart beat for the first proper time. The appointment is scheduled for before the clinic opens to try and minimise gossip. The money jays paying this doc for privacy its the least they can do.
This last gigs been a hectic one. Real hyped crowd which has just got the guys even more pumped. This of course has resulted in Shannon pushing himself and hurting his shoulder. It's jays solo section and him and tomo are off for a short rest.
"what did I tell you Shannon..... I warned you that could pop again. It's literally on the verge... Are you trying to hurt yourself." he's all fired up full of adrenaline and in a lot of pain so he doesn't take kindly to me moaning at him or lecturing him......
"whoah there momma leto junior..... Don't get all uppity with me". That flips a switch in me and I stand my ground. You don't mess with a scotswoman and defo not a hormonal one...... I stare him down before I launch my tirade full blast not caring who hears.....
"Shannon it's my job to try and keep you fit and stop you injuring yourself. Fine go out there, rip the muscle and end your career just so you've done your own thing... Huh......"..... I turn and storm off back stage leaving him with his mouth open in shock and tomo in stitches at him." she just put you right down bro" he laughs and goes to get his water. "wtf happened there. She was like a tasmanian devil on speed. Wow"
Emma strolls by laughing. "you've just never had anyone stand up to you numbskull.... She has a point though. One more serious tear and your done Shannon. Maybe you should listen to her hormones or not".
He huffs and sulks... "why do you all have to be right.. Fine where is nurse ratchett". "that's still your brother and boss's fiance man" tomo chuckles. "just how brave are you".
"fine I will see her later we have wasted too much time here. Emma strap me up till we can finish the show." Emma does as I've asked and we head back on stage. It's been a hell of a gig and I'm gonna pay for it later but I won't admit it to any of them for fear of another bout of psycho shortcake.
We have a long ass flight and a long bus ride and it's been a long few days. Everyones tired and cranky and keeping to themselves on the flight. So I don't get a chance to chat to jay or jasmine. I'm feeling bad about how I acted earlier and I make a point of trying to get her alone on the bus to apologise.
It's early morning when we land at LAX yet the paparazzi are still there just waiting. There's loads of them, all eager for pics of the newly announced couple. Jay's in Sargent major mode trying to make sure jasmine is protected. We are heading through to get our luggage and they are jostling all round us and one of them bumps jas causing her to stumble. She doesn't fall but she gets a fright and Shannon launches at the guy while tomo pulls Jared back. "Jay deal with jasmine get her the fuck out of here and we will get your bags. Just go dude".
Shannon launches at him screaming his head off. He almost lands a punch when stevie and jamie pull him off. "shan, he's not worth it she's okay dude let's go."
Security have arrived to escorts the paps out of the airport and Shannon sits down next to the carousel out of breath. "you OK bro" tomo asks, sitting on his honkers trying to get at eye level with him. Shannon grunts a reply and wipes a stray tear away. "not a fuckin word tomo" he whispers in relation to the crying. "it's just cos I'm angry and it's jasmine and I was so rude to her before and....."....... Hes rambling and tomo stops him. "dude I get it, it's cool"
"she is like my sister man, that's my neice or nephew in there. I feel like shit for being so rude to her before and I know Jay would've killed the guy, ripped his head off. I had to man I'm sorry". Tomo just gets him in a headlock and a few man hugs later they have all the luggage organised and head to the vans. Jared took jasmine home already and left Emma to organise more transport.
Shannon gets dropped off at the compound as he has renovations being done at his place. He sneaks in the side entrance to head to his room without bothering anyone. But jasmine has other ideas. She's waiting as he heads through the library. "hey shan bear. You ok". He stops dead and stares like a rabbit in the headlights.
"jasmine I'm so sorry.... I really never should have spoken to you like that and I've felt sick about it since. That's why when that guy nearly knocked you over I lost it. I could let anything happen to you or the baby. It's my brothers kid man, my neice or nephew. Plus your like my sister...... I'm so sorry. Can you forgive me please. I couldn't stand not being best buds with you and j"
I just pull him in and let him have his moment. There's just something heartbreaking about a big burly guy like Shannon getting upset. I've not seen him show that before today. His hugs are so comforting. You are literally wrapped up in those big drummer arms and it feels so safe. I love this man too, just in a platonic brotherly way compared to his little brother.
"Shannon, I love you too... You are my new big brother.... The uncle and God father hopefully to my firstborn child. My protector, my go to guy about Jay. I can't thank you enough for today and what you did for me and the bump, and for Jared. He could have ended up killing that pap so thank you from the bottom of my heart. Yes I was pissed off at you, but I shouldn't have shouted in front of everyone. I'm not copping out by blaming hormones but they do play a part in it.
How about a clean slate, huh. Friends, start fresh....... "
" sounds good to me...... Goodnight jasmine, goodnight bump "....... He says and I let him head to his room exhausted. Feeling all that tension dissappear I now realise I'm shattered too. So off to bed for a big day ahead......

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